Gilgamesh Review — GIL ICO Social Knowledge-Sharing Network Platform?

in #blockchain6 years ago


Are you looking for the best investments? Sometimes it can very hard to decide how to invest well and, because of this, investors often make bad investments. To avoid making mistakes, you have to always be well informed about your options, especially when investing in ICOs.

To help in this difficult task, our blog reviews the best options that you have for ICOs. Today, we are going to review a company called Gilgamesh.

What Is Gilgamesh?
The Legend of Gilgamesh is the name of a Sumerian literature epic which is also the first literature piece ever published in History. Because of this, it is a work that marked an era. The Gilgamesh Platform also wants to mark an era with the changes that it will provide in the literature market.

What the Gilgamesh Platform intends to do is to connect writers with their readers and cut the middlemen: publishers. Publishers often take the biggest cut of the profits of selling literature books. What this company aims to do is to be a decentralized platform in which users, both writers and their readers, can interact without the need of publishers.

This way, Gilgamesh will be able to offer both readers and writers the best of the market without the need of intrusion by publishing companies.

How Does Gilgamesh Work?
Gilgamesh will work using an Ethereum-based blockchain system that will use smart contracts to make its users able to trade their cryptocurrency, GIL tokens. To access this platform, the users will have to use the Gilgamesh App.

The app will connect the users, writers and the service providers. The service users like editors and marketers will be able to personally contact the writers or their agents and trade personally with them, only paying a small percentage to the company.

The writers will pay GIL tokens to the Gilgamesh company for their services but will receive the support of eBook creation and distribution and their books will be sold. They will pay for the service instead of receiving a share of the profit like it usually happens in traditional publishing companies.

The traditional publishers do not offer a good feedback from the readers to the authors. The Gilgamesh platform will improve the communication between the readers and the writer, which will make them able to improve their work with the feedback they will receive from them.

Users can write reviews and be rewarded with GIL, so they will receive actual profit from giving their feedback for the authors. Every transaction inside the Gilgamesh platform will be made using their tokens, GIL.

How To Invest In Gilgamesh?
To invest in this company, you have to buy their GIL tokens. There is not yet a date set for the ICO, but it is expected to be happening soon, probably in the beginning of 2018.

To buy GIL tokens, you will have to use Ethereum, so if you only have cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, you will have to exchange them before the ICO happens. With 1 ETH you will be able to buy 10,000 GIL tokens.

It is important to notice that buying GIL is not the equivalent of buying a share in the profits of the company. You will be buying the tokens to use inside the platform and, if they rise in value after the launch, you can sell them, but that is it.

Gilgamesh Verdict
Should you invest in Gilgamesh? If you have interest in the literature market, yes. The company does not show any visible red flag and it looks like it will be an interesting investment. Because of this, if you feel like this company might have future, feel free to invest in it. There is not any sign of danger in doing so.

You have to aware that investing in GIL tokens is like buying a new altcoin and not a share, so you will have to sell these tokens if you want to make a real profit.

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