I prefer steemit to Facebook.

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Steemit is a blogging and social networking website on top of the Steem blockchain database. The Steem blockchain produces Steem and Steem Dollars which are tradeable tokens users obtain for posting, discovering, and commenting on interesting content.
More than thousands of social communities are in existence but steemit is an outstanding I've ever come across.
Why do I prefer steemit to Facebook in millions ways?
The most important thing that you can not overlook is reward, every single action or activity on steemit turns to cash. Is this not worth it to spend more than enough time on steemit?
My overall comment is satisfactory because I get exactly what I'm looking for.
I'm recommending this great community to all people nationwide.


I've been anti-Facebook for years now. I deactivated my acccount probably 5 years ago now. Blockchain social media services like Steemit/Busy/Dtube are clearly the future! Now it's up to us to spread the message, once people realize how long they've been taken for a ride by greedy corporations like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, they will not only be in an uproar they will leave these services for the blockchain in droves..

Can't wait for it.

Just like how social revenues is the future inside of social media right @nikommen! Some people don't want to accept that it's the truth and they want to live in their living under the rock moments! You get what I'm trying to say right?

I've watched very closely for the last 2-3 years during the election how people act and react to see-sawing changing times. Most are stubborn and refuse to change or evolve. Others freak out and go inwards. Others are problem solvers and want to leap into action, and sometimes that action is reckless or ill-thought out. I believe that's a major part of our human nature.

Those of us who have risen to a higher 'vibration' level through mindfulness and close observation can see these things with much more clarity than the rest of the human herd, so-to-speak. I know it sounds a bit woo-woo, but I believe it with all my heart. It's important to note that I believe everyone has this ability to raise their vibration level, it's not something that only "special" people can achieve.

We also have the existing power structure, which includes the mainstream media, which is on an anti-blockchain rampage to try and scare people away from doing their own research. Most people have been allowing the media to do their thinking for them! Thinking is too difficult when all you have time for is one or two shows when you get home from your dull thankless job, before you need to go to sleep and do it all again. This is a major factor here and it's really sad, but that just means that it's our job to be crypto-evangelists and spread the good message of human liberation and freedom. Let's do it!

Yes, you're right man.

That's because a lot of the sheeple are conditioned and they're stuck under a mind control because of the nonsense #MSM out there promoting #FakeNews! I don't support that nonsense @nikommen!
Their minds are stuck in an alpha state!

Same here, the community is much better + the money is good.

Exactly, I regret the time I've spent with other social communities.

In hindsight a part of me regrets all the time wasted on those platforms, but another part of me believe it helped build my character and was so important to get me to the point where I felt fed up enough to take back my own power. All of us are at different points on this spectrum. The human condition and duality plays into this idea. Times of struggle and pain will eventually compel us to act and lead others to times of prosperity and freedom. It's always a cycle though, and the creeping force of oppression will always march on. We just need to stay vigilant.

You're right, but many may still not be convinced

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