Don’t research crypto on your own, join us at cryptoowls based on steemit.

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


Fellow crypto enthousiast and investors.

Imagine all the thousands of people that google and do research every day to understand what is on the market.
Tons of brainpower and time being wasted to gather information about crypto and figure out data that has already been figured out by thousands of people who did similar studies as you are about to do.
I believe strongly that the steemit community has a lot of ‘crypto’ brainpower that can be utilized by forming a synergy.

sharing is caring
In short if you learned something new today about a crypto asset and kept it for yourself, no harm is done, but potential and efficiency was lost! For as someone else has learned something today, he/ she could have shared this with you and through discussion/ sharing of the data you would have now learned two things in the same timeframe and the other person as well. Now if this ball of datasharing keeps roling, you get an exponential wave of data that is being shared, which can be utilized.
Hugely powerful.

Building the big picture
I created crypto owls, to become a platform that focusses on bringing crypto enthousiast together, to rank crypto assets based on measurable properties. We are grading crypto assets based on their longterm investment potential.
By looking and checking the individual properties of a product and whether a crypto asset is future proof in terms of trust/ technology and it’s properties.

We need more brainpower
Due to the sheer amount of data being scattered around crypto asset websites, the difficult terminology, it can be dazzling to understand what it exactly is that a crypto asset is trying to do and what market it is aiming for.

Next to that, you might, after some proper lonewulf research figure out what a crypto asset stands for, however you probably only figured out 1 or 2 crypto assets in proper detail, or 3-5 in less detail.
How about the other 1500+ crypto currencies though, are you sure that you are betting on the best longterm horse without knowing what else is on the market.
I strongly believe very few people actually have a good understanding on what is truly on offer on the market.
Creating a big picture requires discussion, benchmarking and research, it requires a community that is focussed on figuring out the big picture based on facts avoiding assumptions.

I have now done research on my own for the first 8 crypto assets and wrote benchmarks about them. I have not been able to share discuss my research much, although I have a good idea what these 8 crypto’s are about.
This is valuable info I could share with you in the telegram, all I ask in return is that you join and subscribe to Crypto Owls and it would be cool if you join us in data collection, but that is entirely optional.

Crypto owls is still in beta, but already you could start your research and join the telegram to discuss your findings.
The bigger the community, the bigger the picture becomes.
You will become an expert in a shorter time than doing the research on your own! Best thing is it’s for free and could even earn you a reward.Most of all if you join now, you will be able to follow the growth of the platform and learn about all the crypto assets on the market whilst we slowly make our way through them.

Join me at:

Join the telegram

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63635.72
ETH 2597.20
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.91