in #blockchain6 years ago


In the 20th century, I used to hear; if you want to be successful in anything you do in life, you must work harder because hard work is one of the criteria for success, but the question is; does success in our 21st depend on hardwork?

In this article, we will find out the answer to the above question and also enlighten us on what hardwork and network really entails, so endeavour to read to the end of the article as you will have one or two things to learn from here that will facilitate your success.

Before we proceed, I will have to give certain definition of terms, but the definition here might be a little bit different and deviating from the usual definition of hardwork and network base on the context and purpose of this discussion.


I will give different definitions to this for references.

(a) Hardwork to some perspectives can be defined as the application of physical strength and energy and the process of undergoing a straineous and difficult task/jobs which will affect and stress up the physical body.

     In other words

(b) Hardwork can also be regarded as the effort, wisdom, dedication, diligency, consistency and patience applied in a given task to achieve success.

Both definition are absolutely right but differs in perspectives.

If someone says:

That man is hardworking

From the above question, what comes into your mind?

It might possibly be that the man is absolutely using either or both the (a) and (b) definition of hardwork above.

But the question is; in this our 21st century, what exactly determine success, is it hardwork base on the definition (a) or definition (b) above or net-work?

The answer to this question will be given after the definition of our second terms of discussion; Network.


Just as the definition for hardwork, net-work also has several definitions, but based on the context of our discussion here, I will only give two different definition which will aid our discussion here.

(a) Net-work as we all know can be the coming together of different individuals from different angles pulling out their resources to work together for the aim of achieving a set goal.

   In other words

(b) Net-work according to the our context of discussion is the process of working in the net (internet) by engaging and transacting one business or the other through the use of a computer devices.

I know most of you by now must have gotten the glue of where we are heading to.

Now answering the question I asked above;

In this our 21st century, what exactly determine success, is it hardwork base on the definition (a) or definition (b) above or network?

Base on the present time we are now; the 21st century (#thedigitalage), success derives from the combination of both the (a) and (b) definition of both hardwork and net-work.

It is good to work hard for success, but it is better to work smart or net-work, the 21st century is the digital era whereby everything is done on the net with the use of computer devices and internet, many industries, companies and organisations are operating under the supervision of the internet and computer devices, robots and automated devices is now the order of the day, legitimate business opportunities are fulling everywhere on the nets, online investments and blockchain technologies is making many people billionares daily, mutual relationship and business engagements are being carried out successfully on the nets through the use of computer devices without any physical contacts, things are made easy day by day, then do you think they is a need to continue in hardwork according to the option (a) definition of hardwork?


 Well the choice is yours to make.

Do you have a business and your success rate is not tangible?

Why not try to upgrade by computerising packaging the information about your business on the net and experience a swift increase and success record?

Things are no longer the way it was anymore, now the ways to make money are changing, people are making legitimate and stable incomes online even at the comfort of their rooms, working hard according the option (a) definition of hardwork is no longer the best option, the trending ways to record success of many kinds are on the nets (internet), so do well to safe yourself the stress of hitting it harder and harder and adopt the current ways.

So work hard to make waves in the network (internet).

   Now you see 

Even by working on the net (internet) you also need to work hard (dedicated, persistence and consistence) not hardwork (straineous suffering).


Success of any kind doesn't depend on your effort nor strength, to be successful is by GOD's grace, but you must play your part and apply your wisdom.

I believe you have learnt something there, do well to drop your comments and views in the comment section.

Stop working hard in hardworks but stary working hard and smart in net-work (internet)



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