Telling the QUOINE story through memes

in #blockchain7 years ago

So over the course of the the past 2 months since the QASH Token Sale was first announced to our QUOINE community, we have witnessed a full range of emotions from our dear community members over each significant event of our QASH journey. There was excitement over the launch of our QASH Token Sale to joy over the outstanding success of our ICO. There was also sadness for those who missed the opportunity to buy QASH to eagerness for the QASH listing event.

Here is the QUOINE story through our very own QUOINERs’ memes. You guys are the best!

When QASH Token Sale was announced:

The excitement was hard to handle. #QASHisComing

download - twotwo naru.png

Many QUOINERs were eagerly anticipating the launch. #QASHisComing

brace-yourself-qash-ico-is-coming - Kai Zhao.jpg

Everybody was ready to board the QASH train on the 6th of November. #QASHisComing

1yygbx - Swee Rong.jpg

Those who got their QASH felt like…

1ylk4y - Максим Шнайдер.jpg

Those who missed the opportunity felt like...

download - Andrew Yee.jpg

When you were able to do buy QASH again during the QASH listing…

IMG_20171116_111106 - Alex Levi.jpg

But some QUOINERs still felt like…

Qashdohhh - Glo Mi.jpg

Guess what all QUOINERs want for Christmas?

ChrsitmasQash - Glo Mi.jpg

Much fluffy love for our Community Champions, who keep our QUOINE community going! #PoweredbyPanda

Thank you for being a part of our journey QUOINERs!

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STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.15
JST 0.030
BTC 65269.02
ETH 2653.11
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.84