ORVIUM: The decentralized scientific and research journal!!

in #blockchain6 years ago


Interstitium, heard the name before? I read about this in a famous science journal. It is a newly discovered organ in our body found as a lining between the organs. I was confused for a moment. Each day I read so many new research and surveys based on health and technology. And I can bet almost 80% of them to be fake or mere advertisements.

Similarly, Each year thousands of research papers and thesis are conducted, some as a part of study schedule while some are based on independent research. But only a few of them are apt and authentic. The scientific publishing industry is quite oligopolistic with 70% share under the top five firms. Scholars greatly get affected by the funding, approval and conducting of research and this as such can have an overall impact on the growth of new ideas and innovations in science.

Every industry comes with its own set of issues and here too the problems are serious and in need to be sorted. Let's have a quick bullet session of the nuances:

  • The cost of journals has been increasing at a far higher rate than CPI
  • Fear of ideas being stolen or risk of trying new things.
  • Lack of integration across organizations and disciplines
  • Forced copyright and licensing policies
  • Negligible recognition to scientific validators
  • Delays between publication and submission that leads to higher editing costs
  • Predatory practices by publishers
  • The triple loop issue: where publication houses take away the moolah while research and researchers are affected.

Orvium as open and transparent solution powered by Blockchain!

Embarking on a new journey, Orvium will offer a decentralized platform which will manage peer review of scholarly publications' lifecycles and the associated data in a simple yet transparent way.

It will use four core technologies namely; blockchain and smart contracts, decentralized storage, cloud computing, big data analytics and machine learning.

Through blockchain, a fully traceable, open and immutable record of publication can be maintained at a minimal cost. Automation will ease classification of content and the further review process and eliminate existing oligopoly and inefficiency in the system.

The Highlights:

  • The publication costs are not biased or affected by a single entity. The platform supports open infrastructure where the community determines and reviews the soundness of the research.
  • Multiple authors can research s single document as it is always available on the blockchain. Reviewing hence becomes a regulated, accountable and never-ending process.
  • The reviewers are recognized on one hand and paid in ORV, the platform's native token on the other hand.
  • Being always available for peer review and downloads, a research paper enjoys zero delays in publication. This opens up new doors for researchers and efficiency for the publishing world.
  • Traceability of each review, comment or correction, copyright or license changes provides authenticity. Hence, changing the notions of ownership, plagiarism and other such issues.
  • Duplication of submission of research papers will be extinct, while authors have full control over their papers through Manuscript versioning.
  • Orvium grants ownership rights to the authors and several layers of security to prevent any unauthorized activity related to sharing of research data and code.
  • The authors can customize copyrights and user licenses to suit the needs.
  • Decentralized journals that give equal voting rights and sets contribution limits to ensure democracy within the platform.
  • No enforced subscription model and ORCID as a unique registry for participating individuals and firms.
  • Gray literature aka journals, research papers, whitepapers annual reports etc.

The platform as such provides budding researchers an opportunity enhance science and contribute to the scientific community.

ORV and ICO details:

The Orvium platform is encapsulated around the ORV token that will be used for manuscript submission and versioning, scientific review, copyrights and licenses and other such processes on the platform.

It establishes a transparent and comprehensive business model based on fair cost, reward, and recognition, cost-effective and continuous evaluation.

The token will be ethereum based where 1 ORV=$0.10. The total number of tokens issued will be 379 million of which 60% of the tokens will be up for public sale. The hard cap is fixed at $20,000,000. Payments will be accepted in ETH and investors can get an early bonus of 10% from June to July 2018. The public sale will take place from July to August 2018.

Concluding Verdict:

The platform aims to build itself as a community that self-driven by for the love of science and research. Each party mutually coexisting with each other and rewarding in return for the services taken on the platform. Emancipation of Science and provision of an open transparent registry of researchers and a decentralized journal for research papers are its main aim. The token is a utility token with no ownership rights. Investors can earn from the tokens appreciation and through the early bird bonus. The users can earn tokens through participation on the platform. If successful, it will be haven and heaven for science and the scientist alike.

For more details visit:

Website: https://orvium.io/

ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3535259.0

Telegram: https://t.me/orvium

Blog By: Lanirm Knayam

BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1308391

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