Benefits for Players and Providers

in #blockchain6 years ago

Get the edge you need to beat the odds

Ok, enough is enough. It’s the 21st Century and time for a shakeup of the status quo. It’s clearer than ever before that the odds are carefully stacked against you, but new innovations are finally providing the tools of revolution and rebalancing that will bring greater profit for all in prediction crypto networks.

Enter myEdge, a blockchain based revolution that will see entrenched prediction systems overthrown and replaced by a model that’s better for both players and providers.

Make returns great again

A few are wise to the gig while others are less so. The diversity and lack of mobility from provider to provider has been keeping players on an uneven field that have made returns fewer and further in between. myEdge offers a solution unique to the market by collecting and analyzing deals offered by providers from across the industry. As a player, you’ll get to see the best offers around, increasing your returns by as much as 25%.

But myEdge is more than a time-saver for finding the right deals for you. It’s an entire crypto ecosystem that allows mobility from provider to provider with a cheap and simple system of conversion between the tokens and currencies used on different platforms.

However, this revolution in prediction networks isn’t meant to overthrow the providers, only to change the rules of the game, and providers will benefit monetarily as well. After all, players getting better offers and higher returns are more likely to play more, increasing the flow of cryptocurrency all around.

The information revolution

Providers will also benefit from spending less on marketing. The rules of such a free and transparent market stipulate that a provider with the most beneficial offers for players will inevitably draw in more users. For players, myEdge technology makes the market more competitive while expanding providers’ reach and giving them access to highly-targeted users.

The process will be simplified for both players and providers by the use of a single, intermediate token and trustless smart contracts, increasing the speed and lowering the cost of transactions.

This all results in mobility, the same kind of mobility that computers gave to financial transactions and smartphones gave to communication. It’s the 21st Century for trading and prediction networks and the technology has finally caught up with the times.

Do you want to know more about myEdge? Great! visit our website or join our Telegram group.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 60855.42
ETH 3369.56
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50