Medipedia has been Selected in the Incubator Program from Incublock

in #blockchain6 years ago


Medipedia was recently selected as a member in the prestigious incubator program called “BlockBox” by Incublock, which is a South Korea based blockchain lab giving blockchain entrepreneurs and teams opportunities to grow with adequate resources and technologies in the field. Continue reading to find out more about Incublock’s BlockBox program and how it will benefit Medipedia in the long run.

What is Incublock?

Incublock is a South Korea based blockchain lab that is involved in the business of team building & matching, education & consulting, global expansion and technology development to support blockchain startups. In short, it helps new blockchain businesses to develop and grow. Incublock provides services to global blockchain companies and experts. Anyone can partner with Incublock to find blockchain developers, VCs, accelerators, conference organisers, government associates and marketing experts and blockchain leaders.

Incublock hosts weekly events showcasing new and emerging blockchain projects. Anyone can participate in these events and showcase their own crypto project. In addition, the company also regularly conducts Hackathon and other programs in order to create and maintain a motivation among the blockchain startups.

What is the BlockBox (Incubating) Program?

BlockBox is the incubator program hosted by Incublock with the purpose to nurture and support the new and existing blockchain teams to lead the blockchain industry. Through this program, Incublock will offer its educational experience, knowledge and investment to support and grow the blockchain teams that are working on innovative ideas and have the potential to lead the industry.

The BlockBox program assists new blockchain projects in multiple ways, such as mentorship, technical help and guidance, networking and contacts and more, with the aim to get them to succeed in the global commercial market. All teams participating in this incubator program will be provided with substantial opportunities related to development and growth of their project. In addition, the teams will also be provided free office spaces in Yeouido, Seoul for the project development period.

The aim of BlockBox incubator program is to provide a blockchain development ecosystem that can create social value by nurturing the emerging blockchain companies, talents and technologies. The BlockBox ecosystem has been established to introduce synergy by interaction and mutual cooperation.

How does Medipedia benefit from Incublock’s BlockBox program?

Medipedia will benefit from the BlockBox program in more than one ways. The program will give us various opportunities for the development and growth of our project. This includes technical and business guidance by international blockchain experts, mentorship assistance and networking opportunities with some of the major organisations in the domestic and international space.

Medipedia is a blockchain-powered healthcare ecosystem that provides transparent and honest medical assistance services to patients in foreign countries. While visiting a foreign country for health checkup or treatment, patients usually feel helpless as to where and how to find the right medical assistance. Medipedia provides that much-needed assistance while ensuring that patient get honest services from the best hospitals in an area. Medipedia uses the decentralization feature of the blockchain to provide a decentralized database of all the hospital and medical care providers so that the user can search and find the most reliable service and medical help.

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