in #blockchain6 years ago

It is obvious that the long awaited age of machines is soon upon us and a perfect illustration is blockchain technology. Between 2017 and 2018 only, the technology gained quite the momentum. Its a certainly a sign that we're on course with the bespoke new era.

Well even today,the technology has helped a great deal. One of many remarkable use cases is that it provides a safe, secured decentralized data storage infrastructure that is difficult to tamper with and some of the popular beneficiaries in this regard are the health sector, computing sector amongst many others.
Notably, blockchain has been instrumental to the continued thrive of the computing industry in no small way. It has aided many big data technologies and cloud computing moguls to best serve their ever-increasing population of users and it is truly laudable.
But as earlier mentioned, we're fast approaching an age that will be digitally-driven for the most part, and its essential to start planning ahead, even if just for the intent of leaving a legacy for the coming generation.
As far as avid and inquisitive internet users go, the Internet of Things (IoT) is not a new concept, although till date, it's yet a futuristic subject. But its real and is part of the goodies that the new era is set to bring with it. The IoT is truly an interesting concept and has much to be desired of, but do we have the infrastructural data capacity to manage it?
Imagine a world where you can afford to leave your light bulb on when leaving home, because it will go off itself. How comforting
Imagine a world where your bed-side alarm wakes you in the morning and instantly communicates with your water heater in preparadness for your bathe. Simultaneously, bread is being toasted by your toasting machine so and your car outside is likewise warming up. Such comfort is absolutely unbeatable!
And this is what IoT is mostly about- the transfer of information between our everyday physical machines in a way that makes life easier.

It all sounds nice on paper but in fact, it requires large data infrastructures and obviously, the existing data technologies are not going to suffice.

Thankfully, MXC has taken it up as an onus to ensure that IoT see the light of day. The rest of this article is a concise review of MXC and how that it will revamp the world of IoT data


What is MXC?

MXC is an organisation that is focused on creating big data infrastructure to cater for IoTs through the powering of blockchain technology. It intends to do this by adoption of the uniquely designed MXProtocol.

MXProtocol Solution: Smart Bidding and Data Market

Its a novel protocol that attempts to facilitate an uninterrupted connection between our everyday physical machines like car, water heater, mobile phone, etc through use of low-cost, local, energy-conserving internet provider networks, that is otherwise tagged "convenient".
Smart bidding helps to ease data traffic by doing the network resource auction and so, the highest bidder receives the most resource.
The Data market protocol on the other hand, avails a pool for as many blockchains to purchase data from mxc.

Mxc is remarkably fast, about 5s transaction speed
Mxc supports inter-chain data
Mxc supports anti-collision
Finally, it targets a wide variety of machines.

Security and efficiency

In recent times, slow transactions and insecurity of stored data has grown from something that could easily be looked to a worrisome matter for many blockchain networks. Ethereum and Bitcoin, suffer the most, practically grinding the systems to a halt, leading to a situation that renders whole network defenseless as such, can be hacked or tampered with. MXProtocol will be run on a secure and efficient blockchain that can provide the devices with good connectivity.

The MXC-introduced LPWAN application requires further fragmented and discrete transactions for sensitive data and services in an IoT realm. That is why MXC continues to develop upon the permissionless blockchain, making MXProtocol more efficient and more suitable for the needs of LPWAN and IoT applications.


MXC's protocol is a potential game-changer in the sphere. If it leaves up to expectations, it will immensely contribute to the growth and evolution of the IoT data.

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For more information:
MXC Website
MXC Medium
MXC Telegram

Author: Michael Adesanya


The IoT market has been faced with alot of setbacks, which has led to its stunted growth in recent years. I'm super excited MXC will change everyting.
Really informative piece boss.

Truly MXC is a first of its kind.
Putting an end to the plaguing problem of IoT has been the clamour of the tech-inclined.

MXC holds prospects and we hope to see it go mainstream.

Nice write-up @michades97

Mxc is indeed a credit worthy project largely owing to the fact that it once again shows us how efficient IoT can be with proper backing. An unparalleled concept in my opinion.

I have been reading a lot about this IoT thingie and it's quite exciting especially when you look at how that it will ease the stress in our lives. Personally, I can't wait for that digital era you so much talked about here. MXC is truly innovative and I sincerely hope that all things being equal, they would outlive expectations.

Nice article. Insightful and amazing. MXC is a trailblazing innovation. Great work with the IOT stuff too.

MXC using blockchain technology is going to improve the way our appliances communicate

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