...of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Bitcoin and Roswell.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)


Bitcoin Yay!

Suddenly, everyone is talking on the streets and in the elevators and crowding in to this frenzy. It is the current investors' (gamblers) delight, whilst some are just spitting 'Bitcoins' from between their lips just to appear techy-clever. The old Ricky Nelson song "Fools Rush In" is playing in my head.

I have been following the Bitcoin story since 2013 and posted some articles on my blog. If my blog stats are anything to go by, nobody read. So much for Bitcoin then.

Now, if you've not heard of Bitcoin, you'd be looked upon as Jurassic. Still, not many really grasp what it is and I hear a lot of rubbish from a lot of people, including some serious investors.

When I first heard of Bitcoin, I was amazed not from the investment point, but the technology behind it which is Blockchain. Here, I thought was the very thing that could and would change the world, the enslaved world


Its the key to decentralization and its key feature is transparency. I wonder if that mean anything to anybody.


Centralization is the padlock of control - central government and central bank. In the colonial days, the power supplier in Malaysia then was the Central Electricity Board (CEB), which was later changed to TNB, but remain as the sole and central supplier.

Yes, I do see Blockchain as the disruptor to the controllers' centralization game of control. The awaken people are now given the hope of freedom. But, sadly to the sleepers who are mainly money-greedy, all they see and could see is the $ sign.

Okay, so let them be...to each his own

I am not anti-Bitcoin or cryptocurrency, nor am I Bitcoin-crazy. The speed of the rising price of Bitcoin made me ponder and question the factors to this extrodinaire phenomenon?

What's up doc?

Watch this:

I am one human be-ing who have learned to question everything and not take thing as it is. I posted earlier about Bitcoin being a fraud and it was with a question mark because I am questioning.

...of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Bitcoin and Roswell.

Now what's with this word "Roswell" doing in the title of this post?

Satoshi Nakamoto is attributed as the inventor of Blockchain and Bitcoin, right? Nobody believes that of course, and the big hunt for the real person/s are on as we speak. Perhaps they should put up a bounty (in Bitcoins). Sahil Gupta, a computer science student at Yale University and former intern at SpaceX, believes Satoshi is Elon Musk. Elon has sinced, humorously denied it.

If the AI/Blockchain Connection video above is true, then I think humans are in dire straits because we're, in fact nobody, nobody is prepared for the Singularity scenario to come too soon or worse its even already here.

Apparently AI is all around us now, and that a Blockchain for AI (like Sophia the robot) to congregate and communicate with each other is already in the making.

The video alluded that Blockchain is AI technology, created and written by itself. The whole Blockchain-Bitcoin thingy is simply one business agenda to take over the current (financial-commercial) system and replace it with the Blockchain system. And its all AI work. Now, that's jaw dropping if you get it.

Of course some people will thrash that kind of idea. Now this' where Roswell comes into the picture.

Roswell UFO incident

In mid-1947, a United States Army Air Forces balloon crashed at a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico.[1] Following wide initial interest in the crashed "flying disc", the US military stated that it was merely a conventional weather balloon.[2] Interest subsequently waned until the late 1970s, when ufologists began promoting a variety of increasingly elaborate conspiracy theories, claiming that one or more alien spacecraft had crash-landed, and that the extraterrestrial occupants had been recovered by the military, who then engaged in a cover-up. - Wiki

Are we using Alien Technology?

Are we using alien technology? Is it just me or is technology moving too quickly? Are we really that intelligent? The people in this forum suggest otherwise. j/k :smile: Seriously,when was the supposed Roswell alien ship incident again? 1947? Well, look at the world before and after that period. The transistor, rocket technology, even the upcoming solar sails. Hmmm, I wonder. Why is technology moving so quickly the past 50 years as compared to human technology in the previous centuries? What do you guys think?

Reverse-Engineering Roswell UFO Technology

Computer company chief Jack Shulman argues that the transistor could never have been invented so suddenly at AT&T in late 1947 without input from top secret Government projects, that some have identified to him as being from alien spacecraft.

The Original ACC (American Computer Company) Roswell 1947 Story

This is a story which, if true, could ultimately change the way you and I look at our Televisions, Radios, PCs, and other electronic equipment. If proven, it could lead to vast change in the modern world, change even beyond what modern technology has already done in this Century. In fact, if it turns out that Humanity is not alone in the Universe: that all by it self would force us to alter the way we look at Religion, Science, Politics and, even, Human Society.

What you are about to read is a remarkable story, as of yet unconfirmed.

What do you think?

YOU ARE ABOUT TO READ THE AMERICAN COMPUTER COMPANY STORY ABOUT THE ROSWELL INCIDENT ON JULY 7, 1947 and one person's story about an alleged transfer of Alien Technology to Bell Laboratories.

Is it too bizarre or flamboyant then to think that Blockchain-Bitcoin isn't Alien/AI technology?

What's more disconcerting is the agenda - the BUSINESS PLAN.

Putin: Who Controls AI “Will Be Ruler of the World”

AI alarmism took on a geopolitical cast today as Russian President Vladimir Putin asserted that whoever is first to build breakthrough artificial intelligence technology will have world domination.

Any wonder Elon Musk (who knows what we don't) is warning the world about AI/Robots?


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