Internet Giants’ Moves in Blockchain

in #blockchain5 years ago (edited)


During the decade of blockchain development, someone said that blockchain could subvert internet, while others said it was a self-amusement of speculators.

Interestingly, some internet giants have made the layout on blockchain quietly.

Internet is the first opportunity they have won. Will the blockchain be the second one?



1 Develop distributed electronic ledgers

It is reported that Google is currently developing a distributed electronic ledger based on blockchain technology.

The unique “distributed ledger” in blockchain technology is a significant advantage that distinguishes it from other internet technologies.

Google’s original intention of developing a “distributed electronic ledger” is to support the development of its cloud business and to ensure the security of user data storage.

At present, Google has begun to acquire and invest in some internet companies engaged in distributed electronic ledger.

2 Create a “cloud operation platform”

Google intends to build an independent application based on blockchain technology to create a traceable ledger on the chain.

According to reports, this independent blockchain project is a “cloud operating platform.” The spokesman said:

“Blockchain technology is the same as other new technologies. Our team is exploring the potential uses of blockchain, but for us, predicting any possible use or discussing the use of the technology is still premature.”

3 Build a transparent and open audit platform

Google’s Alphabet Group currently plans to build a transparent and open audit platform by using blockchain technology.

Recently, a patent application published by Google stated:

Google will use blockchain technology to update auditing information for global data and create a “tamper-proof” log to verify that data information stored on the “chain” will not be altered.

The document also describes two blockchain projects that Google is about to apply for: one is the “target blockchain” with the “first signature” and the other is a verification tool that stores digital signatures built in a separate “chain structure.”

4 Start the “cloud computing” blockchain technology development work

Google is also vigorously researching the development of its “cloud computing business” based on blockchain technology.

At present, many companies have begun to establish themselves in the blockchain field, using “distributed ledgers”, “cloud computing”, “asymmetric encryption technology” to enhance data security of user, and Google is the leader in this aspect.

5 Plan to provide blockchain services

Google’s cloud computing department is already preparing to offer its current blockchain services to its customers.

Specifically, the “blockchain service” is a cutting-edge blockchain experience that brings to the user, and it can handle a large amount of assets and transactions that store data.



Recently, the New York Times reported that Facebook, Telegrapm and Signal plan to launch their own cryptocurrency next year to help users achieve transnational transfers.

Among them, Facebook’s project is the most promising and has been under development in secret.

The tokens that Facebook is about to issue are likely to be stable coins linked to legal tender in three different countries, rather than a single currency.

The “Stable Coins” plan of Facebook provides a direction for the application of blockchain technology.

Facebook connects its three apps — WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram,  and the integration process will last for a year.

Due to the huge user base of these three programs, users of the cryptocurrencies may reach 2.7 billion in the future.

With Facebook’s cryptocurrency, users of WhatsApp and Facebook’s own platform will be able to instantly transfer money between friends and family.



In 2016, Amazon’s AWS announced that it will begin working with blockchain startups to provide professional technical support and infrastructure to corporate customers.

At the beginning of 2018, Amazon’s application in the blockchain field was further accelerated.

AWS introduces the “AWS Blockchain Template” business, which provides a way to quickly create and deploy a secure blockchain network using an open source structure.

In addition, Amazon provides detailed instructions for setting up an Ethereum template that supports mining.

On the other hand, the blockchain will be an inevitable choice for Amazon to solve the e-commerce dilemma.

This blockchain template can help Amazon anti-counterfeit in the near future, while optimizing Amazon’s payment processes and logistics services.

In addition, personalized consumer experiences can also be realized through blockchain technology to further enhance user experience.

There is no doubt that for Amazon, entering the blockchain arena is more than just an opportunity but a necessity.

With Amazon’s technological superiority and Bezos’ superior commercial nose, blockchain is of paramount importance to the future of Amazon, and Amazon is bound to participate in this area.



In July 2017, Ant Financial applies blockchain technology to the Alipay Love Donation Platform.

In October 2016, Alibaba cooperated with Microsoft, Antshares and Fa Dada to develop the “Fa Chain”.

In March 2017, Alibaba partnered with Australia Post, health products company Blackmores and PricewaterhouseCoopers to trace food origin using blockchain technology.

In August 2017, Ali Health and Changzhou government of Jiangsu Province jointly launched the pilot project of “Medical Alliance + Blockchain”.

In October 2017, Ant Financial revealed its “BASIC” strategy with B representing blockchain.

In November 2017, Alibaba and Ant Financial announced the construction of a digital Xiong’an blockchain implementation platform.

In January 2018, Ant Blockchain, the Xiong’an blockchain rental application platform, was launched.

In February 2018, Rookie Inn and Tmall Global enabled blockchain to track the full-chain logistics information of imported goods.

In July 2018, AlipayHK (Hong Kong version of Alipay) launched e-wallet cross-border remittance service based on blockchain.

In August 2018, Alibaba Cloud Computing launched an enterprise-level blockchain service supporting one-click rapid deployment of blockchain environment to build blockchain applications across enterprises and regions, which will be applicable to the areas such as commodity traceability, supply chain finance, data asset trading, digital content copyright protection, etc.



In May 2016, Financial Blockchain Cooperation Alliance (Shenzhen) was established.

In June 2016, WeBank developed consortium blockchain cloud service BaaS.

In September 2016, WeBank and Shanghai Huarui Bank announced the launch of the blockchain-based inter-bank loan liquidation platform.

In January 2017, Tencent WeGold was officially launched.

In April 2017, the Tencent Blockchain Solution White Paper was released and the Trusted Blockchain project was launched.

In June 2017, Tencent and Bank of China jointly established the “Bank of China — Tencent Financial Technology Joint Lab”.

In August 2017, Tencent announced its own blockchain platform TrustSQL.

In September 2017, Tencent and Intel reached a cooperation on blockchain identity authentication.

In October 2017, Tencent joined the Canadian Blockchain Research Institute.

In November 2017, QCloud released the blockchain financial solution BaaS.

In December 2017, at the strategic cooperation conference of Tencent, Youbei and Huaxia Bank, the supply-chain financial service platform “Xingbeiyun Chain” was released.

In January 2018, Tencent registered the “Yitaisuo” trademark.

In March 2018, Tencent signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing.

In April 2018, Tencent Blockchain released the first blockchain game — — “Catch the Monster.”

In May 2018, at the 2018 China “Internet +” Digital Economy Summit, Tencent said it was considering the cooperation with hospitals to make digital prescriptions by blockchain.

In June 2018, Tencent launched its mini apps “Financial Risk Inquiry and Report Center” in its microblog, which mainly focuses on MLM scams.



In May 2017, Baidu Finance and its partners including Billions Leasing and Huaneng Trust, jointly issued the ABS project that first supported by blockchain technology in China.

In September 2017, “Baidu-Chang’an Xinsheng-Tianfeng 2017 First Phase Asset Support Plan” was launched.

In October 2017, Baidu Finance officially joined the open source project Hyperledger.

In January 2018, Baidu launched the open blockchain platform BaaS, which mainly helps enterprise alliances to build their own blockchain network platform.

In February 2018, Baidu launched “Baidu Leitz Dog”

In April 2018, Baidu released the image copyright confirmation application “Baidu Totem”, which uses blockchain technology to generate copyright DNA for original images realizing traceability of original works.

In April 2018, Baidu, Softbank Ventures Korea and former senior executive of LINE jointly launched a centralized social network protocol — TTC Protocol.

In June 2018, Baidu launched a blockchain product “Duyuzhou”, which has many fashionable elements such as “blockchain game”, “uniqueness”, “interstellar”, “decrypt the unknown” and so on.



In May 2016, JD Finance joined the “Financial Blockchain Cooperation Alliance”.

In June 2017, JD Group announced the establishment of “JD Quality Tracing and Anti-Counterfeiting Alliance”.

In December 2017, JD established the first Blockchain Food Safety Alliance in China.

In February 2018, JD Logistics officially joined the Blockchain in Transport Alliance.

In March 2018, JD released the JD Blockchain Technology Practice White Paper (March 2018).

In April 2018, JD revealed that it was building a cross-border e-commerce platform traceable with blockchain technology.

In May 2018, JD launched its mini blockchain app “Hishop”.

In June 2017, JD Baitiao ABS established Consortium Blockchain for the upgrade of blockchain infrastructure.

In June 2018, JD Cloud and Huobi reached strategic cooperation on the research and development of blockchain infrastructure and applications.

In July 2018, JD’s mini app “Zhizhen life” was officially launched in WeChat.



In May 2016, Huawei joined the Financial Blockchain Cooperation Alliance to explore the consortium blockchain that is designed to serve financial institutions.

In August 2016, Huawei submitted a patented invention that uses blockchain technology to support the verification function of P2P content distribution network, aiming at protecting digital intellectual property.

In October 2016, Huawei joined the Hyperledger Blockchain Alliance.

In February 2018, Huawei Cloud released the blockchain service BCS.

In March 2018, Huawei announced that it will build an open blockchain platform.

In fact, many people believe that the internet giant’s entry into the blockchain is a good thing for the development of blockchain technology.

On the one hand, their valuable experience in the internet industry allows them to better understand, discover, and create demand, and provide better ideas for the application and landing of blockchain technology in real life;

On the other hand, the powerful capital behind the “giants” gives them more confidence and ability to turn their ideas into reality and present them better.

More directly, the entry of the internet giants with the label of “successful man” into the blockchain has undoubtedly given a lot of confidence to many participants in the blockchain industry who are waiting to see or work hard for a long time.

But now this era is not the era when the internet emerged 20 years ago. The complex and volatile situation faced by the blockchain determines that the development of the blockchain is not the same as the internet.

What can they bring to the blockchain? We don’t know.

But with regard to the blockchain, many people are already ready to go. If you have missed internet, will you still miss blockchain?


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