
Great post, thanks a bunch for sharing! Namaste :)

Hi, looking for a good, non-technical, explanation of how the blockchain works. Hoping you can point me in the right direction.

Also a question on the financial aspects of the various cryptocurrencies. What happens in the case of EMP that wipes out all the computers in a certain area. Are the currencies still there on other sites around the world? How it is reconstructed?

Awesome post. I love the in-depth writing and obvious time and thought you put into this. Blockchain has the potential to help humanity truly evolve "with" technology by adding 10x value to our society. Money is great and I hope to see a future where there is a more equal distribution of resources for all of us. However, blockchain can do so much to help improve politics, medicine, law and financial transacting just to name a few.

Looks at the brilliance of steemit and all of us actually getting paid for our content? Instead of freely giving away our hard work to the likes of Facebook? How greedy can we allow people to be before we stand up? This is what I love about blockchain and I hope to see the spirit of blockchain manifest as a new paradigm for all of us. Maybe we can just sum up blockchain in the future by calling it "Decentralized, Distributed Love".

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