I'm going to make another bold prediction! By 2023, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology will have reached schools and being taught as part of a revolutionised Education System.!!

in #blockchain6 years ago

#Blockchain Technology in schools

Blockchain in Schools.jpg

I'm going to make another bold prediction

I'm going to make another bold prediction..!!

By 2023, #Cryptocurrency, #Blockchain and #DistributedLedger Technology will have reached schools and being taught as part of a revolutionised Education System.!!

Make absolutely No Mistake, #Blockchain Technology is Internet 3.0 ..!!

Thanks for reading.



I strongly disagree.

Computers are barely being taught in govern-cement schools today. The teachers are generations behind what is cutting edge. And thus, they will not teach something that is at least two steps above their pay grade.

Further, govern-cement schools specifically avoid teaching what is necessary to know.

Instead of teaching calculus, they should be teaching accounting/bookkeeping. They should be teaching financial literacy. But, even though this is ancient knowledge, and their are people pushing for this curriculum (Robert Kiyosaki) very little inroads have been made.

Thus, we have teachers who don't understand computers, and even if they do, they do not understand databases or accounting. So, even if they wanted to, they couldn't teach blockchain.

All they can do is say blockchain is a magical thing that runs magically everywhere on the world.

But, the govern-cements do not want this information taught to children. So they will do their best to make sure no one learns about it. Usually by telling the teachers to teach that the blockchain is run by unicorns who run around the world delivering people money.

Thank you for your contribution to the Blog.

It is always good to see two sides with differing opinions.

Personally, I see the Education System being totally revolutionised and one that will see teaching migrate on to the #Blockchain.

In the future, I strongly believe that we will see a fully Decentralised Education System and something unlike anything seen before.

Thanks again for the contribution.


Oh yes, i agree.

Govern-cement schools' days are numbered.

It is also why i made sure to specifically state "govern-cement school" wouldn't be teaching block-chain.
I doubt the new teaching structures emerging will even be called schools.

(oh, and to make something clear, the last line above was referring to how govern-cement schools are currently teaching science. The "settled" science is relying on unicorn particles.)

I doubt the new teaching structures emerging will even be called schools.

Nailed it..!!


Block chain in school is good idea.

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