Minds.com Preparing to NOT Be Deplatformed

Internet censorship is becoming a disturbing trend today. The latest victims are Infowars.com and Gab.com, both attacked by collusion between corporate media and the tech giants.




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Minds is... an interesting site. I joined it quite some time ago, but never really felt the collaborative nature that Steemit has. That said, they have a robust app, a growing community, and a decent community building function in their community groups.

I'm worried by some of the more... fringe... elements that post. They are allowed to post, and despite that I find some of the content absolutely reprehensible, I recognize the need for such speech to have a forum. For it is in this forum where it can be scrutinized, challenged, and debunked.

I just wish there were more reasonable, disagreeable discourse. I would rather have a disagreement with someone without the brigading and shouting and outright anger that we see in the public sphere right now. But that's a general wish and not specific to any one social media site.

I'm not banking on any one platform now after what happened to Gab and infowars.

I'm using all social media platforms, apart from facebook, and just posting similar subjects.

I'll then engage with the comments I feel are decent, and block the toxic people.

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