The Blockchain Is The New Space Race

in #blockchain7 years ago

Space race refers to the rivalry that unfolded between the U.S and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. During this time there was a fierce competition for world domination and space became the final frontier. Whoever controlled the skies would win the war.

This lead to on of the most prosperous times for science. Both sides allocated immense resources in order to develop technologies that would allow them to have an edge over each other. It was during this time that the first satellite, the Soviet Sputnik, was launched while shortly afterwards the U.S visited the moon.

The war never really took place, and this was mainly due to the insubordination of one soldier situated in a nuclear submarine. He refused to push the button that would probably have marked the last war for humanity. Both sides stepped back and the rest is history. Computers evolved on an exponential rate and we are now living in one of the most technologically advanced time in human history.

In 2009 Bitcoin sparked another kind of space race, one that had to do with digital wealth transfer and network distribution based on public ledger. It was called the Blockchain and it is the reason why a decade later we are now floating on half a trillion market cap with more than 1000 coins, each one addressing a different problem.

It also seems that the Blockchain has not been widely adopted due to its complex nature. It has a steep learning curve and it requires a lot of hours to start getting the gist of it. For this reason, more and more coins are trying to become user friendly so that they will have an edge over the market. Cold War space race was about dominion and power. The Blockchain Race is about innovation, scalability, security and most importantly adaptability.

For this reason the market right now is highly irrational with projects popping up almost daily. If something does not work, then a fork occurs and another community takes over from the where the last project left off. The best an investor can do right now is spray and pray because fundamentals and technicals are bit jumbled up if one also considers the social media factor.

Much like any race, there are hidden dangers that could make things pretty ugly, pretty fast. Governments, much like with every other technology, will try to weaponize this innovation in an effort to keep an edge over the enemies. This time things could be different if the network effect could break the arbitrary and primitive human borders. Conflict will always exist as long as we are human but if we manage to network on the blockchain level then extent of the each clash's damage will be minimal. When centralised empires or countries clash the damage is far greater. In a decentralised world the damage is absorbed evenly from the entire system.

This Blockchain race is the 2.0 Internet we have all been waiting for. It is in this space that innovation comes from places one could have never suspected. Billions in valuations change hands in matters of hours in probably the smallest (yet emerging) financial sector in human history.

Humanity will have to eventually decide for itself. If Blockchains become the norm then we will see an entire planet being interconnected like never before. The entire shell of this pale blue dot will become a network of communication, interactions and development marking officially a new era for our species.


I feel like this blockchain business is going to cause many problems not for just people but everything possible . Electric currency is actually part of a part of the end of the world in the Quran

I think we are somewhere near to Qayamat

The Quran is not something to use to model the end of the world. If we are talking about AI, then probably that would be validated. To trust in something written 1000s of years by men who had limited knowledge of the world, isn't very wise.

The world isn't worse than it was 1000s of years ago. People have more knowledge and we are closing on the inequality gap. The blockchain can help make this possible.

I’ll keep my thoughts out of this , will cause too many issues

No, you are free to express your thoughts. I may come off too strongly sometimes so maybe it should be me to keep by thoughts out of this.

My point is: The blockchain really has the potential to create a better world for all of us. Though, it depends on the direction we go with it.

I am assure about block chain TECHNOLOGY but not for the crypto market. Every country is planning to surge cryptos.

this is true. I am sceptical as well for this

Nice piece.

I disagree that it's irrational for projects to pop up daily though. As crypto goes mainstream, I think the proliferation of tokens will increase right along with it.

Not all of the projects will have staying power, but they don't all have to. Middle schoolers might be issuing tokens to run for class president soon.

A good analogy, is now very aptly called the revocation of critocurrency. Changing the world without hurting, like the principle of aikido.

Nice post. rt'd 👏

I really like the dear information you offer in your article.

I've enjoyed your post, and had similar thoughts about blockchain. what we praise today might be our enslavement of tomorrow It's not blockchain or the technology I don't trust it's the 1% petrocrates that own this place so far, we can already see what they are doing with ripple.
I resteem this thank you

That is true I agree with the sentiment that cryptos for the average person will be like the space race during the cold war. But what about the space race today being like the space race back then. Great post, very thought provoking. I am also curious your thoughts on this post

Great article. I still don’t know enough about how the adoption of the block chain will pan out. As you say, it’s very complex.
I went off and looked at the nuclear story you mentioned. I had no idea we came so close!
Didn’t feel too reassured by it now either!

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