in #blockchain5 years ago (edited)


Our life has changed drastically since Blockchain innovation has entered our lives. Our cash propensities, our point of view on cash and our installment propensities have additionally changed drastically. Presently, the entryways of a substantially more straightforward, secure and quick shopping are opened. 10 years have gone since the presentation of this innovation in our lives, yet it is sure that our lives will be at the core of our lives in the years to come. Since Blockchain innovation started to go into nearly everything, our point of view on cash, yet additionally via web-based networking media, the administrations we use, and our data stockpiling apparatuses.

This new innovation upheaval, which occurred completely over the internet, has brought some further advancements. This upheaval that we live with cash isn't yet acknowledged for the internet. Our cash is currently a lot more secure yet not our internet.

Here is the undertaking that I need to present you directly here. The Honeypod venture is an imaginative disclosure that unites Blockchain and Internet innovation, and needs to accomplish numerous developments. Internet access to our homes just as entering our telephones, which are a piece of our day by day lives, additionally brought a few issues. Honeypod's point is to make these advancements progressively secure and quicker. On the off chance that we believe that all our cash stream, budgetary exchanges and even receipt data are on the internet, Honeypod plans to make this procedure substantially more secure. In such a domain in which states can't completely guarantee the adequacy of internet use, disclosures, for example, Honeypod will empower us to utilize the Internet substantially more viably and securely. Honeypod needs to give the security that Internet suppliers and states can't offer, utilizing the intensity of Blockchain innovation.

What is Honeypod?

Honeypod is really a smart home system equipment. By separating the data from your Internet supplier we need to give a more secure affair. Like modems in our homes, Honeypod is a gadget like a modem. No internet supplier can square, stop or square Honeypod. Honeypod is a channel and is intended to take your internet experience to the following dimension.

Honeypod offers this safe internet hireling: Internet suppliers, states, outsider applications, are following all that we do on the Internet and sells this data. This procedure without our assent, the closeout of individual information without consent, can be pursued is a major issue. Following each progression we take on the internet can make the client endure. Since nobody can be kept an eye out of his/her assent, his/her own information can't be sold, and he/she can't be obliged to clarify what they have done to anybody. No advertisements are persuasively shown. This is a digital tormenting and individual information is of central significance. Organizations like Whatsapp, Facebook, Google screen your day by day discussions and pitch this data to different organizations. Did you ever get a message from a pizza organization when you were conversing with your companions and discussing pizza? I experienced this experience and perceived how my own information was sold. I despise this, and I need it to stop. That is the reason I need to utilize Honeypod. We should investigate every one of the administrations offered by Honeypod.

Honeypod's Services:

Promotion Blocking: As you most likely are aware, one of the most concerning issues we face while encountering internet experience is introduction to advertisements. To do this, we need to always introduce promotion blocking programming. In spite of the fact that these advertisement blockers can be utilized on our PC, we can't escape them on our telephones. At the point when the majority of these promotions are clicked, they can contaminate your PC and take the majority of your data. More than that, these advertisements are taking our time. What number of us truly appreciate viewing these advertisements? However, we are compelled to watch these advertisements and Our security is disregarded, our time is overlooked. Coercively checking promotions is a cyberbullying and must stop.

Tracker Blocking: When we surf the Internet, each move is checked. Since what Internet suppliers would prefer not to keep our state. Each article we read, each buy we make, each discussion we make is followed and sold as data to vast organizations. I would prefer not to give you organization name, yet pretty much every application you use in your day by day life purchases this data and utilizations it against you. They utilizes these informations to get more cash-flow from you. Honeypod is reaching stop it.

Token Earning Opportunity: When you use Honeypad, you have the chance to win token. Basically: When you use Honeypod, the equipment does a type of mining and disseminates it to its clients. The more clients who join the network, the more noteworthy the quantity of tokens we will win. While you are making the most of your sheltered and quick internet, you likewise get the opportunity to increase automated revenue.

Quicker internet opportunity: There are a great deal of issues that our promotion blockers can't forestall when surfing the Internet. There are a ton of projects that third organizations place on our program without our insight. A few programs can even utilize you by introducing a mining program on your program. The advertisements we need to click, the unannounced subsequent meet-ups and the product introduced on our PC without our assent moderate down our internet speed. Accordingly, our transmission capacity is contracting. Honeypod needs to expand our internet speed by up to 40% by obstructing every one of them.

Full Data Monitoring: With Honeypod, you can see all outsider programming that endeavors to enter your PC without your authorization, while having a safe and quick Internet experience. Honeypod for you which noxious programming has blocked what vindictive programming endeavored to enter your PC you can see every one of them.

How Honeypod Works?

Consider Honeypod as a DNS server. Ordinarily, when you need to associate with the internet and compose something in the inquiry bar, you are requesting authorization to interface with a dns server. This authorization is allowed by DNS and you approach the Internet. In like manner, at times a site other than your demand to interface with your internet network. When you surf the Internet, you can recall the locales that opened all of a sudden. These locales that are outside of your decision can transfer outsider applications to your program, and at times track your program history and different activities. When you enter a site previously, your authorizations are controlled and obstructed by Honeypod.

Basically: Imagine you have a channel in your grasp. Honeypod is simply the channel. Any data that originates from above and does not know whether it is destructive is gone through this channel. Honeypod just enables you to channel data that is beneficial for you. Some other conceivably hurtful data on the outside of the strainer is kept there. You can pursue what data the site is endeavoring to go through the data checking screen that is offered later by Honeypod.

Not these procedures moderate down your internet network, make it progressively secure and guarantee that you have unlimited authority. You can utilize Honeypod for your PC, yet additionally for your PC, tablet, smartphone.




With blockchain innovation, we are currently significantly more allowed to exchange cash. We have been freed of paying high commissions to banks and other outsider organizations. As a result of the way that every one of these stages kept their data in a focal archive, the security of our data has turned into a risk to our security just as being effectively open by programmers. In any case, on account of blockchain innovation, keeping our data on a decentralized network while disposing of high commissions has likewise expanded our security.

We should likewise live on the internet this unrest we are living on about cash. The majority of our information, our mysteries, our security, our network-controlled organizations need to quit purchasing and selling effectively. The sacredness of private property, just as the responsibility for information, should just be utilized by the proprietor. Another person shouldn't almost certainly purchase and offer it the manner in which they need it to, and they shouldn't most likely market it. Furthermore, that is the reason they shouldn't risk our security. In this upset where the internet will live, Honeypod will assume a key job, and I need to be engaged with this insurgency.

Useful Links
Website: http://honeypod.org/
White Paper: https://docsend.com/view/6w2kpua
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gethoneypod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gethoneypod
Telegram: https://t.me/honeypod
Bounty Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5104125.0
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5101474.msg49392175#msg49392175
Medium: https://medium.com/@honeypod
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/honeypod/
Author : Pweedy
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2231370

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