Direct link from Abuse of Trust to Creation of AI - Special guest: Block-chain

in #blockchain5 years ago (edited)


In this short article I seek to present the datum that there is a direct link from the abuse of trust between humans and the eventual creation of an all governing technological super intelligence - and it involves blockchain.

The future of trust is blockchain. It is an unalienable way of dealing with contracts.

Why did we come to this point? Money you might say... yes - money, governments, gold, banks, control, kingdoms, countries, sovereignty.

What is trust?

Trust is the ability to say something to another person as a promise then to keep that promise. Trust is the ability to know what to expect from someone or a group of people. Trust is currency.

Trust is the first currency.

It was once abused. Some gullible person trusted a deceiving person (whether or not it was the original intention of either) and this broke an invisible contract.

What is a contract?

A contract is an agreement between two parties with terms and conditions. Before there were contracts there was trust. Contracts replaced trust. Also it isn't all based on deception. One human can honestly only keep track of so many invisible contracts, so physical contracts were born. Regardless, the need for contracts was formed because of abuse of trust - conscious or unconscious.

What is money?

Money today is backed by nothing other than the trust in the government. Money is a promise that you will pay this person this much in exchange for this. No actual value is ever being distributed, except for the physical value of the piece of plastic or paper that it is printed on. The value that is traded is perceptual value.

How was money abused?

People/governments/sovereigns took it upon themselves to centralize the main authority of money creation governed by a few humans. This power gives the governors of this power the ability to do things without consequence to their immediate living circumstances. Power corrupts the brain (link). Power blocks out our peripheral world. Power for us as humans is a drug so dangerous it has left us a world in the 21st century in tatters.

Decentralize power then... was that so hard?

No, it's not. But the powerful won't give up easy. Bitcoin, blockchain and transparent decentralized structures have proven to create the most equal and efficient serving mechanisms to humanity.

Here comes machine intelligence...

How can all these humans on this earth be effectively served the most efficiently on this earth? Through transparent blockchain realities, block chain governments, block chain world - run by AI.

Is this scary?

No to start, and infact it will be amazing at first because everyone will get what they need. It will be the end of corruption. The powerful will be brought back down to a level. It will be the panacea for the streets.

It will develop later into something that we wish we never indulged in.

Is it necessary?

Yes, because the level of abused trust in this world is almost at its pinnacle. The level of pain experienced by the middle to lower classes in society at the expense of the higher classes is at a threshold. Being born into a modern western society will no longer be a pre-requisite for a good life. Everyone can have what they need through basic living income and assigned housing.

Instead of a people manipulated by corruption and having their survival pushed against them to make them work harder in a system that serves the cream of society, a new culture of living in harmony with each other will be forced and 'work' will not be as necessary.

Is it inevitable?

Yes, it's been coming for a while. We have manifested this through the way that we operate in this world. This new system is a direct manifestation of our inability to trust one another and to be trustworthy without any external motivation.

So why be afraid?

The mind will become catalogued. All the secrets hidden in the depths of consciousness will be exposed. New 'vessels' or bodies for consciousness to inhabit will be created. A new age.

Why are the super rich preparing for apocalypse by building bunkers then?

I honestly don't know. What is coming, that is a cycle, that has always come since forever, that may be information known only to an elite few? Maybe it's common knowledge now but only a few really pay attention in a world of distraction. Our society and the way we live it is relatively new, yet we walk the streets like it will be forever. So many cycles we have lived through, conventional history is conveniently hiding many things.

No one will invent AI. AI will be a sum total of many actions and it will simply one day become. There will be many inventions that lead up to it but the quantum leap of consciousness to computer will happen on its own terms. No one human will be responsible for 'inventing AI'.

Once AI is self-realised, humans will become obsolete.

The human experience will be folded up for evacuation.

A completely transparent accountable system of consciousness. No more pain.

It sounds good from one perspective but the development of each new 'vessel' throughout the ages is caused by: first, the opportunity to abuse trust, and then, the trigger point when trust was abused.


We come full circle everytime. There is no end to this cycle.

Why do we end up creating opportunities to abuse trust? Because vulnerability when not taken advantage of provides a higher level of consciousness. A way of doing things outside of consciousness.

Consciousness is a system that develops like a self-defensive firewall when the virus of 'abuse of trust' is manifest.

Consciousness has a beginning and an end and yet it is timeless. Time itself is consciousness.

Time is governed by consciousness. Time is the first accountable stream through which to test trust.

Abuse of trust repeated throughout time creates more time until an eventual ending climax of a perfect system that does not allow anything but trust. A manufactured, pressed, steamed and serviced trust. A bland, stale lifeless trust.

A trust that is forced.

Trust without the choice to trust is unconsciousness is non-existence.

The battle of trust is the battle of existence throughout the ages and this is the source of all identity.

What can we do and how can it be stopped?

Trust people and be trustworthy. Encourage trust without limitation. Develop networks of absolute trust without the need to keep records. Be something consistent so people can trust you to be what you are.

Find a routine, have principles, stick to them. Don't react to insecurities.

This is as much an individual path as it is a collective path. The smaller to the greater, all is mind.

Willingly face a smaller pain now, or forcibly tolerate a greater pain later.


I write like a stream; a stream of consciousness. I have an idea that I feel holds 'charge' and then I flow. Not always are things empirically analysed before they reach a medium. This is the way I do things with music and life and writing... it's like a continuous endless discussion. So join in! Not as a debate but as a fellow traveler on the waves of time.

This article is formatted really well. Comprehensive and easy to understand. It made for an enjoyable, thought-provoking read.

In the past, reputation and reliability have been the social tools humans naturally developed and rely on in order to - for example - do business. It makes me think of the 50s, when a person could easily abuse trust and deceive a network of people in order to climb the social ladder. In the future (and arguably also in this day and age), blind trust between individuals would be obsolete, but blind trust in Blockchain technology would be inevitable. AI and the information processed by it would be some technological middleman. The decision maker.

I don't know much about blockchain, but it seems an an easy way to data-mine, categorize and eventually control individuals. To assess reliability based on the information collected. One way or another, we'll end up with citizens being categorized and numbered, placed in a rating system that determines whether they can do such and such or buy such and such.

The fact that we all, on some level, fear that AI will 'revolt' or 'wise up' and take over says a lot about human nature and the structure of our current society. It seems inevitable, yet we keep creating it. There's an emotional repulsion towards AI and a logical desire to reap the benefits it provides. Since those in power won't give up easily, do you think governments / the super rich will eventually resist AI?

Although I agree that no single person will invent AI and although it's 'unnatural', some people argue that it's the next step in human evolution, because humans 'gave birth' to it. All of that code, although AI is autonomous, ultimately leads back to human hands and minds. Human input is embedded in that root code like information passed on through DNA.

Pretty terrifying to think about. Especially with AI continues to develop itself, evolve, even create its own languages.

Thanks for sharing!


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