Carry Protocol: Decentralized Blockchain Offline Commerce

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

It is no gainsay that the world today chooses to ignore or better still underemphasize the expedience of Offline Commerce to her own detriment. It suffices to say that past and present records of research have revealed in bold reliefs the overwhelming dominance of Over all Commerce by the Offline market.
Despite the fact that Online and Mobile Commerce have recently been marked by a very swift growth, statistical Data shows crystal clear that Overall Commerce is principally dictated and dominated by Offline market accruing to a projected estimate of $25 trillion. The core of Offline Commerce ultimately projects buying and selling between merchants and customers, these transactions could be either direct or indirect, nevertheless, void of Internet presence. In consulting data, it is very considerable to refer to the e-commerce information collected by U.S Census Bureau which encompasses the most explicit information on e-commerceactivity available. This explicitly shows online and offline-related sales activity in about four salient sectors, these include: manufacturing, wholesale, retail and a select set of services. In 2008, total e-commerce-related sales in the above mentioned sectors were $3.7 trillion, while offline sales were $18.7 trillion. Therefore, transactions which employed online channel determined just 16% of overall .Hence this gives a very fundamental understanding as to why world renowned online giants and business moguls are making unhesitant delves and investments into offline commerce. Examples of these include: Amazon’s $14 billion acquisition of whole foods, Groupon, Trail play and Asian companies like Alibaba and Tencent.

Nevertheless, despite the gaudy significance of Offline-commerce today, it is not incorrect to say that it is marked by limits and challenges consistently mitigating its vastness as well as effectiveness. If this limitations and demerits are effectively tackled, it will be a more appealing board to thread.

It takes an entirely different turn with online commerce, this is because there is relative ease in identifying and collating consumer data, and this ensures feasibility of effective marketing (advertisement and publicity). However, offline Commerce is characterised by a substandard, complex and unintelligible marketing or better still advertising system. For instance the distribution of flyers across streets and places explains some worth of backwardness in terms of technology. Hence, offline advertising will not be incorrect if labelled “outdated and opaque”.

Data collation and exchange is continually hampered because structures in the information systems are poorly networked with other structures. Hence, the organizational units are marked by poor interactions with other units, negatively affecting overall performance. This is otherwise better understood within the context of a “data silo problem”. Consumers lack control over their datum whole corporations adopts and monetize this information.

More importantly, the core of any business is the relationship between merchants and customers. Customer data is scattered and incomplete, and as a result there is little or no core understanding of customers. Data disintegration is a very pivotal factor here.

Carry protocol remains a vital force to be considered for effective mitigation of the most threatening challenges and limitation of Offline Commerce. Pertinently, Carry protocol as a platform provides a very intricate bond that consistently links offline merchants and consumers using blockchain. In other word, it is an inevitable nexus that effectively connects offline merchants and consumers with the use of blockchain.
By providing a more palatable means, merchants and their customers are brought into a state of consistent fellowship and interaction, hence solving the problem of merchants’ ignorance. Merchants through such relationship platform get to develop proper knowledge and understanding of customers for more effective service.
Carry protocol seeks to achieve a state of customers’ control over datum and as well liquidise the information. More importantly is her aim to create or better still proffer a solution to the outdated and opaque advertising system that have long characterised offline commerce.
Pertinently, one of the most expedient tools in actualising the above mentioned aims is the incorporation of the founding members of spoqa. Past records as in the case of the growth of Dodo point and the accomplishment of such in a challenging environment void of Internet presence will be one of the most orchestrating factors for the success of Carry Protocol. Partnering with spoqa will result in a mechanical advantage of her merchant and consumer base to push Carry protocol into the market.
The incorporation of several other and various partners by Carry, as well as the offering of prizes for effective and prospectful contributions to her development in earlier stages, to include Spoqa, will in fact culminate in a progressive and interconnected environment for merchants and consumers amidst several others.

When a purchase is done in a store, a customer can choose to pay with either fiat or cryptocurrency (i.e the carry protocol token known as CRE). The transaction requires the use of a device (tablets or phones) or POS enabled with carry protocol. Carry protocol sends the details of this transaction to the Blockchain network (with the consent of the customer). There are several user benefit of using carry platform:
Every customer is given an incentive in form of a CRE token for uploading their data. Hence the use of data has been monetized.
Branded token (BT) is given as an incentive for the loyalty of customers. This token is used for advertisement based on the transaction data stored on Blockchain. This advertisement comes as an ad in his or her wallet. Customers have the sole right to either opt for or opt out of the ads. For every consent to use the ad, a customer is given CRE token along side the BT token.

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