Ruby-x Revolution

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


It is estimated that there are more than 1500 in existence and that the cryptocurrency market capitalization grew exponentially in 2017 .
The ever continuous expansion of cryptocurrencies in recent times can be attributed to the massive investment interest from companies businesses and government/ corporate bodies etc.

However cryptocurrency has not been fully adopted by the people ,this can be attributed to some factors impeding its widespread adoption. One of the problems is that there are only but few exchanges available where these cryptocurrencies can be exchanged and traded.
Some of these exchanges are functioning below par considering the challenges being faced by investors/traders on these exchanges. some of this challenges are:

insecurity of assets liquidity

High tading fees

Safety of assets and wallets

Lack of sufficient fiat currency insufficient trading pairs.

some of these exchanges do not provide sufficient trading coin information that can help investors reach an informed decision as regard their investments.
Lack of a user friendly interface as a result investors/traders spend a considerable amount of time trying to conclude one trade or the other.

It is a fact that most of these exchanges only care about their pockets so they seem to careless about the security of users data and digital assets on their platform. New investors/ traders keep loosing money to trading because they lack the basic technical knowledge about cryptocurrencies this has necessitated the need for a cryptocurrency exchange platform that can help in mitigating these challenges with a view to increasing user experience while supporting the mass adoption of crytocurrency.
Introducing ruby-x , rubyx is not only a cryptocurrency exchange for digital assets but also exchange for funds information and technology.


Ruby-x has 3 core features of transparency extensible and unbreakable. Ruby-x would provide a platform that will facilitate the buying and selling of digital assets information and technology.

Transparency: ruby exchange shows its level of transparency by enabling a real-time transaction history so that every user in the exchange could see.

Its transparency can also be seen in the sharing of 40% of profit or 10% of revenue to the top 5000 token holders every quarter of each year.

In a way of rewarding passion, 5% of the profit will be held for users and for the future for risk management or margin trading platform development.

Extensible: ruby-x is not a still exchange like most exchanges out there, one of its core value is to evolve so its users can be better served in the best of the blockchain technology. Ruby-x exchanges not only cryptocurrencies but also fund information and technology. Its extensible can be seen in the following ways;

• Cryptocurrency and fund exchange platform.

• Various key currencies (BTC, ETH, USDT, RBY)

• Private Fund management Platform.

• Mobile APP & Widget support

• Cryptocurrency to cash, converting platform

• Multi-platform support

• Deep learning AI trading platform

• Information and technology can be traded and exchanged

• ICO Platform

Unbreakable: ruby-x has plans to hold firm its user's passion, this can be achieved through;

• Use of Cold Wallet (adjustable ratio) Partnered with BitGo and Coldlar.

• The Most secured server by amazon web service AWS support

• Strong Core team

Ruby-x would enable access to the real time transaction histories like transaction fee buy orders filled orders..every aspect of transactions on the exchange will be transparent this will go a long way in building trust and increasing user experience.

Ruby-x would introduce trade pairs of various digital assets ..which i turn can ease up the stress ofhaving to convert to the mainstream cryptocurrencies like btc and etheruem before a user can transact businesses.

Ruby-x would make easy and seamless the liquidity of users digital assets through the mobile app feature.

It would ensure water tight security and protection of users funds by introducing a cold wallet that would be used in funds storage.

Rubyx seeks to provide a platform where start ups and icos can easily process and launch their icos without hassle compared to what obtains presently.

Users on the platform would be given discounted transaction fee of 50% the first year.

40% second year

30% third year

20% 4th year and

10% for the 5th year.

Ruby-x is aims to offer a fund managing service that can be of immense help to investors/ start ups. Etc
You can become a fund manager as well.

Ruby-X ecosystem
Ruby is the biggest exchange project; Ruby is aiming to build its own main net of POC (proof of contribution). The token of Ruby-x, RBY, is currently on ERC20, but after the main net launch in 2021, RBY will be used as RUBY main net’s currency to constitute the decentralized ecosystem.

The Key Currency of Ruby
RBY is one of the key currencies on Ruby-x.
On Ruby-x, RBY, BTC, ETH, USDT will be the key currencies.
Ruby token (RBY) can be traded with other key currencies (ETH and BTC) in Coin-to-Coin Exchange markets.

The main price for a rby is .50$ but you can purchase it at a give away price of 0.22$ if you key in and buy in the ico starting from 10th August 2018.



Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 67275.57
ETH 3480.50
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67