Make it big: Mycro partnering with founders of world’s largest ridesharing platform

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Mycro is connecting people in a two-sided market: The job offering users and the jobbers. As we stated in our Whitepaper, we will put a massive effort into the market entry to successfully build the community. And we are even more proud to be backed by Carpooling – acquired by the world leading long-distance carpooling platform BlaBlaCar.

Dr. Michael Reinicke, Matthias Siedler and  Markus Barnikel, all three founders of Carpooling,  joined the Advisory board of Mycro.

Carpooling & Mycro: A great symbiosis

Carpooling scaled from a small startup to a community with 7 million members in 45  countries – several million people used the platform in 5,000 cities until the startup got successfully acquired and consolidated under BlaBlaCar. And Carpooling has many things in common with Mycro: They are connecting people with a specific purpose.  What is a car ride in Carpooling is a job in the mycro network. Mycro is benefiting immensely of the exposure Carpooling adds to the table with over 1 million daily users. On the one hand, you gain a new opportunity for travelling, on the other one you gain freedom of time and money – the principle is similar. 

Simply speaking, Michael, Matthias and Markus know how to make a peer-to-peer network huge.

Eisbach Partners

Michael, Markus and Matthias soon decided to help other startups in the ecosystem to grow by forming Eisbach Partners. Having seen the process of founding a startup, they do not only know how to do it, but were able to grow a network of investors, startups and corporates which they can utilize now.

Michael knows how to bring great thoughts into practice: While being a senior research associate at the University of Bayreuth, he co-founded and worked there as the Chief Operating Officer.

Markus brings in a lot of experience in the corporate field: At Yahoo!, he progressed from Head of Product Marketing all the way up to Director of Global Sales at Yahoo! USA and eventually, Chief Sales Officer at Yahoo! Australia.

Matthias has been engaged in managing projects for over sixteen years. He started out working with Audi where he led both system planning and online marketing.

Undoubtedly, the Eisbach Team has a unique asset in the form of knowledge. While many people either know how to make a platform big or how to run a huge existing business, the Eisbach Team knows both: Founding their own startup as well as working in high positions in corporates, they are able to grow a platform and to lead it. Something that we, Mycro, value as a required skill.  

How the Eisbach Partners’ experience will help Mycro in its success

We are taking a different approach from most of the other ICOs and Blockchain platforms built: Instead of focusing on the technical development of the network, we are tackling marketing challenges from the very first beginning. And we are aware of how much effort it really takes to grow a two-sided market. We will start with a city-by-city approach, leading to a natural growth in the long-term. And Carpooling already walked that way to their 7 million members from an idea. They will help us in marketing activities to attract users, partners and customers. Michael, Matthias and Markus don’t just want to put a fancy picture on our advisory board. They will support mycro in the following regards:

  • (Strategic) Development of the application
  • Defining a growth strategy for the platform and a market entry strategy
  • Guideline the marketing for a peer to peer platform 
  • Solving the chicken and egg problem 
  • Outline future partner opportunities in the carpooling/carsharing industry and eventually be an additional distribution platform for mycro jobs.

Together, we want to make mycro to the world’s leading platform for simple jobs. Mycro will bring the society one step closer to having freedom by interacting more closely with each other by avoiding the value-consuming intervention of a third-party. The same way Carpool was and BlaBlaCar is giving people flexibility of travelling, cheaper prices and the opportunity to share economical and ecological resources, Mycro will give people the flexibility between time and money and the opportunity to interact in a community where everybody benefits of.

To find out more about Mycro, the team and how the project is progressing, follow us on the social media links below and sign up for the newsletter on our website. 

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