P2PEP - Energy Trading Platform

in #blockchain6 years ago

P2PEP - Energy Trading Platform


P2PEP is a Peer To Peer Energy Protocol that has a reason to connect the sustainable power source makers with the general population who require it and in addition encourage the advancement of sustainable power sources later on. P2PEP offers an exchanging stage joined with the token utility that used to purchase and supply manual sun based vitality and other sustainable power source. Exchange do on Peer To Peer that make offering simple without the requirement for a mediator to wait longer. P2PEP associated with the undertaking that expects to address inexhaustible clean vitality arrangements in zones that have poor vitality framework however can possibly create clean sustainable power source.


The objective of Project P2PEP in made to alter sustainable power source with the goal that it doesn't depend on petroleum product vitality will be depleted and can not be refreshed. P2PEP will enhance the comfort and effectiveness of vitality use as completely as could reasonably be expected. The cost being used is likewise reasonable for all gatherings. It is an objective to get a perfect and sustainable power source keeping in mind the end goal to appreciate every one of the gatherings.

C2C and B2C – clean vitality Companies can specifically interface with their clients. This can be in the P2PEP stages utilize the customer to shopper or business to the way purchasers, can profit by abundance vitality supply.

Mind boggling and basic stage – the utilization of a simple and basic with the assistance of portable applications that give, you can purchase and offer clean vitality and make a benefit. P2PEP is a stage of blockchain decentralized utilize Gecko PEP as a methods for installment in the system PE2PEP.

Exchange is simple – clean vitality Trading stage P2PEP is simple and should be possible anyplace. Exchanging will be finished with an arrangement of Peer To Peer without a middle person more proficient time and cost.

The Features Of P2PEP

Youthful being used

The utilization of the P2PEP stage is anything but difficult to utilize. Amateurs can utilize it with a cell phone Application made by P2PEP. You can purchase and offer clean vitality effectively without a convoluted framework.

The Latest Technology

P2EP utilizes the most recent innovation to help the solace its clients. P2PEP utilize the stage Ethereum compose ERC223. Installment should be possible effectively to iohnsmith. eth, rather than utilizing the address ERC20 which is entangled as 0x3b0767B0e …

Utilize A Secure reconciliation

ECM is a standard Electronic Confirmation which is the standard set for the exchanging of vitality that will lessen operational hazard, the defer time of affirmation and the financing.

The Future Of Renewable Clean Energy Trade

A P2PEP stage will be the first for future clean vitality that will give comfort and effective innovation. Advancement trade vitality markets would be less expensive and then some.

Innovation Blockchain P2PEP blockchain Technology Platform which will help in recording exchanges more secure and straightforwardness. P2PEP consolidates the conventions Blockchain and REMIT Regulation.


P2PEP stage intended to encourage the association amongst business and clients all the more viably, accordingly giving the esteem positive t to the security of the market P2PEP.


P2PEP (Peer to Peer Energy Protocol) is out to offer a trading stage joined with an utility token to purchase/offer (trade) this oversupply of sun controlled or other sustainable power sources, which ought to be conceivable clearly distributed, purchaser to buyer sharp.

P2PEP is a Peer to Peer, b2c (business to clients ) and b2b (business to business) vitality convention, enabling people to exchange the PEP token cerebrum investigate for vitality sold by organizations and individuals on the framework.

In addition, the P2PEP trading stage tries to push for its allocation by ecologically well disposed power vitality associations that need to deal clearly with end clients. Using P2PEP, productive power vitality buyers and creators can evade the old, out of date dirtying vitality and trade naturally agreeable power vitality distributed as viably as getting a uber ride.

Another basic mission of P2PEP is to give back. That is the reason we will participate in wanders went for bringing clean vitality game plans in districts that have poor vitality establishment anyway a ton of opportunities to convey clean vitality.

Why P2PEP?

P2PEP intends to change, help accommodation, increment effectiveness and lower costs for all gatherings seeking to make the progress towards clean vitality.

Wasteful Energy Markets

Clean vitality makers experience serious difficulties exchanging their vitality supply simple and at a reasonable cost. Numerous purchasers need clean vitality, however don't need the issue of finding and introducing a framework.

An excessive amount of intensity for contaminating vitality cartels

The present vitality industry puts an absurd measure of levering power in the hands of the old petroleum product organizations and these organizations are the simple ones ruining the progress towards utilizing clean vitality.

Out of line adjusts

In excessively numerous spots individuals endure, because of terrible vitality framework, while there are a lot of chances to create clean vitality in those territories.

P2P Energy Trading

Through the P2PEP Platform, clean Energy would de be able to specifically exchanged distributed and all inclusive as simple as grabbing a uber ride.

C2C and B2C

The P2PEP stage can be utilized as a part of a purchaser to customer or business to buyer way, to trade out and out on vitality oversupply. It additionally facilitates Clean Energy Companies to specifically interface with their clients, helping them to sidestep the restricting, dirtying and obsolete vitality industry.

Complex yet Simple

P2PEP is a propelled arrangement in light of the blockchain innovation, PEP is an installment token for vitality exchanging over the P2PEP organize. Use is basic as all that is required is to download our versatile application and begin purchasing or offering clean vitality.

What is PEP CASH?

Get up and go CASH is the foundation of the P2PEP biological system, it is private blockchain devoted to encourage the P2PEP stage and will likewise fill in as a free, quick, and secure when dealing with different sorts of electronic money exchanges.

Get up and go CASH will be worked because of the general population's security. The objective is to give the upgraded levels of security we have looked for after for a long time permitting us significant serenity with regards to the protection of our advantages and our kids' prospects. Energy CASH will be worked with a few layers of cryptographically demonstrated protection highlights which will take into consideration improved levels of namelessness.

Zip CASH is a propelled arrangement with regards to fiscal exchanges both in digital currencies and fiat. Presenting fast transformation and 0% charges both while changing over from fiat to PEP CASH and from any cryptographic money to PEP CASH on our future P2PEP trade stage. Also, there are 096 charges when purchasing or offering vitality with PEP CASH.

How to utilize PEP tokens?

Start utilizing the P2PEP vitality exchanging stage and begin purchasing and offering clean vitality in a simple way more than ever! It is as straightforward as requesting a Uber ride or an Airbnb flat. You should simply download its DApp and begin exchanging sustainable power source. For vast scale sustainable power source makers, this is greatly engaging since there are a ton of clients on the system that are burnt out on the ecologically unpleasant vitality they are compelled to utilize today and are desiring for somebody to offer them environmentally friendly power vitality at a better than average cost. Organizations basically join to the stage, set their cost and begin pitching vitality to clients. Later on, its will endeavor to help and work with remote vitality new businesses.

Details of the token:

Marker Name: PEP

Price: 1 PEP = 0.01 USD

Total delivery: 1532,221,000

Type of the token: compatible with ERC20


Private sale: 10%

Pre-sale information: 10%

Sale goods: 20%

Future sales: 10%

Reserves: 30%

Team: 9%

Community: 5%

Help: 6%

Bounty: 5%


Phase 1: Concept Phase (Q1 2018) [Completed]

Phase 2: Crowdsourcing (Q2 2018)

Phase 3: Launch and Development (Q3 2018)

Phase 4: Pilot testing and PEP CASH Launch (Q4 2018)

Phase 5: DAPP Release and P2PEP Eco-System Launch (Q1 2019)

Phase 6: Geo and Volume Expansion (Q2 2019)

Phase 7: Implementing new ways of energy distribution (Q3 & Q4 2019)

To join and buy token P2PEP you can visit the link below:


For more information, please visit:

Website: https://p2pep.com/pep/

Whitepaper: https://p2pep.com/pep/#whitepaper

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4427100.0

Telegram: https://t.me/P2PEP_Official

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/P2P-Energy-Protocol-173278383501597/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/P2PEP_Official

Medium: https://medium.com/@p2ppep

Bounty Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4435456.0

Author TheJohnMatch


Eth Address:0x2202BcCe2EE3c8B2C34Db7E9Bb38eB7dF3D619Ed

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