CANLEAD – Decentralised Opportunity Sharing Platform!

in #blockchain5 years ago

With the advent of high technology and other machinery in our lives, many professions have left the labor market forever. It happened all because of the fact that many professions have simply become less in demand, and many of them are not needed at all. Undoubtedly, for many people, this trend is extremely negative, as the kind of profession that they have identified for themselves as a matter of their lives, now does not represent any further prospects.

Regardless of the fact that from year to year, many types of employment disappear, people, even with more popular professions still have difficulties in finding employment. In most cases, this is due to a large number of different factors. This can be easily attributed to the high competitive demand for a particular profession, or Vice versa to meet the lack of a number of specialists in a narrow field of activity. Thus, we see that the labor market is ambiguous and to somehow structure it, auxiliary resources are needed, thanks to which people will be able to structure this issue to a large extent and find exactly what they need for a long time.

About the Project and its features

The project, a concept that intends to bring to the world of employment more transparent and clearer the rhythm, as it's called – Canlead. If we consider Canlead from a more practical point of view, this project is a coherent ecosystem, developed on a decentralized basis, where absolutely every operation, action and moment is recorded in a transparent block of chains, the Ledger. The main functions of which are aimed at more direct contact of specialists with their potential employers, excluding intermediaries and other third parties. This in turn eliminates any biased relationship between the candidate and the potential employer, and also allows you to reduce the time of interviews tenfold.

After all, all of us have at least once faced those routine interview processes when we had to wait too long while being considered by an organization. Canlead allows You to complete some sort of questionnaire as part of its ecosystem, reinforcing at the same time, its special intellectual contract. Which in turn opens up incredible opportunities for you to communicate with various entrepreneurs, businessmen and other users of the network. Moreover, you have a unique chance to invite your friends here and at the expense of the referral program, to receive rewards for their successful implementation in Canlead.


One and perhaps the main advantage of the structure Canlead, is the fact that at this point in time in the world still does not exist such analogues or other similar structures that allow to disclose such opportunities to its audience. The second important advantage can be considered a decentralized structure of all internal operations, with which users can save large sums for all kinds of transactions, as well as to eliminate some geographical barrier. The third advantage Canlead you can consider it licenzirovanie the basis through which the participants Canlead system will be able to share useful skills but also quickly and without detention to their deserving rewards, like for a job well done, and the usual recommendations are available in Canlead.


As in any normal decentralized system, Canlead also has its own unit of measurement of all internal processes, the expression of which is based on the internal token of the system – CAND. As for its immediate technical characteristics, this token was developed taking into account all the popular indicators at the moment. That in turn played on the further choice of blockchain, with which the implementation of this coin will be launched. As you may have guessed, token CAND will be based on the basis of the Ethereum block-chain* and match ERC-20 standard.

In addition to all this, it is important to note the fact that these tokens will be available not only for sale, but also as various rewards and bonuses available to everyone within Canlead. More detailed details, you can read in the technical document of the project.


Summing up, I want to say only one thing that you should not always be afraid of abrupt and drastic changes, as well as those situations when you think that there will never be a way out of it. Life is an amazing thing and every time we close a door, look around, because maybe very close to you opened a new, more successful door with its unlimited possibilities. As for me, this project represents to us just that door, with the unlimited opportunities. And to appreciate them, I recommend that you get acquainted with Canlead in more detail. To do this, you may need all the official social resources of the project, which fully outlines the entire philosophy of the project, as well as its current phases of development. I was glad to be of service to you and see you soon!

Official resources CANLEAD:


MY ETH ADDRESS: 0x90051516FC3451D7bF1b5e7D0A4486757FC81C32
UNIQUENESS 100%: - 100.00%


Great article, thank you!

Thanks a lot! I am very glad that you are interested in this project!

Thanks for the review! An interesting project, you will need to study it in more detail!

Very glad that you are interested in this project! Thanks for feedback!

Very interesting review! Definitely need to invest in their project!

Agree with you! This is a really good investment option!

Great project idea! I'll keep an eye on him. Thanks for the review!

Great idea for the team! It remains to wish you success in the implementation of your plan!

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