Reshaping worlds one layer at a time

in #blockchain6 years ago

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Staying relevant business-wise in the 21st-century market where every company hunts for a sliver of your attention is not an easy task. Keeping up with every new development and being able to deploy faster than the competition is what will make or break your business. If you are looking for a fresh start on a new medium AR might be the answer.

Pokemon Go gave us just a glimpse of what’s possible with this disruptive technology. Frankly, the possibilities are endless. Stacking a virtual augmented reality layer on top of the existing reality is no longer the domain of sci-fi flicks only. Pioneer companies within the branch like piligrimXXI ( have built entire theme parks with the help of AR. All you need is an AR ready device and could be transported to a whole new world that’s secluded to the normal eye!

Whether it’s historical events or entire theme parks or perhaps whole new experiences that were not able to be implemented in real life, with the help of AR technology they might be possible now.

Arcona the digital country!

With the experience and the accumulated know how the team from piligrimXXI wants to bring forth to the world the next iteration of their AR vision. A digital land with AR technology at its core where users will be able to lend or buy or perhaps own digital plots of land and customize them to their liking. This could appeal to individuals or businesses alike. Banking on the success of Pokemon Go you might come up with the next cool game idea in AR, people are more than eager to find out the next step, and since Niantic did not take the game to the next level, this might be the perfect time for another bright idea to shine.

From a business point of view, a really cool new marketing idea could be implemented using these digital lands as the usual outlets where people see ads are already oversaturated and dull. Such an opportunity might be the next boost your company needs to get to that next level!

Such a complex ecosystem could not be possible without the help of blockchain technology. Arcona Digital Lands will be available for purchase with a unique Arcona token. The underlying technology of the token is the ERC20 infrastructure, based on the Ethereum blockchain that means that smart contracts will also come into play. This will most likely incentivize individuals to create healthy businesses based on these digital lands as the blockchain technology used is virtually unhackable.

The Arcona ecosystem ( will become commercially viable through a central marketplace where people will be able to:

  • Sell and lend digital land
  • Buy and sell digital assets
  • Provide AR related services

As we are currently witnessing the maturing process of these two promising technologies, we are also eager to see what the future will bring to the pioneers that thought and put these grandiose ideas to work!

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