FarmaTrust ICO - Can Blockchain Save Lives?

in #blockchain6 years ago


Can Blockchain Save Lives?

If you follow cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects, you're probably accustomed to world changing ideas that are in their infancy. However, one blockchain company is set out to not only change the scope of how the world works, but also to save lives! In the most industrialized nations throughout the world, we might not think too much about counterfeit drugs. We're likely aware that they exist but due to the method in which we acquire medicine we simply don't encounter the problem. However, worldwide there is a counterfeit drug crisis whether it applies to us or not. According to FarmaTrust, there are between 120,000 and 1,000,000 counterfeit drug related deaths each year. Many developing countries don't have the checks and balances in place to make sure their supply chains are filled with legitimate prescription drugs, which means there is room for substitutions and replacements that may look like the correct drug, but are in fact deadly. They could either be deadly outright because of bad ingredients, or they could simply not fix the issue they were marketed to resolve which could also result in death. This is a huge, real-world problem that needs fixing, but how?

Source: Pixabay

How FarmaTrust will combat counterfeit drugs

FarmaTrust is a blockchain company that is set to fix this issue. By implementing an easy to use immutable ledger in all parts of the supply chain, the end user can merely scan the drug and be notified if it is valid or not. This means that whether you get your medicine through a pharmacy filling a prescription, or if you're in a less structured system where you are needing to purchase from an individual, you can check to see if the drug is valid before making the purchase. FarmaTrust works using two different tokens, FTT and ZOI. FTT tokens are staked to get ZOI tokens, which are in turn assigned to tracking products. When those products have been delivered and consumed and no longer exist, the ZOI tokens are burned and the FTT tokens are returned. This allows a unique ID to be registered for each product in the market that can then be validated using the FarmaTrust application.

The scope of the problem is even bigger than the 120,000 to 1,000,000 deaths per year that were cited earlier, on many occasions, the false drugs that are distributed are non-lethal and meant to cure non-lethal ailments. In these cases, the end users may suffer additional pain or sickness before they get better. FarmaTrust's whitepaper cites a PWC report that shows up to 30% of drugs in circulation are fake and can contain ingredients such as rat poison, floor wax, and industrial chemicals. The ability to recognize and combat these counterfeit drugs is valuable to every party involved (except the criminals) but it is not the only benefit that FarmaTrust seeks to bring to the industry.

Source: Pixabay

How FarmaTrust will combat inefficient supply chains

In addition to benefiting developing countries and saving lives, FarmaTrust will also streamline supply chain management of medicines worldwide. This will save tons of money for all parties involved. They will tackle issues such as integration with existing supply chain management platforms, capability for smart contracts via the Ethereum network, encryption of data in-transit for security, automated compliance with government standards across the world, and artificial intelligence to optimize the supply chain. Imagine an international drug manufacturer that simply assigns unique serial numbers to each item it produces and logs them in their supply chain management system, stakes FTT tokens and assigns ZOI tokens to each item. Then, they ship out their products knowing that all regulatory compliance measures needed have been written into their smart contracts and the blockchain.

Source: FarmaTrust Whitepaper

They could do a couple things with the time and money they've saved using this method. They could sell their product at a lower price and become more competitive and gain ground in the market, or they could even decide to move those savings into more research and development for new cutting edge drugs that will change the world. Indeed, the capability to potentially save 120,000 to 1,000,000 lives is appealing, but what about the potential R&D improvements that could lead us to the drugs of the future that will prevent multiple-millions of deaths each year for things such as multiple forms of cancer, multiple sclerosis, alzheimers/dementia, and other afflictions that impact so many people in the world today.

Source: Pixabay

Investopedia claims that drug companies spend approximately 18% of their revenue on R&D currently. Some spend even more than this, R&D is one of the most expensive parts of drug companies. When you factor in the cost of R&D, equipment and materials for producing medicines, and the logistics behind managing the supply chain as well as compliance measures, it becomes more clear why as consumers we get stuck with such high bills for medicines. Cutting down on R&D means less life changing medicines going forward, cutting down on costs associated with equipment and materials could compromise the integrity of the end product, so the ability to cut costs of supply chain management could be a much bigger deal than you might realize. As a matter of fact, it's one of the few areas that can possibly be cut back on that doesn't negatively impact the end user assuming the changes maintain or surpass their efficiency standards, which FarmaTrust stands to do!


Blockchain companies are exciting, they set the framework to revolutionize many aspects of our lives. Generally speaking, they offer improved efficiency or security for everyday tasks. The other day, my wife mentioned that it would cost $5 to wire some money from our account for something and I found myself briefly outraged. I found myself legitimately irritated that I couldn't just send them Ripple. The way blockchain is going to impact our lives going forward is remarkable and it's already getting set in our psyche. What's rare in a blockchain company currently, is a real-world application that will save lives so directly. I expect to see FarmaTrust attract investors that are not only searching for a short term financial gain, but those who see a long term benefit to all of humanity. Keep an eye out for their ICO presale on June 1st of 2018.

Click here to view the @originalworks writing contest for FarmaTrust



Great post! I've read a fair few summisions to this contest now, so interesting to see everyones different take on this. Good luck! I think your chances are good.

Good review. Upvoted.
This is industry that I really understand but you wrote a really decent article. Good luck with contest.

I just gaved you my FB account in other comment. Hope to hear from you sometime :)

Cheers, Piotr

Thanks Piotr, I just finished replying to your FB comment on the other thread, I appreciate the support!

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Hey, second place, congratulations!

Thanks! I see you followed closely at 3rd, congrats to you as well!

Congrats! second place. Great work.


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