"BeANKH makes immortality a digital reality."

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

The Problem of Immortality

We’ve long been fascinated with the ideas of immortality and eternal youth. We’re constantly trying to find ways to reach immortality. Though it has oftentimes had catastrophic consequences. Around 200 B.C., the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, unintentionally killed himself searching for the elixir of life; he was poisoned after eating mercury pills that that was believed to be mortality-preventing. Many centuries later, the search for eternal life did not get any safer: In 1492, Pope Innocent VIII died after blood transfusions from three healthy young boys whose youth he believed he
could ingest. Between the 16th and 17th centuries, multiple European alchemists swindled aristocrats with pseudo medicine to reach eternal life (these physicians often harmed themselves in their search for the philosopher’s stone, whether asphyxiated by arsenic fumes or blinded from noxious vapors or poisoning themselves with lethal elixirs.)
In more recent times in 1868 in America, Kentucky politician Leonard Jones ran for the U.S. presidency on the platform that he had attained immortality through praying and fasting—and could give his secrets to the public.

Immortality in the Digital Reality

In the time of digital age we came to this question pragmatically, understanding that while we cannot actually defeat death and resurrect the dead back to life, we can replicate human thinking algorithms, decision making patterns, psycho emotional attitudes and based on that, model behavior that can continue living and acting past concrete person’s death.
This has become possible with the introduction of artificial intelligence and big data application. The emergence of blockchain technology allows us to bring the technological advancement even further and add immutability to digital immortality. The immutability is the feature if the process that cannot be altered changed. As an example - immutable object is the one whose state cannot be modified after it is created with respect to blockchain, it refers to a global transaction log. The rendering is created by a consensus between the chain’s participants – agreeing up
solving of the block’s “problems” and thus, pushing bits of currency (satoshi, in this case) across the network. The basic notion is this: once a blockchain transaction has received a sufficient level of validation, some cryptography ensures that it can never be replaced or reversed. For this very reason, blockchain is unlike most other databases where
information can be edited or deleted at any time. Recently, immutability has become a basis for many technologically progressive platforms, but ultimately not so many applications or dapps have really been able to take advantage of this
powerful feature. Cryptocurrency advocates claim that immutability can only be achieved through decentralized economic instruments or “proofs of work.” This idea basically invalidates the very idea of private blockchains which depend on the collective good behavior of miners or validators. There have been suggestions to consider making
parts of the blockchain editable (or in some cases – mutable.) While offering some validity for use, this idea doesn’t address the fact that modifications can be made to the actual transaction history of the entire blockchain – invalidating the entire value of the blockchain and all of its corresponding transactions.

BeANKH ecosystem

How does immutability translate into human mortality. Does this mean that if we are able to change the constant state of the part of life we refer to as death are we are able to change the things which occur both leading up to death (the conditions) and what possibly may occur after death occurs? For that matter, can we change or alter the very existence of or constancy of death itself? We at BeANKH aspired to develop an approach based on Blockchain technology to save the individual human personalities securely on a blockchain. After years of research and development we believe we identified an approach to transform the personality into an algorithm which then lends itself to a digital copy of the personality. The contention is that once a person passes away, his qualities and characteristics are bequeathed to his heirs. This technology is just the beginning of the journey towards digital immortality. The idea is that the decentralized storage and encryption will provide for the security of personal data, making the digital personality not only readily
available, but also tamper-proof. The BeANKH token intends to be the digital currency used to pay for the aforementioned services, the hardware involved in facilitating the technology and any recurring fees involved with maintenance of user’ s profiles.

Market size for immortality products

Humanity seems to find the prospect of personal final unendurable death as something hard to reconcile with. This has launched the rapid progression in life sciences, pharmaceuticals, technology, healthcare, and proves that if people want
something badly enough, they will spend enormous mental, physical and financial resources in order to find a way to get it.Our aversion to the idea of death has enabled the commercialization of immortality as well as initiated the financing for research and development. It certainly brings scientific progress but also indicates that people are still in search of wonder and the demand for eternal life is greater than ever, which translates into billions of dollars in terms of financial evaluation and the greatest expectations among the population. With an objective to evaluate market potential for our project and identify the hidden possibilities we reviewed and structured the most outstanding and attention grabbing solutions designed to battle mortality currently available on the market.

Drug Therapy for Immortality. Food & Nutrition Based Supplements

The pitch for immortality is everywhere we go. Supplements and health foods are the easiest accessed examples of this. In addition to accessibility, these products offer affordability and familiarity. The use of anti-aging products and vitamin supplements is not new. In fact, the practice of using both is so widely accepted for a large array of reasons, that
even if immortality itself is not achieved through use, the many other health benefits help promote an overall healthy lifestyle which gives way to greater vitality, less illness and ultimately, longer lives. These products are largely derived from plants or naturally occurring elements. An example is the product named Basis manufactured by Elysium Health (who markets it as an anti-aging skin formula) which contains a variation of vitamin B3, the same antioxidant present in blueberries. Omega 3 supplements—most of which are made from fish oils and contain both EPA and DHA fatty acids—are believed to reduce stress, improve concentration, and speed up reaction time. All humans stand to benefit from dietary sources rich with of essential fatty acids and supplementation is highly recommended for people with heart disease. Nootrobox, a startup focused on selling Nootropics recently developed a product called BulletProof Coffee, made with the low-toxin beans and added fat – which, will purportedly make you live longer and boost your IQ.
What is astonishing is that Elysium alone raised $20 million in a single round of funding and now has a subscriber base numbering in the tens of thousands. Bulletproof, recently raised $19 million, in an effort to support its rapid market
growth. It is evident that future is here and there is clearly a growing market for immortality or rejuvenation type products.

Nootropic Drugs

Another recent strategy for attempting to attain immortality or an immoralitistic type living is through the use of Nootropic drug therapy. “Nootropic” is derived from the Greek words nous, or “mind”, and “trephine” meaning “to bend or turn” and was first coined by Romanian psychologist and chemist, Corneliu E. Giurgea after synthesizing the dietary supplement Piracetam. For a drug to be considered Nootropic, it must meet the following qualifications:

  • It should enhance learning and memory;
  • It should enhance the resistance of learned behaviors/memories to conditions which tend to disrupt them (e.g. electroconvulsive shock, hypoxia);
  • It should protect the brain against various physical or chemical injuries;
  • It should increase the efficacy of the tonic cortical/subcortical control mechanisms;
  • It should lack the usual pharmacology of other psychotropic drugs (e.g. sedation, motor stimulation) and possess very few side effects and extremely low toxicity;

Examples of truly Nootropic drugs include caffeine, nicotine, Ritalin, Adderall, Modafinil, Bacopa Monnieri and Piracetam. These drugs increase alertness, focus and motivation – which are keys to their popularity. Deviating definitions of Nootropics are more broadly defined by their ability to affect cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals.

Established Medical Institutions Promoting the Idea of Mortality

The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine is working to find ways to slow suspend or even reverse the deterioration and diseases of ageing. The Immortality Foundation takes a different tack, offering to store written, graphic and audio material in digital data banks that will immortalize their authors in cyberspace. It promises that its airy archives will put an end to anonymous and forgotten lives, making humans “the first species to overcome death.” The Immortality Institute, is an internal non-profit based in the United States whose mission is “conquering the blight of involuntary death,” points to scientific advances and a new immoralist philosophy as the way to a deathless future. They support the notion that one day, as a species, we will be able confidently say “human inventiveness drives the decisive nail into death’s coffin”. These companies work, mainly with ideas and notions.

Funds Created to Specifically Fund the Immortality Based Projects

Entrepreneurs in the United States have distinguished a strong potential in the market for immortality and have been quick to set up products and institutions to service this market. The quest has started to overtake by Silicon Valley influencers and trendsetters who desire to achieve the level of incompetence by defeating the laws of physics.

Ellison Medical Foundation

Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle Corporation has set up Ellison Medical Foundation dedicated to ending mortality, in his own words “understanding lifespan development processes and age-related diseases and disabilities.” The Foundation gives out more than $40 million a year to per associated research.

The Glenn Foundation for Medical Research

The Glenn Foundation for Medical Research, oldest and most respected modern anti-aging initiative, started by venture capitalist Paul F. Glenn in 1965. Since 2007, the foundation has distributed annual grants valued at $60,000 to independent researchers doing promising work on aging. In addition to that, the foundation puts more than $1 million per year toward future grants to be gifted by the American Federation for Aging Research, a charitable foundation
dedicated to age-related disease.

The Methuselah Foundation

Another non-profit organization, The Methuselah Foundation was co-founded by Dave Gobel and Aubrey de Grey in 2003 and to find ways to extend a healthy life. The focus of the foundation has been on the funding of projects to promote research and development in the field of regenerative medicine. From tissue engineering to stem cell science, their belief is that regenerative medicine will transform health care. The organization is realistic in its belief that aging as we currently know it, is not inevitable. What the fund envisions are cures for many of today’s most debilitating conditions, from heart disease and diabetes to renal failure and neurodegenerative disorders. Their contention is that they operate differently than other startups doing the same thing. They state,” we’re project - rather than program - based, and we’re always on the lookout for high-leverage interventions that spur concrete progress in the short term - and generate
ripple effects over time.”

Grand Challenge for Healthy Longevity

In 2015, the National Academy of Medicine launched a Grand Challenge for Healthy Longevity. They hope to raise $25 million to advance research aimed at improving human longevity and quality of life. Their goal is seek to advancements
healthy aging and longevity by catalyzing innovation and scientific progress through challenge prizes and awards. Going a level deeper, the initiative states that we are facing a large global demographic shift and by 2020, the number of
people age 60 years and older will outnumber children younger than 5 years old. Population aging will likely impose strain on economies, social infrastructures and will increase noncommunicable disease prevalence worldwide.
Still in development, the fund seeks to help find, “solutions from biomedical, behavioral, and sociological research that significantly reduce the morbidity associated with aging, and improve health outcomes and quality of life— solutions that improve or extend the human healthspan.

The Longevity Fund

The Longevity Fund, which is a venture fund recently launched by Laura Deming (an American scientist who focuses on life extension) and Nathaniel David (an American scientist who focuses on biotechnology and sustainable energy.)
Their goal, is to advance technologies that will increase the human healthspan by investing in early-stage biotechnology start-up companies, such as Unity Biotechnology, Precision Biosciences, Alexo Therapeutics, Metacrine and
Navitor Pharmaceuticals. The goal of the Longevity Fund is to invest in companies who test the
hypothesis that aging can be modified by specific targets, small molecules or biologics. In addition to that, they strive to invest in companies developing novel technologies for manipulating biological systems. While the fund is understandably focused on early-stage companies, it has an extremely forward thinking and youthful mentality – and they are not afraid to say that they think there’s enough cross-species evidence of oddly broadacting
genetic pathways that it is worth testing this hypothesis in humans. “With aging, you are looking at decades of science. What we are focusing on now is two parts: the platforms companies have to test their hypothesis, and the other is novel methods by which to make drugs,” says Deming. “We’ve especially seen this in genetic research and technologies.” As exciting as it all seems, there is also trepidation. Deming states, “This is not like internet technology, where there is a tilt towards youth over experience. This is high-risk, it’s more money, and we are looking for rigorous data. We’re spending our time focused on the most transformative ideas out there, which take the mechanisms related to aging, prove that they are beneficial and have pathways that can be drugs.

Biotech StartUps Researching & Developing Immortality Methods (via VC Funds)


Unity, the largest organization which falls under the Longevity Fund’s umbrella, designs therapeutics that prevent, halt and reverse diseases of aging by selectively eliminating senescent cells. They further state that Cellular senescence is a biological “emergency brake” cells use to stop dividing. It’s an important antitumor mechanism, because it prevents cells from multiplying out of control. But after this “break” has been pulled, senescent cells remain in the body, accumulating with age. And unlike normal cells, these cells secrete inflammatory molecules that harm neighboring cells and tissues. Unity focuses specifically on studying how cellular senescence reshapes curing of inflammatory joint disease, atherosclerosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, kidney disease and ophthalmologic diseases.

Precision BioSciences

Precision BioSciences, another collective, aims to become a leader in genome editing in an effort to eliminate cancers, cure genetic diseases, and create safer, more productive food sources. The idea is to edit the DNA of a living organisms, opening up the possibility of correcting genetic problems at their source. The company owns ARCUS, which they describe as a proprietary genome editing method derived from a naturally occurring enzyme called
homing endonuclease. By owning the proprietary rights and licensure the platform, Precision has the access and ability to lead modern genome innovation in a way that none of the competition does. They are at the cutting edge of new approaches to cancer immunotherapy, including things such as the removal and re-engineering of t-cells from cancer patients to incorporate antigen receptors which then reintroduced to the patient as well as breeding of GMOs in an effort to innovate the field of agriculture.

Alexo Therapeutics

Alexo Therapeutics, also works in the biotech field hands on with immuneoncology therapies designed to cure cancer. The focal point of Alexo’s advances is in developing therapies that block the CD47 checkpoint mechanism exploited
by cancer cells to evade the immune system. The company realizes that anticancer antibodies represent important treatment options for patients with a broad range of cancer types and are determined to create strategies to block the CD47 by selectively eliminating tumor cells while avoiding dose-limiting toxicities and by minimizing unwanted on-target toxicity often found in some of today’s clinical approaches.

Metacrine Biotech

The goal of Metacrine Biotech is to develop therapeutics to treat or cure liver, gastrointestinal, and metabolic diseases. Their program is centered on the Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR) which is nuclear hormone receptor that has been clinically validated as a key drug target in hepatobiliary diseases, such as cirrhosis. In addition to that, the company developed a protein sensitizing insulin called Fibroblast which not only lowers glucose, but also improves insulin sensitivity in long term treatment methods

Ambrosia & Alkahest

Then there is Ambrosia. Ambrosia is a West Coast start-up which flaunts a clinical trial called, “Young Blood.” For $8,000, patients can undergo blood transfusions which offer “immediate life improvements,” after just a onetime infusion of two liters of plasma. The trial, developed by entrepreneur and Princeton graduate, Jesse Karmazin is based on a medical procedure called parabiosis. By definition, parabiosis is the anatomical joining of two individuals. In this case, it specifically refers the process of conjoining two veins together. Recent studies have offered evidence that certain types of aging can be halted or even reversed when “old blood” is replaced with “new blood.” It has been suggested that vitality and overall muscle strength have been improved by using this rejuvenating technique. Another startup, named Alkahest and based in Menlo Park, California, set out to test whether neuron growth increases and memory improves after multiple transfusions of, “new blood,” and if long-term regulated transfusions combat the symptoms or onset of Alzheimer’s disease. Both Ambrosia and Alkahest are working to dispel the idea that - the Hungarian tale of a wealthy woman, who bathed in the blood of virgins to retain her youth - is not just a myth.

Google initiative

Google created a unit of its business called Calico, in 2013. Calico’s purpose is to “focus on health and well-being, in particular the challenge of aging and associated diseases.” The tech world has called this, “Google’s Solve for Death.”
Google states that by using innovation, integrity, courage, accountability, collaboration and generosity – they are working on a solution to solve human mortality. By hiring a team of renowned scientists from the fields of medicine, molecular biology, drug development, genetics and computational biology along with, researchers and business development project managers – they strive to change the way we look at our entire existence. Their short term goal is to
understand the fundamental science of aging and finding treatments for the associated and intractable diseases by focusing on fundamental biology

Alternative Medical Sciences Forwarding the Immortality Initiative

The Cryonics Institute

In discussing immortality or rejuvenation, the practice of Cryogenics should also be discussed. Cryogenics aims to focus on the entire human body by employing the use of nitrogen to prevent decay – in hopes of one day, when technology allows, reviving the body. This practice is said to, “awaken the body to extended life in youthful good health.” The Cryonics Institute is a non-profit membership organization made up of people seeking to pursue cryonics’ “Prospect of Immortality” for themselves and their families. They center on helping members who choose cryopreservation
in order to have an opportunity live again, see their plans become a reality. The Cryonics Institute innovators passionately share the singular goal of continuing to pave the way for practice and implementation of Cryoscience in community facilities. The Institute offers a wide variety of services to its members – including but not limited to Human Cryostasis, DNA/Tissue Freezing, Pet Cryopreservation, Memorabilia Storage, and Service via Suspended Animation. As evidenced by this list, the Institute intends to allow its members to store their entire human existence (including not just the human body, but also pets, sentimental items and DNA/cell samples) onsite at their Clinton Township, Michigan location, until technology lends itself to an appropriate time of revival. The Cryonics Institute has a proven track record of financial security and stability. Not only is it self-sustaining but its patient care facilities are owned by the organization outright. Members, officers and directors donate their services voluntarily. In addition to that, they have never raised service prices, even in high-inflation times like the late 70s and early 80s.

Post Death Usage examples

Therapeutic purposes

After losing someone dear, people usually console themselves by the idea of spiritual presence of a deceased loved one, which will keep living despite physical absence. We will finally be able to “conserve” spiritual presence. Platform can be used in remedial purposes by helping people cope with the tragedy of their loss and keeping close communication despite the fact of death. The person, who is granted authorization will be able to communicate with 3D model of the digitally immortal person via voice communication, directly or indirectly via third party solutions.

Legal rights transfer

As the part of testament, a person will even be able to delegate certain decision making functions to his/her digital analogue after passing away. From as little as managing social media accounts, maintaining internet presence to the extreme cases of voting on key decisions in a corporate set up or making buying/selling decisions on stock exchange, based on past performance history. We plan to integrate the application with social media platforms via APIs Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and more.

Historical evidence

One of the most anticipated utilization, is being able to communicate or receive answers from opinion leaders, famous personalities from the past. Imagine if we could talk to Shakespeare or Leonardo da Vinci? In the more down to earth scenario, people will get to know their long deceased ancestors and build family trees, by actually being able to communicate directly, without having to rely on family legends. Ankhlabs GmbH will introduce the possibility of immutable memory of the events that humans can forget, since digital persona is immune to all the memory related diseases. This brings us to a never existing level of relationships, where a long deceased grandparent can wish a happy birthday to the grandchild that was born after his death and builds a bridge between generations of people who did not live at the same point of time, thus eliminating the gap in understanding each other.

Usage Examples for user that is alive

Digital persona analogue will be programmed to act on behalf of its owner (real alive person) and fulfill whole range of tasks:

  1. Scheduling appointments;
  2. Prioritizing task lists;
  3. Curating content.

This list can be longer and is only limited by our imagination. We can think of it as Siri or Alexa with endless capabilities, not controlled by vendor and his business agenda, on the contrary is formed based on our thoughts, knowledge and emotions.

Potential User Base

We can safely assume that users of the social media platforms will eventually become users of BeANKH, since they already work on their digital identity, though on smaller and and within a more primitive set up. In 2019, it is estimated that there will be around 2.77 billion social media users around the globe, up from 2.46 billion in 2017. By creation account on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram, user actually tries to create an image of himself, that he believes represents him at his best. The idea to establish an immortal and post death functioning self, will have even more appeal. Social network penetration worldwide is ever-increasing. In 2017, 71 % of internet users were social network users and these figures are expected to grow. North America ranks first among regions where social media is highly popular, with an social media penetration rate of 66 % - that is why we anticipate the biggest user base among US and Canadian population.

In 2016, more than 81 % of the United States population had a social media profile. As of the second quarter of 2016, U.S. users spend more than 215 weekly minutes on social media via smartphone, 61 weekly minutes via PC, and 47 minutes per week on social networks via tablet devices. The increased worldwide usage of smartphones and mobile devices is opening up the possibilities to introduce BeANKH to nearly every person having a high speed internet connection.

Ethereum Blockchain Utilization scenarios Data storage

Blockchain is a cheap, secure way to handle even the most sensitive data, without needing to trust in any third parties. BeANKH will be using Ethereum blockchain to store gathered information, since unlike Bitcoin’s blockchain that has the 1 MB size limit per Block there is no such restrictions on Ethereum. However, it is important to admit that storing large documents on Blockchain will be very expensive. That is why BeANKH Platform will utilize blockchain to maintain a Distributed Hash Table (DHT) which will consist of hashes of the data files stored off the chain. Every piece of data or document will be marked by a unique hash identifier to enforce integrity of the data. Many single hashes corresponding to different parts of data will be compiled into a single hash by building a binary tree where every leaf node is populated with the hash of the merger of its child nodes. This type of infrastructure is widely known as Merkle tree. Merkle trees have been used for decades to perform efficient and secure verification of the contents of large data structures. Blockchain systems like Bitcoin or Ethereum rely on Merkle trees for gathering transactions into every block of the chain.

This bulletproof set up will ensure that files are untampered, without needing to save full size files on the Blockchain. It will be possible to verify that the same version of the document existed at another point of time.

ID Verification

Before allowing a person to create his digital persona we will need to make sure he is the one he claims to be to avoid the possibility of locking the fraudulent attempt or fake personality recorded into the network of immortality.In order to start the process of creating a new digital identity, person will be required to go thru verification process that will also be powered by blockchain technology. Verifying digital identity is a growing issue in the digital economy. Even though
there is only “one” physical person, digital clones often exist in data stored across every institution and organization that people have a relationship with. Blockchain authentication will be centered around a blockchain ID, which is essentially a block of data on the chain that can be both verified by any third party and will display necessary information such as date of birth. The secret of this verification method is the ECDSA (elliptic curve digital signature algorithm). When adding a state-issued ID to the blockchain, system attaches a public key by default and then transfers ownership of the private key to the user. This allows the user to sign a signature that can be verified against the public key kept in the blockchain. This identification scenario of a user will become a decentralized source of authentication. Eventually it will become a single-sign-on platform that still can be accessed without being owned or/and controlled by any party. A protected portal will need to request a digital signature and an ID from a user asking for an access and registration. In the end, the platform will verify that the signature is valid and that the user’s ID confirms who he says he is.

BeANKH Token

BeANKH platform will be powered by BeANKH tokens, (token symbol ANKH), that will be available for purchase by platform supporters and members of the crypto community during crowdsale and on the crypto Exchanges past the
successful Initial Coin Offering Campaign. BeANKH token is a typical utility token that will be used to make in-app
purchases at the BeANKH Environment, thus its price will be directly correlated with platform’s Popularity.
Service is secured against direct competition in the centralized environment, making it technologically challenging and economically infeasible to build similar product outside of blockchain realm. Based on the competition analysis that we covered earlier there are no organizations, providing similar set of services in the decentralized environment either. In the initial stage, BeANKH token is and will be the only currency used to make in-app purchase to the platform. We may introduce fiat payment options for clients, that don’t have technical skills to acquire tokens, however fiat powered access to the platform will cost more. BeANKH will have a certain paid services mostly for usage of the digital personality outside of the BeANKH environment and for communication with the third parties. Ankhlabs GmbH ecosystem is built on top of Ethereum infrastructure, thus there will be no direct way of interaction with fiat currencies. In this scenario, third party APIs will be used to conduct payments that will result in extra fees. That is why native BeANKH token will be the best way to pay for the services. No tokens will be mined after the crowdsale. Fixed supply of tokens toge therwith the increasing net inflows will accelerate in its value and actually become more valuable in popular perception.

ICO Mechanics

BeANKH platform token (BeANKH) will be an ERC20 standard compliant token that will initially be distributed during the Initial Coin Offering campaign. Participants may acquire tokens at a discounted rate by pledging a predefined amount of Ethers (ETH) into the token sale smart contract. The ICO smart contract will define policy for the start and end dates of the crowdsale as well as other rules and regulations around budget allocations and milestones. Users holding currencies, other than ETH should use third party conversion services to acquire Ether in order to participate in the crowdsale and acquire BeANKH tokens which will be exclusively available on the BeANKH official portal available at
In order to participate in the crowdsale users will be asked to accept the Terms & Conditions, provide ETH wallet address to receive the tokens. Contributors should not use Exchange wallets to receive BeANKH tokens. Checklist for ICO participation:

  • ICO Contract address. (Will be provided prior to the ICO)
  • Ethereum wallet to accept BeANKH tokens
  • Amount of Ether for the contribution
  • ICO start and end time (Will be announced)


What we know today is that humans still die. And that the idea of immortality is not new. We continue to work towards facilitating tools and technologies combat morality and rewrite the book on human beings live their lives. We
are currently in a place of fact-gathering, scientific experimentation and innovation. We are not just building a grand enabling technology, but also shaping the framework of ethical principles and values, that will help embrace it and use it to the best of its potential. We anticipate that the technology may disrupt the way our legacy endures after death and originate a new sphere of intergenerational relations that would not be possible otherwise. We anticipate that this technological advancement may trigger social and psychological implications and we want to put in place the necessary mechanisms, define principles, regulations and values to deal with new challenges. The developers, donors and partners of BeANKH Tokens are by all measures - not just doers but futurists, dreamers, disruptors, interrupters and iconoclasts. Join us on this journey, towards tomorrow and towards, ETERNITY.

Token Allocation

In total 650.000.000 token will be minted and allocated as follows:

Budget Allocation

And this is the intended usage of budget:

Token Sale


Start: 15th of June, 2018
End: Until Token Sold or 14th of July, 2018
Pre Stage

50% Bonus

130.000.000 [1] >Token for Sale
65.000.000 [1] >Bonus Token












Bitcointalk Username: saiful
Bitcointalk Link Profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=858487
ETH addrees: 0x2BBEEA86F155668d78FB108da0Ff5725B06f6994

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
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JST 0.029
BTC 61224.26
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55