in #blockchain7 years ago

Blockchain is the key to saving them

As television, radio, billboard and print ads become less appealing to brands. Social media has emerged as a darling to advertisers because of its ability to seamlessly integrate into the user’s experience. Especially on social media networks where ads simply appear on the feed in form of posts and because they blend with the other posts users can easily engage with them because they are part of the experience.

Now ads are everywhere you go. Every website you visit you either see a banner ad or a pop up ad. As this happens more and more frequently people have started turning them off their mind which is bad news for advertisers.

Banner blindness.

Wikipedia defines it as a phenomenon in web usability where visitors to a website consciously ignore banner-like information. Also known as ‘ad blindness’ or banner noise).

While ignoring gets the job done with banner ads, newer and more sophisticated ad blocking software’s have been developed to deal with the issue of the most annoying ads – popups. Annoying little banners that literally pop up when you visit a website trying to promote a service or sell you a product.

According to Forrester, although companies are utilizing social media more than ever before 80% of the top 50 fortune 500 brands actively post to the biggest social platforms: Facebook, Instagram, twitter, Pinterest and YouTube. But even as more users join these apps, engagement with brands has decreased. Based on the same study by Forrester, the numbers are worrying. Last year posts on Instagram from brands only created interactions with 4.2% of their brands followers, so if a brand has 1 million followers, then only 42,000 people engaged with them, which is worrying. Other social media platforms haven’t fared any better. Pinterest is worse because interaction on that specific platform fell from 0.1% to 0.04%, Facebooks interaction rates however saw a minor boost from 0.07% to 0.2%. Which is still insignificant

Even Google, one of the biggest digital advertising company has started cracking down on ads. By trying to get rid of ads that users find ‘annoying’. Yes, that means no more pop-up ads, AutoPay video ads with sound or those large ads that stay fixed on your screen when you scroll down. Google has gone a step further by banning some apps from its play store that violate its ad policies.

Now you may be asking yourself, Why would a company that depends on ads as its biggest revenue source be trying to take down ads?

For the simple reason, of making its users happy. Not seeing ads makes users that much happier.

But have you ever wondered why people hate ads so much and is there something that can be done.
{stick around to the end to learn more about ads and blockchain thanks to CIBUS ad, an affiliate brand of CIBUS world, a blockchain start-up that’s launching it’s ICO soon)

Why do we hate ads?

It all comes down to 4 reasons.

1.People feel overwhelmed and interrupted by bad digital ads.
2.People don’t understand the psychology behind ads. People only buy when they have the need for a product and if the advertising company needs to actually sell it’s product it need only make their products affordable and accessible and let people find the company themselves.
3.79% of people hate retargeted ads because they feel like they’re activities are being tracked online.
4.Spam. People hate feeling spammed

Did you know that 99.7% of people that see an ad won’t even click on it? Yep! It’s that bad.

Can recent technologies like blockchain save ads from going extinct?

I am not really saying ads will go extinct in future. There might be some hope for ads. A few studies conducted suggest that people don’t really hate ads. They just hate bad ads.
Now the term ‘bad’ ads is subjective but i personally believe I’d appreciate being introduced to a new product through a truthful and funny ad.

Many people must think so too especially if you look at the number of views super bowl ads have on YouTube.

Ad logic.

Here’s how to go about it as an advertiser: If a customer walks into your shop and starts browsing through your products and ultimately picks up a pair of shoes, has a feel, tries them on even checks the price tag and puts them back on the rack. You could go ahead and tell them the shoes are on sale or bring another color of shoes from the store for them to check out, heck you could even tell them a cool story about the brand.

Following them around the store going “Did you forget those shoes?” “Are you sure you don’t want to take the shoes?” Even my 3-year-old brother will tell you there’s no chance you’ll ever see that customer again but this exactly how ads feel like.

Let’s talk about Blockchain.

Specifically, about CIBUS ad —

Cibus Networks is a blockchain tech ecosystem based on food and health supplements, founded to help trace the origin and fulfilment of products and maintain transparency between producers and consumers.

The cibus platform is enriched by the relevant modules that work together to ensure the platform runs smoothly.

These modules include:

  1. CIBUS Retail
  2. CIBUS Logistics
  3. CIBUS Ad
  4. CIBUS Affiliate
  5. CIBUS Social
  6. CIBUS Trace
  7. Cibus Escrow.

I’d like to draw your attention to number 3.

Cibus Ad.

Quoted from the company’s whitepaper document

CIBUS AD is a direct advertising and marketing platform that’s powered by data analytics and artificial intelligence. It facilitates direct marketing between different players in the food industry. Manufacturers, traders can list their products on the CIBUS website and have the option to purchase analytics like data on user demographics that can be used to create targeted marketing and promotional campaigns. Advertisements can be categorized as Basic or Advanced. Fees charged by CIBUS will depend on the ad customization.

What are the benefits of Serving Ads based off Blockchain platforms like CIBUS.

It’s all about the Decentralized nature of Blockchain.

20 years, companies Google, Uber, Twitter and Instagram didn’t even exist but now they’ve grown in behemoths with hundreds of millions of users. and there’s have been many debates surrounding how much freedom these technology companies should have.
Is it okay for them to be in control of all that data within your servers?
We’ve seen these companies piggy back off their users and earn millions of dollars in ad revenues by serving ads based on interests they believe their users will find useful and find useful.

Let’s not even get started on remarketed ads and why they suck.

One big disadvantage of centralized systems of data is having to deal with bots sending you fake traffic and clicks. Say you’re an online marketer with a budget of $20,000 you’d like to spend on ads, once you start reviewing your data you notice your ad got 100,000 views but in real sense maybe half those numbers were fake.

Ad Bots are often deployed, in thousands with one purpose, to mimic human behaviour so that impressions, clicks and engagement numbers aren’t suspicious. Artificial data for marketers is costly because of all the money lost.
According to juniper research $51 million of ad spend is wasted every day. All this is happening with no end in sight. Fraudulent advertising schemes are spreading like wildfire to mobile, web and social apps.

Advertising together with Blockchain technologies like CIBUS AD have the power to fix this global issue. Blockchain not only gives the power to users by allowing them to control what ads they see and control their bottom line – Blockchain’s decentralized nature means security is always at the forefront. With features like decentralized processing, unique algorithms, secure verification and incorruptible data storage. Artificial data for ads will be a thing of the past, mostly because one information is recorded within the system it cannot be corrupted. Blockchain will handle transactions and database entries in their original state. This is great for authenticity both for marketers, clients and other stakeholders.

Although different advertisers use different algorithms to deal with advertising on their platforms, Innovation in the ad industry has long been centered around automation of the buying process. You basically bid on a word or a phrase and pay for it when someone clicks on it or every time someone sees it.


Blockchain technology is like buying a custom Rolex watch and the piece can never be worked on or altered again. This form of decentralization is enough to prevent shady and malicious parties like hackers and criminals from ever manipulating your records. A decentralized system makes it impossible for bots to create and change identities and inflate views or clicks. Ad bots are getting more sophisticated making them much harder to detect. Through its parent platform, Cibus World, CIBUS AD hopes it will get more people to trust the food supply chain and see it as being transparent and reliable.

Cibus for the win.

Another fantastic way CIBUS world can help protect its users money (namely the food producers) is rewarding its white hat hackers and experts with its CIBUS tokens every time they identify bots and protect the system. They can in turn use the tokens to trade on the platform.

Buzzwords List.

Ad impressions – This is when an ad is fetched from its source, and is countable. Whether the ad is clicked is not taken into account. Each time an ad is fetched, it is counted as one impression. Because of the possibility of click fraud, robotic activities are filtered and excluded.
🔗 Read this link for more Information – https://en.m.wikipedia/wiki/Impression_(online_media)
Bots – Is a software application that runs automated tasks over the internet. Bots typically perform tasks that are simple and structurally repetitive, at a much higher rate than humans. The largest use of bots is in web crawling, whereby an automated script fetches, analyses and files information from web servers at superhuman speed.
🔗 Read this link for more Information – https://en.m.wikipedia/wiki/Internet_bot

Algorithm – A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations especially by a computer.
🔗 Read this link for more Information – https://en.m.wikipedia/wiki/Algorithm
Blockchain – Blockchain is a continuously growing list of records called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic just as the previous block, a timestamp and transaction data. A blockchain is designed to be resistant to modification of its data. It is thus basically an open distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way. Blockchain is managed by a peer to peer network collectively adhering to a protocol for validating new blocks. Once recorded the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks, which requires collusion of the network majority.”
🔗 Read this link for more Information – https://en.m.wikipedia/wiki/Blockchain

Cryptocurrency – Is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange. It uses cryptography to secure its transactions, to control the creation of additional units and to verify the transfer of assets. Cryptocurrency employs a decentralized control as opposed to the norm centralized banking systems. The decentralized control of each cryptocurrency works through a blockchain.
🔗 Read this link for more Information – https://en.m.wikipedia/wiki/Cryptocurrency

Quick Read Resources:
Cibus World is launching its ICO and token sale starting from 11:00 am (GMT) on Friday, March 10, 2018. Payment methods available include: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Dash coin type of cryptocurrencies.
Cibus Networks is offering free tokens on their referral program before and up to their ICO –
Signup airdrop – A signup gets you 2 cibus tokens.
Social involvement – Posts on social media platforms gets you 1 cibus token.
Purchasing 50+ cibus tokens in Pre-TGE gets you an extra 25 bonus cibus tokens free (for a limited time only).
Referral bonus (someone joining under you through your referral link)
5 referrals – 7 Cibus tokens
10 referrals – 15 Cibus tokens
15 referrals – 25 Cibus tokens
20 referrals – 40 Cibus tokens Please note that the Minimum Cibus tokens you can purchase is – 10

Drop by their website for more information – Cibus world or buy tokens using this link – buy tokens | Cibus world

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