There are 7 Billion learners out there.

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Open Source University Connects the Dots between them, Business & Academia. The original article is written by Christos Hatjoullis on LinkedIn

Lifelong Learners Learn for Life

I consider myself a Lifelong Learner & studied at several institutions across the arts from Dance & Drama to Art History, Photography, Media Studies, Visual Studies & Multimedia. Apart from the many modular, open transfer credits I accumulated, I have a B.A & a P.G.C (Post Graduate Certificate). If I added up all the other open transfer credits, I'd probably have almost two complete degrees.)

Where is all my Certification Stored, Logged and Officiated?

Nowhere. I don't even know where any of my certificates are. In a folder, somewhere on one of my many bookshelves, probably, hopefully. Imagine If I could organise all of these officially recognised qualifications in one accessible place with complete integrity, accountability and available for potential employers to search (at my discretion ?) If I really wanted to complete that long sought MA in screenwriting but couldn't do it any other way than as a correspondence course, how would I find & select the right course from among the many out there?

I am also an S.M.E Employer*

I run a business with very specialised skills requirements. When we employ a new member of staff they are usually graduates at minimum. It takes a further 1-2 years of in-house training for our designer / animators to become fully trained. It's difficult to find people with the right skills from institutions who provide the highest quality education and attract the best students. It can be costly & time consuming sourcing the right people. If I want to send my staff out for further training, where do I go ? How do I evaluate what and where is the best institution for my needs? It can become a resource intensive and expensive activity. SME's need to save as much expenditure as possible in all areas, to be profitable and competitive. Making the right choices can be the difference between success and failure. Recruitment is an expensive business. *S.M.E (Small to Medium Enterprise) is a business with fewer than 250 employees.

I started off in Recruitment

After finishing my studies, I applied to a recruitment agency for my first real job. They, instead made me an offer I couldn't refuse. A unique role and an impressive package. It turned out I was good at it. I had the knowledge to determine whether given candidates (who had often just graduated), had the right level of skills to work for the best of London's new media companies. The clients were desperate to secure the top web designers / developers, digital editors, and graphic designers, all tumbling out of Universities and Colleges with amazing new digital skill sets.

It was a costly and resource intense activities for the companies involved. The agency I worked for charged up to 20% of a years salary as a fee to find and recruit a member of staff. The clients relied solely on me to evaluate and verify candidates qualifications through stringent interview and testing.

Open Source University

After years of Research & Development, collaboration and recognition from Global tech partners including Hewlett Packard, Ernst & Young and Sony Global Education, Open Source University have come up with a cleverly thought out, first of its kind education solution. A BlockChain Distributed University composed of 3 interlocking smart contracts, providing huge value for the international business community, education institutions and of course, the 7 billion learners out there.

The distributed model, addresses the 3 common problems described above and does it with efficiency and complete security, along with smart admin, algorithmic targeting and low fees. Integrating 700 higher education institutions and 60 million massive open online course (MOOC) students begins a process unseen in education before. Tokenising the entire system using EDU tokens provides a secure liquidity for the network to operate fairly and equitably for all participants using each interlocking component of O.S.U. It's also a speculative coin investment with a high chance of a good R.O.I. As the project gathers pace, the coin value may increase significantly. Its scope is huge and so is its potential.

Smart Contract L2B

  • A BlockChain distributed database storing learner acquired skills. Matching algorithm connects businesses with the right candidates using big data in a cost effective, precise way.

Smart Contract L2A

  • Degree credits are safely stored on the BlockChain and course suggestion algorithms, based on current business needs allows learners to chart a dynamic and targeted learning path. It sounds like Star Trek Academy!

Smart Contract B2A

  • Businesses can access a next generation learning and development marketplace which is both rated and filtered by discipline, again stored on the BlockChain. Smart contracts handle payments, eliminating often costly third party administration commission, processing and fees.

Use Case for BlockChain

If there was ever a use case example for BlockChain technology which produces a win-win-win (or win3) solution, this is it. As the BlockChain Revolution takes hold, this is the kind of project which can encourage mainstream adoption by civil society. Its a positive use, constructive BlockChain project which may over time convince policymakers of BlockChain's true worth. Business & Academia already knows.

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