Why BIC held D 10e Conference in Kyiv, Ukraine?

in #blockchain7 years ago


Blockchain Investor Consortium (BIC) carry out d10e Conference in Kyiv, Ukraine this Sept 16th - 19th. Why?

Previously, since 2014, d10e's conference was hold in Amsterdam, Bucharest, San Francisci, Singapore, and Tell Aviv. Is there any message to be conveyed to the world?

Just recently, cyrpto currency value was drop due to China Government Policy. Is d 10e conference in Kyiv, Ukraine want to remind thr world the danger of centralized financial system?

As we know, there is corruption museum Mezhyhirya in Ukraine. It's a palace of former Ukraine President, Viktor Yanukovich, which built with $75 million corruption money.

Members of BIC, 50 investors who have digital assets worth more than $1 Billion, seem like to convey that blockchain is the answer to ended corruption practice, which use to happened in the financial system. So far and up till now, economic and investment system are managed by this system.

Do I think @ned is attending this meeting now? I have no information. I read from the news, @ned was a speaker at D10e Conference in Bucharest (February 21th - 22nd).


Mengapa BIC Mengelar Konferensi D10e di Kyiv, Ukraine?

Blockchain Investor Consortium (BIC) menggelar d10e Conference di Kyiv, Ukraine, 16-19 September ini. Mengapa?

Sebelumnya, sejak 2014 d10e’s conferences di gelar di Amsterdam, Bucharest, San Francisco, Singapore and Tel Aviv. Adakah pesan yang ingin disampaikan kepada dunia?

Baru-baru ini, mata uang kripto, sempat jatuh akibat kebijakan Pemerintah China. Apakah d10e conference di Kyiv, Ukraine ingin mengingatkan warga dunia soal bahaya sistem keuangan yang dikelola secara tersentralisasi?

Sebagaimana diketahuhi, di Ukraine ada museum korupsi Mezhyhirya. Ini bekas istana presiden Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich yang dibangun dengan uang hasil korupsi serharga $75 million.

Anggota BIC yang terdiri dari 50 orang investor yang memiliki aset digital bernilai lebih dari $ 1 miliar seperti ingin menyampaikan bahwa blockchain adalah jawaban untuk mengakhiri praktek korupsi yang sering terjadi pada sistem keuangan, ekonomi dan investasi yang dikelola dengan sistem yang ada selama ini.

Apakah @ned menghadiri konferensi di Ukraina ini? Saya tidak punya informasi, yang saya pernah baca @ned pernah menjadi pembicara di D10e Conference yang di gelar di Bucharest (February 21-22nd).


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Cina itu sekutu utamanya Rusia dan Ukraina itu tetangganya Rusia.. hehe

Bertus ya hehe

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