Arcona Blurs The Line Between Reality And Fantasy (Full Project Analysis)

in #blockchain6 years ago


What is Arcona?

Arcona is building an augmented reality (AR) layer on top of Earth. This layer allows users to purchase, lease, and monetize digital land that is anchored to real-world locations.

The Arcona team has a proprietary technology for remotely mapping locations and allowing virtual content to be added from anywhere in the world. The AR layer is cross-platform compatible and will work with Microsoft hololens, can be integrated into Google ArCore, and should work with Apples secret AR project.

Arcona will consist of the AR Layer, a marketplace for land, and digital content created by 3rd party developers. The Arcona token is the internal currency of the ecosystem and token sale participation is required to take part in the initial land auctions.

Below is a T.E.C.T.U.S. analysis which provides an overview of the technology, economics, competition, team, the utility of the token, and social metrics of the project.

T.E.C.T.U.S. Analysis

Piligrim XXI, an augmented reality (AR) startup designing the blockchain-based platform Arcona, which allows users to deposit virtual objects anywhere in the world, has obtained a patent for its new algorithms. This solution will facilitate the creation of a universal AR layer called Digital Land. Arcona launches its ICO on April 15.

The patented algorithms will help Arcona create the world’s first digitized zones, which will appear next year in New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Beijing, Rome, Mexico City, St. Petersburg, Istanbul, and Barcelona. The goal is for an AR layer to cover the Earth’s surface by the end of 2019.

The main feature of Arcona is the augmented reality layer that will be created without the need for physical surveying. Using technology that Arcona's sister business Pilgrim XXI developed digital landowners will be able to build AR content in real-world locations without ever visiting them in real life.

The economics in Arcona are simple and combine both free market and auction houses. The initial land plots will be sold to token sale participants using an auction.

Land prices will start at 1 Arcona token for 1 m2 of land during the auctions. After the auction, the remaining land parcels will be sold using a price based on the previous auctions.

Auctions will also be used to hire developers, professionals, and content creators. In these instances, Arcona will provide a budget for a task and many different participants can take part in completing the task.

Competition.pngThe AR sector is growing quickly but there are no current projects that are actively selling Earth-based land on the augmented reality layer.

The closest competitor is Mossland which is very similar but has a much longer timeline, the initial land purchase occurs in the third quarter of 2019.

Decentraland is the project that Arcona is most often compared to but Decentraland is a virtual reality world with no ties to actual geographical locations. Decentraland requires users to use virtual reality hardware to enter the world.

AR has a huge advantage over VR because of the low entry cost but also because it allows advertisements to target individuals based on their location. Someone using Arcona near a restaurant might see a sign for that restaurant on the AR layer which provides them a discount.

Arcona is an offshoot of an existing business that has a proven track record in the augmented reality field. The firm, Pilgrim XXI, has completed over a dozen AR projects including eight theme parks in Europe and six apps.

Pilgrim XXI's previous projects have received over 60,000 visitors and have shown to effectively increase the amount of time visitors spend in the physical locations.

The prototype of the platform is already developed: Arcona recently patented state-of-the-art algorithms based on neural networks and AI. They allow for a much faster analysis of a huge amount of data and images to create the most accurate virtual impression of any physical environment.

The utility for the Arcona token is as an internal currency. Most importantly the token will be used to purchase and lease land. The token will be used in for a multitude of other purchases including custom content, server space, advertising campaigns, and entry fees.

Tokens will also be used as part of the incentive program to onboard consumers and partners and also as a reward for testing the product.

As mentioned earlier the main focus of the token is to purchase land. The initial land auction is available only to those who participated in the token sale. Other interested parties will have to wait approximately 3 months before being able to buy or lease land.

The Telegram group has over 15,000 members and has active moderation by Amazix. The Twitter account posts promotional items including land giveaways like the one below.

The Medium blog is extremely active with solid discussions on the team's philosophy, the future of AR, and general project updates.

The project does not have a high hype level, likely due to a long roadmap and ICO bear market. The team is attempting to counter this by having the initial land sales for token sale participants only.

How to Participate in Arcona

If you would like to buy land on the Arcona platform during a land auction you have to participate in the token sale. If you are interested in other uses of the Arcona Platform that require tokens they will be available for purchase on exchange at a later time

📅ICO Date: May 15, 2018.
📈Token Ticker: Arcona
💵Token Price: 0.0025 ETH per Arcona
Total Supply at TGE: 135 million Arcona
Hardcap: $25 million
Amount for Sale: 60%
Token Type: ERC20

Arcona || Whitepaper || Telegram || ANN Thread || Bounty

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_*This post contains a project overview not investment advice. As always do your own research before participating in a project of any fashion.


Well written write up . Thanks for posting and sharing this info..i'll take a closer look at this now after reading your article/...

Thanks for the comment. I find it interesting that blockchain tech is great for recording things like land ownership in both the real world and the digital one.

The project managed to score a nice sale to an institutional buyer in Dubai. Cities interested in capturing tourism will utilize unique channels like this.

I read about that giant Dubai purchase. I imagine they will attempt to purchase some of the world's most valuable tourist real estate into an AR wonderland for visitors. Of course they would monetize this and earn some money in the process.

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