NOIZ: Re-engineered Advertising network with advertising intelligence and blockchain!

in #blockchain6 years ago


With AI and bots almost trudging reality and authenticity, people now lead an almost dissatisfied and mistrustful life. I too had a bad experience with a comparatively new online shopping site. But before that the story behind the dupe. In search of a book, I had already thronged the markets several times, disappointed I searched online and was over enthused to find it available at a hefty discount of 46%. This story continued its run at several other sites and social media platforms, the same ad displaying itself imploring me to be taken into. I did buy the book. It reached home. Excited, I was reading the back cover to find the price lower than the discounted price. I had been duped of my money. Like me, so many online users are losing their trust in advertisements, their reachability, the likes they garner and the information they collect from their users without their consent. We don't know whether it is the bots or real humans.

As per an estimate, $19 billion is lost each year to fake views and impressions in the name of ad fraud. The Facebook debacle where consumer data was sold to several agencies to affect the elections had the users shaken from the reverie that the most popular of the platforms were safe. These large centralized agencies dictate the terms online, the need is for a platform that automates its processes through artificial intelligence, decentralizes through blockchain and brings in social impact on our lives. One such project is NOIZ, an advertising trifecta.

NOIZ is an ad network that secures and validates data using blockchain and artificial intelligence. Its community of advertisers, publishers, consumers and social impact organizations is the driving force in NOIZ's evolution.


The platform utilizes its already established strong industry relations in the advertising world. By utilizing the client lists of both HOTMOB and NDN group, two of its partner companies, it is already growing its community of brands. The main aim to rid the advertising world from the influence of advertisers, create a transparent environment and give the reins back to the consumers who are tired of seeing irrelevant ads.

It had experts coming from top agencies such as Dentsu and Ogilvy, with loads of experience. It aims to make the community in charge of the ecosystem to build a robust advertising model.

Salient Features:


NOIZ uses a cognitive bot named Nikola to initiate conversation dialogues within each ad. It is equipped with Natural language processing. The more users converse with Nikola, the more intelligent it becomes. It will incentivize consumers by encouraging them to engage with token rewards in return. It breaks down consumer response into several levels of intent.

Runtime execution monitoring helps in recognizing fraudulent activities or those initiated by bots.

Passive monitoring by random selection of wallets that will be investigated by bots for any pattern detection to prevent fraud.

Permissioned blockchain for the ad network such that data that is stored on the chain can be accessed by those identified on the blockchain.

Proof of Engagement concept to merge AI with the blockchain to prevent ad fraud.

How does it work?

Ads are distributed from advertisers to NOIZ publishers. Consumers engage with these ads in exchange for NOIZ tokens that can be redeemed. The tokens so obtained by publishers or advertisers are sent to social impact organizations. They can either be donated, redeemed or else invested further.



  • Privacy and freedom to share our data as per our choice
  • Accurate targeting from desired brands when the data is shared
  • White/black lists for advertisers and publishers based on consensus
  • Ads based on true engagement with spam traffic filtered out
  • Transparent commission
  • Peer to peer marketplace
  • Accountability and social responsibility for advertising campaigns
  • Fight back against click fraud, prevent data leakage and bring transparency

NOIZ token and its ICO details:

NOIZ token will be an ERC20 compliant utility token on the platform. It will be used for transacting business on the platform, financing to help in the development of the ecosystem. The ICO will be held in the third quarter of 2018.


A total of 400 million NOIZ tokens will be issued out of which 45% will be up for sale in the ICO. 15% will go to the founding team, 20% for reserves, 10% for charitable foundations, 8% for advisors and 2% for community growth.

Concluding Verdict:

NOIZ is a noble approach to tackle the fast ruining advertising practices online. It takes care of all the deformities with a well-furnished ecosystem having several technologies to keep fraud at bay. The users can earn rewards by engaging in the ads they prefer. They can also earn from the bounty program. The authenticity of the platform will further accentuate their online experience. The investors do not get any ownership rights out of the tokens. They can either redeem the tokens, donate them or further invest them to earn profits.

For more details visit:




Blog By: Lanirm Knayam

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