Mycro | Whitepaper- did you know? | The Time VS. Money Problem

in #blockchain6 years ago

What's worth more; time or money?

You know more about Mycro now then when we first started this series. It’s all well and good understanding the token, the network and application but now, it’s time to learn about the primary tenant that guides Mycro every day, in everything that we do. Which do you care about more; your time or your money?

Age old resources

Money and time are both limited resources, people think both would make them happier but when it comes down to it, which would people prefer? Studies have shown that the majority of people would prefer to have more money. However, these studies also confirm that the majority believe more time is linked to a happier life. Mainly, having the ability to control both shows a vast increase in people’s happiness.

Realistically, these studies settle nothing and the time vs money question is age old. Both are considered a valid means of exchange; therefore, both are equally important but also impossible to have in similarly high amounts. High incomes mean a lack of free time and more free time often involves a chronic shortage of money. The more you invest in one, the less you have of the other, a constant and seemingly unsolvable dilemma.


Money is a simple requirement of life; it’s impossible to survive in our modern world without it. Those that are rich in time often find they lack the funds to enjoy this surplus truly. Leisure activities are rarely cheap and having free time to fret about money is not time well spent. A chronic lack of money is nothing short of depressing and indeed, most people would spend their free time searching for work to earn money. The simple matter is, if you asked people with a vast amount of free time, they would indicate that they are having financial trouble and require money.


Time, on the other hand, is a basic fact of life, it’s one of life's few true guarantees. In essence, time is the most valuable resource that we all possess. You cannot have life without time. It is truly unthinkable. The issue with time, however, is you cannot store it, once wasted, it is lost. Saving time is abstract, days have 24 hours, and this cannot be changed. Studies have shown that “time” is the most used noun within conversations, signifying just how important this is to human beings.

It's a common trope in tv shows, people who are successful in business rarely have time for their family. This often leads to fractures in their family life, while rich financially, they are poor in the sense of self-satisfaction.

Our modern world has made it easier to be comfortable with masking this imbalance. Food and taxis can be ordered quickly and require considerably less effort than completing these tasks ourselves. However, this does little fix the main drain on our time; work.

Providing balance

When I lack time to complete tasks around my home, how do I quickly make time available? When I cannot pay for days out, clothes or food, how does time help me when I have no money?

The answer is Mycro. Mycro is working to build a platform that will enable anyone, anywhere to quickly bring balance to their time and money. We will make it possible to use your surplus resource to procure more of what you need. Somewhere right now, someone needs your time, and you need their money. We will bridge the gap between these two parties and foster a happier life for both.

Mycro is working hard to show you exactly how we will be bridging this divide. To find out all you need to know and to become apart of a truly wonderful community, join us on the social media links below.

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