Partnership Between Membrana and Zeus: A Dream Come True

in #blockchain6 years ago

Do you dare to dream far and big? When cryptocurrency market is growing exponentially; when crypto transactions are gaining the most profits; and when the investment in this project is deemed to be the most popular — there’s no reason why you don’t.

The creation of the partnership — which is going to be discussed today, embodies all your dreams and turns them into reality. The world’s first platform of trust management for digital assets — Membrana, and the world’s first hybrid trading platform — Zeus, have united to offer the market even more opportunities. So, what’s new from this partnership? Let’s take a look!

What do you know about Membrana? The Membrana platform intends to bring investors and traders together and conclude mutually beneficial, blockchain-protected contracts, for the trust management of cryptocurrencies. Membrana provides investors and traders a transparent, decentralized, and secure system, which controls the process of concluding and executing a contract, up to the point when revenue is gained by both parties.

To avoid risks for both investors and traders, and to make trust management transactions safer and more profitable, Membrana has developed a unique algorithm to solve the following problems:

- The need for involvement of an intermediate party, in order to guarantee the safety of funds and the fulfillment of contract terms

- Loss of control over invested fund (transfer of fund to a third party)

- Lack of trust between both parties

- Lack of opportunity to check the exact yield of a trader in the past

- Risk of violation of contractual terms

- Lack of a convenient tool for trading on different exchanges at the same time

Membrana has successfully solved the problem of distrust between the investor and the trader by providing a new and unique algorithm, to conclude a transaction on the blockchain. For the purpose of transferring an investor’s exchange account to a trader in the trust management, an API key provided by the exchange is used. The API key is not transferred to the trader, but stored in a secure database on the Membrana platform. The trader trades on an exchange via Membrana’s single trading terminal. The trader, therefore, does not have any access to the investor’s assets. All investors’ funds remain on their exchange accounts, and are not transferred to traders. Membrana also allows restrictions to be set at the contracting stage: stop loss, time period for trading with an API key, etc.

Moving on, what do you know about Zeus Exchange then? Zeus Exchange is a real-time hybrid trading platform for traditional financial markets and cryptocurrencies. Zeus Exchange aims to become a trading vehicle of choice for professional and non-professional investors around the globe focusing on building all the aspects of the proposed solution, from technology and infrastructure, to legal compliance and corporate structuring. Zeus will allow clients to invest in crypto assets and classic financial assets, both legally and transparently. The partnership of Membrana and Zeus aims to connect crypto economy to mainstream capital markets, through asset tokenization and integration with the banking system.

Zeus Exchange is addressing the following problems:

- Crypto is disconnected from the capital markets

- Lack of investment instruments and liquidity in crypto market

- Insufficient framework to trade arbitrage between the markets

- Insufficient legal framework for crypto investmentsIn that respect, Zeus Exchange intends to develop and deliver a hybrid financial platform to trade financial assets and crypto-assets, while staying fully compliant with applicable legal and regulatory requirements in the countries of market entry.

As a result, Zeus Exchange provides solutions by:

- Bridge the liquidity gap. Zeus Exchange connects crypto to global financial markets and provides a window of liquidity between the markets through the asset tokenization.

- Enable security and trust. Zeus Exchange is built on NEM technology, which is the world’s first Smart Asset blockchain. NEM technologies ensures proven assets emission, secured deposit and withdrawal of assets, trusted record-keeping and deals confirmation.

- Implement arbitrage. Zeus Exchange business and legal framework allow investors and crypto investors alike to trade arbitrage between exchanges.

- Start trading with just $100. New trading instruments, low fees and legal framework create a window of opportunity for retail investors.

How can this partnership benefit the world?Imagine the feeling of a man who is driving his new Ferrari. Now, imagine the thrilling sensation he’s getting from driving the Ferrari at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, while still feeling safe. So this is what this partnership is about — the perfect amalgam of the far-reaching possibilities and comfort from Zeus, and the indefeasible freedom and safety from Membrana.

We believe that this partnership is an absolutely great news for the crypto world! Are you with us?

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