in #blockchain5 years ago (edited)

Blockchain technology has gone viral, it's the talk of the town right now those who do not know keep asking what on earth is this Blockchain? while those that are acquaint with the knowledge are already benefiting from it, meanwhile this innovation did not surface alone its actually came with a valuable product along with it which is the untouchable #cryptocurrency, yes this one sounds real familiar to many people, alot actually know about bitcoin, they actually know it as internet money, I met a guy at a plaza the other day and after a few minutes of casual conversation I decided to switch to what I love most (blockchain/cryptocurrency) then I shoot out the first question like, bruh have you heard of this stuff called blockchain? And he replied no, then I continued... how about cryptocurrency I mean like Bitcoin? The dude replied "I heard about this bitcoin stuff at one seminar I attended " so at this point I had to act novice, so I immediately blow up the usual question, so bruh what is bitcoin I mean have heard about it too but I don't know how it works, "he smiled" and said "bitcoin is online money, it is usually used for online business and shopping" he paused So i said, like you mean bitcoin is a digital money? That's really cool haha.
this is how a lot of people think or see cryptocurrency/bitcoin they feel it's just ordinary internet money (business as usual) they actually lack depth knowledge of the revolution the blockchain technology innovation has brought and how they can actually benefit from it, meanwhile some people still feel it's fake (lol).

OK let's get back to our topic for today, you see cryptocurrency is a revolutionary solution to so many difficulty humanity is facing right now it's the "Yes Center" to a lot of problem in our today's society and economic crisis, today a lot of companies are already using cryptocurrencies to excel in their business including individual, that's why I said earlier that those whom are already acquainted with the knowledge are already taking full advantage of the blockchain technology innovation, but in case you are reading this article and you've not been enjoying the benefits of this innovative technology well I would say worry less because this content was made for your best of interest so sit back relax as I unveil to you how and ways you can actually benefit from this trend,

Without wasting of time lemme quickly introduce you to this platform that aim to provide high level of knowledge about blockchain and cryptocurrencies, users of this platform are embedded with the opportunity to benefit a lot from this project, so what is this platform called?


PNGME is all in one crypto banking platform that has come to change the game, unlike the traditional banking system, pngme is a digital banking platform with many features, it area of focused is but not limited to, LENDING, TRADING, Pngme is a blockchain-based international lending platform designed to solve the funding challenges that are confronting both individuals and mostly, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). Pngme is developing a marketplace where business enterprises will have quick access to lend money in supporting their businesses. Pngme will be developed digitally and serve as a mobile banking system functioning as a lending marketplace for MSME and other financial institutes.


Now there are many similar projects so am just going to look at what really makes pngme different from others,
Other setups focus on how to make constant profit for themselves while pngme aim to give maximum support to individuals and micro small and medium enterprises (MSME) another thing is other companies take so much interest in the process of giving loans which most times customers find it way difficult to pay back, but pngme is giving out loans with minor interest rates putting the customers interest first.
There are so many other way one can benefit from this innovative financial solution project such as trading, one can also earn money by saving with the pngme mobile app which can be downloaded on playstore, the mobile application is available for both Android users and iOS users. Screenshot_20191019-170315.png

PNGME also have referral programs, where participants can earn huge reward by referring new members to the pngme platform.


After going through the pngme whitepaper and website, with little more research have come to an authenticated conclusion that pngme has what it takes to bridge the gab between big business owners and micro small and medium enterprises (MSME) which is more reason why the project is bound to succeed big time, so I urge everyone reading this to take advantage immediately.
Crypto #Payments #fintech #insurtech #P2P

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