Blockchain Technology Helps In More IoT Adoption

in #blockchain6 years ago

The IoT is developing at a rapid pace.

The internet has been the cause of great monetory developments all over the world. It has simplified the provision of ICT of a huge scale and the benefits of this is clearly seen in this modern era. However, this technology has advanced, so has the ideas behind the internet.

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The internet is no longer a medium for connecting only people; we are not seeing the evolution of a parallel connection for devices (things). IoT integrates smart devices and connects them to one network, making it possible for devices to utilize the same information and communication provisions that people have received from the internet. We’re entering an era where the internet is about to be a resource that is equally valuable for both things and people.

Both blockchain technology and IoT technologies require a labor force with very unique skillsets. There’s a limited number of labor qualified enough to handle the development of an application that leverages the benefits of the two technologies and this is a major limiting factor in terms of adoption .

Most businesses remain the major players in the IoT market because they have the resources to acquire all the qualified developers. This puts new businesses and new entrepreneurs at a huge disadvantage.

Making It Plain

The main goal of MXC is to create a blockchain focused on easing development of IoT utilization. While the blockchain technology accommodates all the value exchanges, security, and decentralization aspects that all technology tout, it makes a crucial effort to not give away ease of adoption. MXC is aimed on the mission of making IoT devices have an increased throughput and data transmission at a very low cost.

Instead of making a business solution, as is the case with the most of projects that aim to develop a blockchain technology for IoT, MXC aims to be the platform that utilize the latest trendy technologies and protocols to provide a worldscale scalable ecosystem. MXC will use the in-house MXProtocol to design a system that connect the various IoT devices and supports LPWAN technology.

MXC’s solution is the one that offer a better life for device sensor batteries. The project also understand that the existing IoT technology is expensive with data vendors issuing data at very costly prices. MXC intends to leverage the LPWAN to increase the data transaction reach by up to 20Km range

However, the unique aspect is that MXC levels the playing field and makes sure there’s an equal opportunity for everybody. Any new entrepreneur or start-up can easily acquire the knowledge needed to utilize the power of MXC or find a labor force that can utilize MXProtocol.

Outline: The future of integrating IoT and blockchain developments is here and the market is still in an early stage. MXC can play a crucial role in shaping out the future of IoT with a positive development: making sure opportunity is for everyone; making sure every bit of technology is used.

Note: This document with all the information in it is shared here to boost our knowledge of cryptocurrency , the original document can be found in Document Source


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