ETHEREUM LIMITED: The sure way of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

It is obvious that the model provided by smart contracts may dramatically enlarge the rate of commercial and consumer transaction through blockchain technology because of it’s potential to recast the foundation of electronic commerce that has proven to be the best method of transacting contacts because of its ability to eliminate fraud, errors and middle man involvement. Majority of decentralized platforms claiming to offer smart contracts services has many flaws that can result to discrepancies between parties involved, thereby causing huge disagreement in course of transaction. Smart contracts as the name implies is a computerized transaction protocol that enforces the terms of the negotiations made before the finalization of the contracts, it also eliminate the need of a middle man and yet carries out very functional and credible transactions. This project work is derived of the issues associated with the traditional constant laws such as large fees, human error and too many paper work. I believe sincerely that this research work has the core value of maintaining transaction the way is been programmed because of its immutability, this does not implies that smart contracts is not in any way open to innovation.
Ethereum limited is always gear toward revolutionizing this platform especially when it comes to security and safety. Once the smart contract is in blockchain, no one has the ability to modify or altering it. However, if the project research work is designed in a way that allows modification in the future, the modification will also be publicly available. Immutability in his platform is absolutely different from that of an email that is said to be immutable but full of flaws because encoder cannot alter the sent message from his end or even retract the message from the decoder’s mailbox without the help from the decoder.
With the use of smart contract, privacy remains unnegotiable because transactional detail does not have to flow to one single point, they can use a lot of point to get it done through Ethlimited. If you are engage in this platform, your protection is guarantee and your identity is saveguilded online. Upholding the belief of decentralization, Ethlimited’s is dependent on a host of computers because, it is more of a peer to peer network where users interact with themselves without involving in any centralized body. The general objectives of this project work is to satisfy common contracted conditions (such as payment terms, liens, confidentiality, and enforcement.
Smart contracts is geared toward achieving economic goals and equally reducing fraud losses, arbitrations and other transaction cost. The use of smart contract eliminate totally the need of a third party that make the process cumbersome, longer and frustrating and it also remove human error that might from third parties enforcing the contract manually. The uniqueness of smart contract is clear because as soon as the terms and conditions that bind the contract are available to be seen by parties affected by the contract, there is no way it can be changed by any of the parties involved with smart contract, it takes seconds to get a contract running because computers are the ones executing the terms of a smart contract, the process is at least is at least a thousand times faster than the traditional approach of contracts is problem pron.
Token Sales
Ethlimited will start sales of its coin by September and ends when it will be communicated by the team. It is also important for investors to note clearly that Ethlimited as a firm has the ability to generate huge profit margin for its Investors, so ensure you patronized Ethlimited because is the sure way of surviving ones investment.
Token Distribution

The token distribution is shared among bounty hunters, facebook users and twitter users among others to ensure the continuity of Ethlimited as business models. Here is the illustration of the distribution

The next plan of activity for this project is shown below



Authored By oginiimaoyani

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