Quantum computer arms race and why it matters to the blockchain crypto community

in #blockchain7 years ago

The world of the blockchain will likely become dependent on the speed and privacy capabilities of the emerging Quantum computer arms race. The I blockchains will evolve the internet.. the internet of today disappears tomorrow.
The decentralized community had better get up to speed if it wants its ideas included.. or the next wave of big corporations will own you.

I would be lying to say that I've been fascinated if not engrossed by the Quantum physics world. Two nights ago I was fortunate to be sitting next to a UBC quantum
Annealing programmer. We had a great conversation and I was brought up a little more on the Quantum Annealing process. He's of the opinion it doesn't matter what Quantum computers you will be using in the end because of the nature of the process Annealing will be required. This seems to go counter to general claims by it seems everyone that they will create systems that won't need to operate like Dwave. This is significant as multiple Quantum computing systems are emerging.
A 51cubit monster just emerged from a Harvard collaboration while Google is claiming they will have the biggest and baddest by next year. I'm going to go out on a limb and say.. I doubt google will be able to match what's already happening. They can buy their position in the race and there are fancy race cars that will be pricey.
IBM is about to create a Quantum cloud anyone can buy into.. IBM has history and are early pioneers..as I once read long ago how they were using liquid solutions much like the Microsoft DNA style programming.. except it seems like the 90s or early 2000s when IBM was doing this.. way to far ahead then. The Qudits photonics system that just emerged out of Quebec is very intruiging. Now begins the Quantum arms race.
Rigetti computers is one of the new kids on the block. My guess is this is one to watch.. I think if you see a buyout happen they will be one of the first to go with hungry behemoths not wanting to be decimated. Actually I'll go out on a limb again.. and say expect a buyout imminently. If they really have the goods and it's scalable as they claim.. then someone could build out what they want. Let's say like Google..but then there's Apple and Amazon and the almost counterculture like
Bitcoin blockchain decentralization movement. The blockchain needs quantum abilities as it speeds up
And becomes the new internet. We are in Transformative times.
Now for what I started writing before I went off on a tangent about quantum computers :)

Intriguing as I just read two articles about this oscillating effect. The first article spoke of a backflow effect where a quantum particle could be moving backwards against momentum. That Newtons Law goes out the window is rather deafening.
There is something simple and classical in nature yet someone will have to step back and review these observations because the next big breakthrough in physics
Is bound to happen. Or maybe there will be many smaller quantum breakthroughs.. that get smaller and smaller..through annealing.

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