Crowd Machine - How Blockchain Technology Will Challenge Industry Giants

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Are Amazon, Microsoft, and Google Too Big to be Defeated?

Giant corporations such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google have become so massively ingrained into the technological backbone of the world that it sometimes seems like they're untouchable. They each offer many services, among them are cloud based application development and hosting services. It seems like just yesterday everything was moving into the cloud and these giants were in the forefront of this push. Right now, these services are very successful and would seem to be looking very promising. However, there could be trouble brewing that they may not be able to overcome. What could possibly be a threat to Amazon? Let's dive in and take a look!

Image Source: Pixabay

How Industry Goliath's Fall

In Clayton M. Christensen's 1997 book titled "the Innovators Dilemma - when new technologies cause great firms to fail" he discusses in great depth how time and again companies at the forefront of their respective fields have been usurped by disruptive technologies originating within much smaller organizations. The Harvard professor emphasizes how even the most formidable of organizations seem to exhibit certain vulnerabilities when it comes to these new innovations. One in particular that he discusses in his book is the value network of the organization as defined below.

"the context within which a firm identifies and responds to customers' needs, solves problems, procures input, reacts to competitors, and strives for profit"
- Clayton M. Christensen: Innovator's Dilemma

Although the value network helps businesses strive to best serve their customers and make excellent business decisions among their direct competitors, it can sometimes hinder the organizations visibility into up and coming solutions that may eventually become their replacement. So, all things equal, the value network is a valuable asset that shields an organization. In most scenarios it helps that company grow and prosper. The vulnerability it leaves is that of a complete structural or technological overhaul, which without outside forces acting upon it would be a colossal waste of time and resources being that at any given time an overhaul of this nature would be mostly speculative and unproven. They have investors to answer to and customers to keep happy already and that's where the focus has to be, otherwise direct competitors will overtake their market share. This vulnerability to structural overhaul in their respective space is easily looked over until such a disruptive innovation is introduced. What we normally find is that by the time the disruptive innovation is recognized and they start to combat it, others have a firm first mover advantage in that space and their fate is all but sealed.

"The reason is that good management itself was the root cause. Managers played the game the way it was supposed to be played. The very decision-making and resource-allocation processes that are key to the success of established companies are the very processes that reject disruptive technologies"
- Clayton M. Christensen: Innovator's Dilemma

Clayton explains in great length how innovations within the computer storage market led to the fall of many of the industry giants of their time. I recommend reading this book, as it goes into great depth as to who the industry leaders were throughout multiple phases of storage development from the first hard drives developed through more modern storage innovations. One of the things that made me gravitate towards this book was how relatable these concepts were to the blockchain technologies currently emerging. Then, one of the things that reminded me of this book later was reading through the Crowd Machine whitepaper. Here's why!

Crowd Machine

For those who are heavily into Crypto, they might see a path to disrupting competitors like Amazon and Microsoft just by hearing this: Dapps. Dapps, or decentralized applications, have been a massive driver in the cryptocurrency space that typically allow the storage of data for an application to reside within a blockchain protocol run by many machines across a peer-to-peer network. On platforms like Ethereum and Neo, many unique and promising projects have been created using blockchain technology. Many other Dapp protocols have been created or are being currently worked on and appear to be quite promising. Dapps by default propose a disruptive technology that could topple a giant like Amazon because they nullify the cloud based storage perks that have driven the latest developments by Amazon. Instead of requiring a centralized and expensive server based infrastructure, Dapps call upon machines all across the world that already are in existence and connected to the internet for storage solutions.

Image Source: Pixabay

Crowd Machine doesn't stop at handling storage needs for Dapps though, it has also taken extra steps to leverage the peer-to-peer structure already in place to improve performance via distribution of system resources throughout the entire network. A centralized competitor would have a large amount of resources available, but in the end of the day those resources are restricted to the number of servers they can maintain as an organization. You can see how this could pose scalability issues in a very app driven world. Where there are scalability issues, price issues are sure to follow. Crowd Machine is only limited by the number of machines on the internet, which in the context of applications that could be built in the real world might as well be infinite.

As if that's not enough, Crowd Machine also has another trick up it's sleeve that has disruptive technology potential. This is their user-friendly pattern based software development model. These patterns cascade down into activities, packages, and attributes that would normally have to be written out in long complex code. Crowd Machine allows non-programmers to generate code by starting on the pattern level, automatically generating the underlying code. This means that if you have a great Dapp idea that you want to pursue, but you don't know how to write in Solidity to create the Ethereum based application you envisioned, you can now model out your application without needing to be an expert programmer. Although the above example is using Ethereum, Crowd Machine describes itself as having agnostic support. This means developers will have the ability to use multiple Dapp protocols and even migrate between them if needed.

Image Source: Crowd Machine whitepaper


So, let's recap a bit here. Crowd Machine provides Decentralized Applications that utilize storage across a peer-to-peer network. Amazon and other competitors are centralized and must accommodate all the resource needs of their clients and maintain them. Crowd Machine also provides the ability to leverage other computer resources outside of just storage across it's network. The competition does not have the infrastructure to do this due to it's centralization of resources. Crowd Machine provides pattern based software development and support for multiple Dapp protocols. The competition does not have pattern based development and requires more in depth knowledge of programming to create apps. Put this all together and what you get is a quick, streamlined, and efficient method of producing and running applications in a way the competition cannot. A method that they estimate can improve the speed of getting your apps to the market 45x faster than using the competition. This sounds just like the examples in the book referenced earlier, the Innovator's Dilemma, where new organizations built something structurally superior to the industry leaders and took over. Look for Crowd Machine to repeat history and take over the app development market!

@originalworks contest link


You should have received many more upvotes for this great explanation on crowd machine. If this technology can be a direct competitor to ms, amazon and some of the other cloud computing giants then the future lools very bright.

Thanks @clearbluecrypto! I'm glad you liked the post, that space is huge, if these guys can be successful this project could really blow up!

First place! congrats! Hope to write something like this one day. Great post.

Thanks! I bet you can do it if you set your mind to it! Best of luck!

Simple and informative!

Awesome!....I should learn to write like this....awesome write sir!

Crowd machine will indeed land these big companies in the cloud computing and storage industry in an innovators dilemma.

Thanks @ced000, I appreciate the kind words. As usual, you put out a great piece on this project as well!

Congratulations on your first place win...Regards AverageOutsider

I've read few posts about Crowd Machine and yours surely is one of the better ones out there.

Im not sure if I understood it right. Correct me please if Im wrong.
Crowd Machine will provide developers with some sort of "templates" that can help create decentralized apps on blockchain?

Potential to use this tool in the future looks very promissing.

I know that you're taking part of @originalworks contest. Good luck to you :)

Obviously UPVOTED ! :)

Cheers, Piotr

Thanks Piotr! Based on my interpretation of the whitepaper, the end result they're going for does encapsulate the ability for coders to produce sorts of templates that can be on the market for those looking for a quick easy development. The pattern based coding concept within isn't quite a full template as much as a set of coding components to achieve a specific end result, meaning in the context of outlining the entire code a user may use several patterns to accomplish their overall task (which possibly could later in the timeline be sold as a more complete template). Hope that helps!

Hi there. Good morning and thank you for your kind reply

My excitement about Crowd Machine is growing steadily for past few days. More I learn more I like this project. This is one of very few ICO's that seem to really serve some purpose.

Would you perhaps know when another beta testing version will be available? And could you please see if you're capable of adding your email to Crowd Machine subscribtion list? I tried few times and I'm always receiving some errors.

Are you planning to write for @oryginalworks this weekend? If you do then I wish you good luck. You can always send me a link either to my email: [email protected] or write it in your comment/reply. I would love to read it and support you.

Have a great sunday :)

Cheers, Piotr

I'm not quite sure on the beta testing part, I'll try to take a look later. I am hoping to write for this weekends contest but my schedule is more dictated by my kids at this point in my life :) Lately I've been getting my entries finished close to the deadline! I take it you'll be writing? If so, best of luck!

hi @mjo

Thanks for your kind reply. I noticed that your kids allowed you to join contest. Great post about
Chimaera project. You're indeed excelent blogger.

I will not be joining contest anytime soon. im not native english speaker so building my own content is very hard. Plus Im a social media marketer so my goal is to get to know like-minded, valuable people that share similar passions. Just like you are.

Best of luck to you too

Also what would you say about following each other and trying to support each other too?
Perhaps you could drop me a short message at my email (previous post)
I would love to be able to keep in touch with you

Notification system here sucks. And lack of PM is disturbing

Followed! Have you looked into joining Discord? I know a lot of users substitute that in for their PM solution, that or steem-chat. I'm on both but I'm online on discord more often.

Thanks :)

Unfortunatelly I dont use Discord/whatsapp etc. Im more of an email guy. About 3 years ago I realized that I spent to much time online so I got rid of my cellphone. Now once I close my laptop - Im 100% offline. Amazing feeling :)

Would you mind sending me short email to [email protected]? I would love to be able to keep in touch and support each other on Steemit.
I wish there would be more advanced notification system developed by steemit.

No pressure of course :)

Cheers, Piotr

Resteemed too

Decent work. Congratulations!


Seems like you are a repository of "more than" adequate level of knowledge of many things. Congragulations!

Thanks! I wasn't sure if anybody would even notice my "about" entry on my profile so I got a good kick out of your reference to it here.

GZ on taking the gold. Well organized CM breifing.

Thanks! Congrats on silver, your post was very well written and researched!

This post has been submitted for the OriginalWorks Sponsored contest!
You can also follow @contestbot to be notified of future contests!

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