FarmaTrust: Saving lives through Blockchain, AI and Advanced Data Analysis

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


Imagine this scenario. A man somewhere in New York is clinging to his life; the drugs he needs to survive are gotten and he takes them. After a few days he loses his life, and it is discovered that the drugs he took were counterfeits.

His family begins to blame the company on the packet of the drug, ignoring the fact that it was made by a company or individuals that do not value human lives.

This is a scenario that plays out all over the world, and up to one million people lose their lives annually, as a result of fake drugs.

The scourge of fake drugs is the battle FarmaTrust has decided to take head on, and FarmaTrust is looking to reduce the occurrence of scenarios like this.

According to their whitepaper (v. 2.0),

FarmaTrust is developing a fast, scalable, and secure Blockchain solution that automates end-to-end tracking of medicinal products, throughout the pharmaceutical supply chain.
By harnessing the growing efficiency
of big data, machine learning, Blockchain technology and intelligent workflow processing, FarmaTrust both
accurately and securely records data relating to serialised packages as they pass through each point in the
supply chain lifecycle, in accordance with track and trace regulatory requirements.

FarmaTrust is striving to save lives all over the world, seeing fake drugs know no race, creed, or religion. It is an issue that affects everyone around the world.


They have put in place a system, whereby the authenticity of drugs can be verified via the FarmaTrust app, to give an additional layer of security. End users and everyone involved in the supply chain have that extra confidence, as well as rest of mind. They also make use of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis to achieve this.


Being built on the Blockchain also offers security and flexibility, in case the need to scale up arises.

As is to be expected, a token is used for transactions on the platform. FarmaTrust makes use of FarmaTrust Tokens (FTT) and ZOI Tokens. ZOI tokens are the currency on the ZOI ecosystem, and FTT’s can be exchanged for ZOI Tokens.


FTT’s can also be traded publicly.


The FarmaTrust Team is made up of exceptional individuals, that have proven themselves in different fields and sectors.

Individuals such as Lord Anthony St. John of Bletso (chairman), Raja Sharif (CEO & Founder), Peter Bryant (COO), Shahnawaz Aziz and Alan Palmer are part of the team.

Summary of who FarmaTrust is.


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