Are Cryptocurrencies set to replace the more traditional Share Certificates & Stock Equities that underpin the current Global Capital Markets in the future? ....100% without any shadow of doubt..!!

in #blockchain7 years ago



Regular readers of my Blog will know that I am constantly scanning the newswires looking for good quality articles covering: Technology, Blockchain, Bitcoin, Steemit, Investments, to name but just a few.


For me, I strongly believe that STEEMIT is all about sharing; Quality, Creative, and Informative Information, at it is this that will ultimately create value within the Community and STEEM.

Unlike existing Social Media Sites that predominately share and distribute; Meaningless, Worthless and Mind Numbing Information, it will be STEEMIT that ultimately will become the first choice to go to for Quality Social Media Content.

Earlier on I was scanning my news feeds for such information and came across this great piece on Coindesk that was published earlier that I thought I would like to share with you.

Credit to Coindesk for the content in the article.



It was the closing statement of the article that sums up exactly where we are today that I wanted to reiterate and share with you.


To finish of the Blog I wanted to present 3 very simple questions, and the answers that I strongly believe are correct.

Question 1

Regarding the Global adoption of Blockchain Technology, just exactly where are we today in the process? ....we are right at the beginning..!!

Question 2

Is Blockchain Technology really going to be the future and the Beating Heart of the next Generation of the Internet? ....YES, 100% without any shadow of doubt..!!

Question 3

Are Cryptocurrencies set to replace the more traditional Share Certificates and Stock Equities that underpin the current Global Capital Markets in the future? ....YES, 100% without any shadow of doubt..!!

Thanks again for reading.



Interesting to read the third question "Are Cryptocurrencies set to replace the more traditional Share Certificates and Stock Equities that underpin the current Global Capital Markets in the future?"

Well, I believe the Equibit project is set to do exactly that, I invested into their ICO in January this year, and really looking forward to them releasing their platform around July this year. There are probably also other projects in this space who will also help to disrupt this industry.

Shared on twitter. Stephen

The blockchain technology is going to change so many things. Small business owners world wide are already using crypto-currencies and blockchain to source capital loan. Starts up are using it to get funds for their projects. Soon this trend will take over and traditional methods will fade out.

"Soon this trend will take over and traditional methods will fade out."

"Soon this trend will take over and traditional methods will fade out."

"Soon this trend will take over and traditional methods will fade out."

Somethings are that well said, that they are worth repeating..!! NAILED IT..!! Stephen

Somethings are that well said, that they are worth repeating..!! NAILED IT..!! Stephen

Thanks Stephen. Keep up with the good posts.

Good Questions , Correct Answer.
Thanks for Sharing.

(Banks may soon issue cryptocurrency that is based off on their own private blockchain and hold currency values like how banks from different countries hold each others, similar to how US banks hold Naira in Nigeria to maintain the exchange rate.)

The Fourth Question:
Will cryptocurrencies replace fiat money in the future ?
I do not know to answer but :
I believe Bitcoin shall remain the currency that people use for long term investments like stock
I think that the age for trading value through fiat currencies is over. The next generation must and will employ blockchains.

the bitcoin certificate or bitcoin treasury bonds will look like this



I couldn't agree more. Thanks for sharing. Stephen

Great piece! I hope to see the derivatives market buried by the crypto market.
I for one am incredibly excited about the breather cryptocurrencies across the board have been taking the past 24 hours. Great time to buy more! Great for those who are just starting to acknowledge the blockchain and get on board!
It's only the beginning! ;)

Question 3 - I am not sure.... it will more come that model shapeshift`s new exchange is offering. To pack the digital assets into some portfolio what is a smart contract. So you have the power of the trustless exchange & zero counterparty risk. Thats somehow my thinking on that topic - when whitelabel that it is the future for stocks they have the ultimate cash-cow. Thats why I find that new tech they invented so hardcore.

I wouldn't bank on it. Let's face it, Stock Certificates and Stock Equities were what your Granny used to buy..!! Thanks for the support anyway always great to hear both sides. Stephen

Do you not thinks the SEC is planning the ultimate shutdown at some day of ICOs (what are mostly anyway a scam)? In fact each large company has to go after the real-world legal framework.... what is absolute not fitting in that ICO case (nd there is the huge money moved).

Shared on LinkedIn. Stephen

Thanks @stephenkendal
I agree 100%.
Soon we will have a #Panama #promopty Flyer
Lets #Steemit to continue to make this participation and people #cryptocurrency with real social media content grow

well, all of them are fiat money or better said, currency. Cryptocurrencies are not backed with silver or gold. If I will be able to exchange any cryptocurrency for gold or silver, than something will change


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