Seele - Blockchain 4.0 in action

in #blockchain6 years ago


The evolution of the blockchain continues its March. Bitcoin gave us the Blockchain 1.0 era, followed by Ethereum, which brought Blockchain 2.0 with it. At the moment, the era of Blockchain 3.0 with such projects as EOS and Cosmos dominates the cryptocurrency market. Despite the rapid development, there are still many critical problems in the digital currency segment that need to be addressed. For example, the limited scalability, complexity, cross-blockchain transaction, etc. All of this significantly hampers the development of technology, not allowing them to enter the masses.

Seele developers claim that they will give the world a completely new round in the development of blockchain technologies-Blockchain 4.0.

The problems addressed by the project Seele

Existing blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum have one significant drawback – as the number of nodes increases, the speed of reaching consensus in the network decreases. This in turn slows down transactions and generally has a negative impact on network performance. The Seele project, through the use of a special neural consensus algorithm, aims to address this shortcoming.


In addition, the project developers have the following tasks:

  • Provide a simple mechanism for integrating blockchain technology into the business.
  • To create a tool for the exchange of transactions between different blockchains.
  • Provide a higher degree of security for applications and various blockchain products.

Thus, Seele will solve all the current problems that are particularly acute in the blockchain industry.

What is Seele?


The basis of the platform Seele will be our Protocol of neural Neural consensus Consensus. Its main feature is the inverse relationship between the number of nodes and the speed of consensus – the more of them, the higher the performance. Such a solution allows to make the blockchain as scalable as possible, ensuring its normal functioning even in the largest systems.

In addition, the platform will use a multi - layer multi-blockchain ecosystem. The essence of it is that each business will apply its own separate blockchain connected to others. Such a structure would ensure the isolation and security of resources.


The Advantages Of Seele

The main advantages of this project are in the technical implementation. The first thing that is important to note is safety. The neural Protocol is consensus, in contrast to most other protocols simultaneously processes all the nodes in the network. This means that attackers will not be able to monopolize the network if they do not take control of more than half of all nodes.

The algorithm continues to process nodes until it has worked out the whole fraction, which is not less than half of all nodes in the network. Accordingly, the attack on Seele will simply be impractical in terms of the end result – the resources spent and the funds will be so large that they will not be able to cover the profit received by the scammers.

In addition, the neural algorithm itself can provide better network performance. According to the developers themselves, their Protocol will be able to increase the capacity by 33-40%, compared with the use of the consensus mechanism of the Byzantine generals.


ICO and the Seele token

SEELE tokens will function within the framework of the platform. They are built on the Ethereum blockchain and comply with the ERC-20 standard. The total issue of coins will be 1,000,000,000, and you can buy them on Token Sale for Ethereum. Mining in Seele network is not provided. The coins will be used to pay commissions as well as pay rewards for the nodes that participate in maintaining the network health.

Date of licensee has not yet been announced. It is known that in the framework of the pre-sale, the company managed to raise 10 000 000$.


The project is so global that sometimes the question arises: is it real at all? The developers themselves put Seele above all other blockchains and confirm this technically. The launch of the public network is scheduled for the 4th quarter of 2018.


If everything is implemented in accordance with the promises, Seele will become a new stage in the development of the blockchain industry and will give users a new degree of freedom.

In theory, Seele is an excellent investment object, but how it will manifest itself in practice — it is impossible to say for sure.

All additional information about the Seele project can be found in the official sources:




Great review of the project, thanks to the author!

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More and more often I hear about this project. I think the idea of developers will grow into something more!

Is Seele really become bloccano 4.0? I will watch the project with great interest!

Good project! I think to take part in the ico

The project really has great prospects and global plans, it remains to wish success in implementation!

There is no limit to perfection! Seele makes a new step in the development of the blockchain

Not so easy to understand the first time the essence of the technology, perhaps you need to read the technical documentation

Very interesting project, I will follow the news. Thanks for the information!

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