DAV Network: Building The Internet Of Transportation

in #blockchain6 years ago

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Noam Copel is not a man who likes to expect for solutions to come along by themselves. As he watched technology evolve and take over tasks usually handled by men he was appalled at the number of functions offered by smart vehicles since some of them are even able to go on their own without the need of a driver.

With the facts in hand, he did his research on this growing trend and found that there is a booming “passenger economy” that is disrupting the traditional services of manned vehicles and the basic concept of vehicle ownership. The projections of Noam and his team is that by 2050 the passenger economy will have overtaken our society with the concept of “mobility-as-a-service” being the leading offering in a $7 trillion business marketplace.

Noam and his team are currently developing the world’s first platform that will take advantage of the exceeding resources of smart vehicles for transportation services using Blockchain Technology. The system works with a tokenized utility that will offer access to the first-ever network of independent vehicles with smart features such as cars, trucks, and drones (and eventually bikes, boats, and planes) to deliver anybody wherever they need to or to deliver a package wherever is needed.

Since they are the first ones to try such a venture, they want to get the word out on the concept of the Internet of Transportation. To get our heads around this new idea we need to understand from where it comes from, so let’s take a look at some basic concepts:

Internet: basic origin

The network of computers that originated the Internet as we know it was born out of the need of expanding the data concentrated on silos especially designed to collect information by companies such as AOL, Compuserve, and others. The first experiences with an open Internet where systems designed on brand new protocols at the time that completely redesigned the way to pack, address, transmit and route all the incoming and outgoing data. The move eliminated a need for licenses. It massively reduced the costs of operation and eliminated the concept of a central authority to handle the access to the internet. While this proved costly for some companies, it was an actual improvement for some entrepreneurs that lead the market with their presence these days.

On-Line Transportation Services

The current state of developments has internet-related services of transportation working with the old model, with secluded silos for their data and non-inclusive policies to avoid stepping on each other toes. Lyft and Uber are two of the main examples of leading companies working with autonomous transportation, but competing among themselves instead of looking for a unified solution to the multiple issues that plague both services.

DAV and the Internet of Transportation

DAV Network is choosing to do something different by laying the foundations for a brand new model of “transportation economy” based on an ongoing performance of third-party smart vehicles with shares of revenue based on the personal efforts of each participant as well as their capabilities to organize themselves under the proposed ecosystem. In the DAV platform, anyone can join to offer their services for transportation or to contract somebody to provide it for them.

DAV is building its system using open source coding with unified protocols that enable collaboration between users and networks on a larger scale. This ambitious move could very well change the face of transportation if it proves to be popular. To learn more about DAV’s concept for the Internet of Transportation, you can check https://dav.network/.


hope everyone will be like on this post.thank you.i'm your new follower.keep it up.go on.thank you

This post has received gratitude of 3.12% from @appreciator courtesy of @mathewtherry!

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