Finally, a Cryptocurrency Solution that Focuses on Merchants

in #blockchain6 years ago

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You don’t need to be an expert in communication or technology to see that over the last months, the buzzword of our generation has become decentralisation. This complex process, through which the activities of an organisation are delegated away from this central group of people (or location), is beginning to become more relevant in the society we live in. How so? More and more people have become aware of the mechanism authorities, institutions or companies try to spy on us, control us, and make profits by using our personal data or manipulating us. This is why we are so attracted to the idea of a decentralised market - a place where we can better interact to other peers, a state in which transactions are made quicker, in a more secure manner and without interferences from any third parties.

With the use of blockchain technologies, this process is now even easier than ever to implement. After all, this is one of the reasons why digital money has become so popular throughout the world.

PumaPay - one of the most comprehensive payment protocols of today

How is the financial and payment industry going to evolve in this regards, in the future? We might get an idea if we look at PumaPay - a revolutionary payment protocol that aims to disrupt the way merchants operate and collect money.

PumaPay offers an alternative for credit cards, banks and other financial institutions - its goal is to decentralize the entire payment processing layer. The PumaPay Pull Payment Protocol aims to bring crypto payments into our daily life - this might transform the way we pay for absolutely everything, from our grocery shopping to magazines subscriptions; for all these, the PMA token may be the solution.

PumaPay desires to forever change the payments industry - as more and more merchants will start to implement this Pull Payment Protocol. To do so, it offers a solution that brings together a few major features that businesses are searching for: on the one hand, the scalability and the flexibility currently provided by credit cards and on the other hand, the advantages offered by the blockchain technology. In doing so, PumaPay gives merchants the opportunity to do the transactions directly to customers, without the need to use any intermediaries and manages to decentralize all the layers of current payment processing.

Did you know that there is 500 billion US dollars worth of cryptocurrencies worldwide? However, it is almost impossible to use this virtual money without relying on banks and credit cards. Were merchants able to gain access to these immense value? No, not until now. PumaPay will grant businesses access to these funds, through the use of a new token (PMA token).

To achieve rapid usage of the protocol and the PMA token, PumaPay is introducing a unique growth strategy - this manages to incentivise early adopters (who will implement this protocol as a means of payment. PumaPay is also creating PumaPay Pride - a directory of businesses that use the Pull Payment Protocol and actively encourage crypto holders to become their clients.

Got Questions?

To find out more about the PumaPay protocol and understand how this ICO will launch, you can check:

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