Lisk Hub 0.5.0 — Delegate registration and more

in #blockchain6 years ago

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We are happy to announce the release of Lisk Hub 0.5.0. This release of our web and desktop app brings the following changes:

-Delegate registration
-New version release notes in the desktop app
-Simplified URL scheme

Delegate registration

Delegates are very important stakeholders in the Lisk network, as they operate the Lisk nodes and thus, secure the Lisk network. From this version on, you can become a delegate directly from the Delegates section in Lisk Hub. The registration costs 25 LSK and the end result is the same as the delegate registration in Lisk Nano, but there are several improvements. Firstly, the process is split into multiple steps (Choose, Authenticate, Confirm) to put focus on just one thing at a time. Secondly, we improved the “Choose” step to the give you real-time feedback about availability and validity of your preferred name.

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When the registration is complete, you can see your delegate name on the activity page of your account when you search for your Lisk ID. However, there is more information regarding delegates that we could be displaying in Hub and we plan to add this in upcoming releases.

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Simplified URL scheme

We put an effort into simplifying the URLs of most pages in Hub to be short, clean, and match the respective section. For example “Wallet” used to be and now it is We wanted to change this before we get out of the beta version, so that the URLs don’t change anymore later. This change also affects the Lisk launch protocol, (described in Lisk Hub 0.4.0 Blog post), however, we added a backward compatibility layer for widely used send and vote launch protocol, therefore the send and vote links described in the 0.4.0 blog post still work.

New version release notes

The desktop version of Hub on Windows and Mac notifies you whenever there is a new version available. We improved this notification to contain the full list of implemented enhancements, fixed bugs, and other changes. This is so you can immediately see what is updated in the new version, and even get to the respective issues on our Github with a more detailed description of each. Please note that even though we added this feature in the current 0.5.0 release, you won’t see it until the next release. This is because you first need to be on the version that knows how to display the release notes.

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You can access the web version of the Lisk Hub at To download the desktop app and keep an eye on the development of Lisk Hub in real-time, please follow Lisk Hub on GitHub.

About the Author:

Vít Stanislav is a frontend developer for Lisk at Lightcurve and the project lead of Lisk Hub. Previously, he was developing web-based tools for Red Hat. He has plenty of additional frontend experience from developing online learning systems as a member of Adaptive Learning research group at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. He is committed to making Lisk the blockchain technology with the best user experience.

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