Mycro | Whitepaper- did you know? | A Mycro Business Model

in #blockchain6 years ago

With each passing article, you get a better understanding of the work that Mycro is putting in behind the scenes. We’ve come to this market equipped with everything we need to impact on the gig economy. Building our community is key, and we’ve ensured that we have a clear design for the business that will be backing you up.


Support, resources and marketing

The Mycro business model is designed to allow a seamless exchange of a valuable commodity between two parties, whether that be time or money. We will bring workers and job providers together and then provide relevant support to ensure a satisfactory conclusion to this relationship. The engagement and evaluation phases will take place digitally through our platform. The performance of the job will be face to face, but Mycro will still offer support to keep this part of the interaction seamless.

Your primary resource will be the Mycro app, decentrally organised by the Ethereum blockchain. Subject to regulation, the MYO token will allow payment for each job to be made automatically. This means that the jobber can be confident they will be paid and the job provider is confident they don’t lose money for an unsatisfactory piece of work. We will provide value to the platform by bringing in more workers and job providers. This will ensure that you have access to what you need from the platform, whether that be a job or a jobber.

All of this will be backed up by a vast team of industry experts who will ensure your experience is as seamless and as user-friendly as possible.

Marketing will take place via digital and traditional means. The digital marketing has already begun and is an integral part of introducing people to the platform initially. As the platform rolls out in a pilot city, we will shift some of our marketing power to more traditional, analogue methods. As we become established in our pilot city, this will effectively act as a marketing avenue in itself. As word of mouth spreads, this will push Mycro outside the boundaries of our pilot city, expanding our reach via natural, people driven growth.

Cost and revenue

Mycro’s two essential expenditures will be the team and marketing. Having the best back-end support staff will be vital when the platform first goes live. We have ensured that we will be able to attract the best talent in these areas to ensure your experience is the best it can be. As we increase staff payroll, we will also be aggressively expanding our marketing budget. This is to ensure that we are maximising our use of all marketing avenues to ensure that we can provide you with the jobs and workers that you want to engage with.

This level of cost will require a healthy revenue stream, which of course, we have already thought of. As stated in our previous did you know article, roughly 30% of the working population in most countries are part of the gig economy. Mycro will be collecting a 4% fee on each job and from even conservative projections, we should be able to capture 5% of the total market share by our third year. This means that Mycro will be able to break even in its third year.

This above model is based on Mycro working in Germany alone. Expanding beyond our German borders will allow us to engage with additional revenue streams. Assuming we can penetrate most of Europe, Asia/Pacific and North America and assuming a 5% market share, Mycro can expect to have an annual revenue exceeding 100 million Euros by our fifth year. This aggressive growth also means more choice for the people on our platform, whether you are looking to balance your money or your time.

Our community is key to us here at Mycro, and we want to ensure that we can support you every step of the way. As the platform goes live, Mycro and our community will have a reciprocal relationship, with us both supporting the other. It is critical to us that we have a plan set out to ensure we can assist you and we are confident that the above conveys this. Let us know what you think, would Mycro being live in a country encourage you to travel or indeed move there? Get involved at the social media links below and let us know!

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