Decentralizing AI...Shows The Power Of Blockchain And Cryptocurrency

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting a lot of press of late. It seems that many are taking a strong position on this. There are the AI creators who claim there is nothing to fear while opponents say we are creating a Skynet situation. That debate is going to rage on until we arrive at the point of singularity so no use discussing it here.

What is of concern is that idea that advanced intelligence ends up in the hands of a few. The same culprits who are involved in a lot of the digital manipulation we are seeing are also at the forefront of the AI race. We see names like Google, Facebook, and Amazon surging ahead. Can you imagine if these were the entities that were able to achieve it? Basically, they could carve up the world for themselves.

Fortunately, we have blockchain to prevent that.

Cryptocurrency is the first global application on blockchain. I often mention how it is just the first of what will be many. Just like someone using email in 1993 could not envision social media, the same holds true for people looking at blockchain. Most who are involved in cryptocurrency today cannot grasp some of the applications we will be using in the future.

Did you ever consider the idea that AI would be a global application brought to the masses? That is correct. AI is going to be an application that people use just like email. It will be universally available while coming in many different flavors. People will utilize the technology for whatever they need, with each application offering different uses. Think of it as a more advanced form of cryptocurrency.

Please note, nothing I am writing here is advocating any type of financial investment or purchase.

Did you ever hear of SingularityNet?

This is the world's first decentralized AI network that allows anyone to create, share, and monetize AI. It is a blockchain for developers of AI to post their content on and get reward. Think of it as STEEM but for AI.

They held an ICO to bring out the Singularity token (AGI) and raise funds. This gives them capitalization to move their project forward and provide resources to develop open AI programs. Part of that is developing protocols and standards to follow.

Today, we saw the launch of Decentralized AI Alliance (DAIA).

In creating the new industry alliance, the teams hope to “provide a medium for member organizations to coordinate regarding standards, protocols, interfaces and other technical matters,” and provide guidance and other resources to emerging AI blockchain projects. Essentially, the aim is to create a centralized, open source authority for AI blockchain initiatives.

This is a big step. While forming this, $100M was pledged to support 50 projects to the tune of $2M each. This is half the number of projects that the Alliance plans to fund over the next two years.

The goal is to join AI and blockchain technologies in a way that is out of the hands of the big players. Instead, a more democratically controlled system is being established.

In a statement, Dr. Ben Goertzel, head of SingularityNET, said, “Today we face an AI oligopoly, where data and frameworks are largely owned by a handful of corporations. With DAIA, we aim to leverage blockchain and related technologies to create a democratically-governed AI community that will benefit the broader society, rather than a few powerful companies.”

Blockchain allows transparency to be applied to Artificial Intelligence. It also spreads it out across a broad scale. This is of great benefit to humanity since entities such as Facebook and Google proved themselves untrustworthy with the fate of humanity in their hands. We know they cannot even be trusted with people's data let alone the future of the human race.

The financial advantage these entities have is enormous. However, that does not mean that everyone else is done. Cryptocurrency enables anyone to create money. The SingularityNet received $150M in pre-ico commitments. That is a lot of change for one project. As we are seeing here on STEEM, the creative ways of funding are just getting started. Applying this to the AI field will only further hurt the big institutions which rely on their financial strength as their main advantage.

Another aspect few people concentrate upon is the idea of decentralization. Since it is basically in its infancy, we do not really see the impact of it. We are nearing the age of amazing innovation and a great deal of that will be due to decentralization. Like money, centralized silos put the technological advancements in the hands of a few. The problem with this is, like the financial system, it is full of friction. Corporation policies, structures, and limitations of personnel make for an inefficient system.

This is not the case with decentralization. The power of the masses is unleashed. Anyone with any AI know-how is now able to openly post his or her projects. There are no limitation or anyone running the show. The amount of R&D is practically unlimited.

Finally, by placing all this on the blockchain, people have a way to monetize their developments. Tokens enable those using the AI to reward the AI developers for their work. At some point, a small farmer will be able to take his STEEM and convert it to AGI to gain access to AI to run his coffee fields. This improves the output of the coffee fields while giving the AI developer compensation for the work created.

Now multiply this across hundreds of thousands of applications that millions of people are using on a regular basis.

This is the power that is before us.

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AGI baby!

I think the singularity is a fantasy. It's like when a kid thinks he can make a perpetual motion machine. There's always going to be a little friction somewhere to make that impossible.

That said I do believe in exponential growth so I just think it will take a bit longer than some people do. Expecting world-wide change overnight seems a bit overzealous.

I've got a friend that wants to teach AI how to read. I always joke with him that Skynet will let him live.

Yes I agree with you that currently AI is just talks and the world doesn't need more Intellect. Since that will divide things even more. Surely abundance will keep rise and it can probably do some cool things. But it won't give humans happiness. AI is fun and entertaining for sure. But there is more Intelligence in the air around us humans than in our Brain. And a computer can never process that. Since it will just discover more problems.

Pretty much what I'm thinking. The best part about steemit for me is meeting genuinely intelligent people like you.

That is so true!

The cutting edge of the great change in power!! Good Rising!! Glorious!! Harmonious! Peaceful and unstoppable 🌹🌹🌹

You're a forward thinker Task! I share & appreciate your positive outlook.

That's right, the era of decentralization has arrived. little by little rivals are forming for Google and facebook and all those monsters.

The blockchain era has arrived. eEery day we see new companies incurring in the world of cryptocurrencies.

singularity's model is quite confusing. it is suggesting that individuals will contribute AI services which in turn will be used as a paid up model. but this means that singularity is going to build their own blockchain instead of running on ethereum as it is doing right now. you see such a community will be useful only if there AI companies that consume these services and offer them in turn to customers or consumers. so singularity wants to be a AI network which will help run businesses.

what this accomplishes is that now AI services will be in the hands of Singularity rather than Google or Facebook, right?

the reason bigger companies are adopting AI is because they already have the consumer install base and they need AI to service them (or make more money if you prefer that reasoning).

So SIngularity needs companies who already have an install base of consumers to run on them so that their AI services are profitable. this essentially means companies who have consumers already but dont want to give them up to a google or facebook or amazon. seems like a long ride to me.

the ordinary consumer does not care whether he is served by AI or not. that is really the company's decision.

i think you are already seeing the problem with steemit. consumers and creators are the same and that is a problem. there is no great incentive for one creator to reward another except for altruism or quid pro quo.

transpose this to AI services and the divide becomes more wider.

Last week I started watching a series about AI, it´s called "HUMANS". I have to admit that it is disturbing me some simple parts, and obviously I'm always trying to understand if that was possible to happen in real life.

AI is the future I think we all realise and understand that, but, as you said, the problem will be if the AI technology is controlled by the same companies who already controls us.

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