Spheroid Universe — the review of ICO and responses 

in #blockchain6 years ago

Spheroid Universe: become the virtual owner of land

The world of advertizing, sometimes, advances technological tendencies. And, sometimes, also moves progress. In this case the Spheroid Universe project – from such. Decentralized a blockchain platform, capable to change idea of advertizing and the modern world with use of augmented reality. Precisely a step to the "recovered" 3D world.

Virtual coordinates

Would you like that advertizing of your services emerged in the territory of New York, London, Tokyo, Berlin, Seoul, Beijing or Moscow? And who would refuse such prospects?! About what and the speech. No competent businessman would miss such opportunity "to flaunt" not only the magnificent platform for placement moreover and innovative approach to advertizing. 80% of advertizing efficiency consist in its emotional giving: the more emotions and feelings it causes, the "exhaust" force is higher. Partly, exactly on it the masterly project in the cryptoindustry – Spheroid Universe stakes. Why masterly? And differently you will also not call such approach: than reminds grandiose representation of the conjurer when the public stays in stunning delight from the done turn. Time – and new, magic, reality.

Here, by the way, too it is about new, digital, realities. Developers of the Spheroid Universe project all virtual Earth's surface broke into sectors, so-called, Space (y). Respectively, at Earth appeared, Novaya, so to speak, "free" Zemlya with which it is possible to do almost everything most too that the owner of land does: to sell, descend, allow to rent, place the or to sell under advertizing, to use in the form of payment something, etc. That is, in fact, perspicacious developers groped "pot of gold" of the modern world. Having analysed tendencies and work of aggressive IT corporations (Google, Apple, Sumsung, Facebook), came to a conclusion that mobile technologies already force out computers (in the world of 3,5 billion users mobile devices), the market of virtual games grows, there are virtual points – Google Glass, virtual helmets – respectively, it is necessary to create what will surpass a technological thought even of IT giant. So there were those well-known bright and unimaginable 3D models which decorated the Beijing Olympic Games, and which with admiration watched from the smartphones all "Olympic" audience.

To buy "scrap"

Generally, the Spheroid Universe project is already interesting to much: to both investors, and "land owners", and advertisers, and artists, and businessmen, judging by the bought and reserved space (ам) the virtual card of the project. And it just began. Developers operated with data of the market of outdoor advertizing з (and 2017) megalopolises of the world which makes $280 million a year in everyone. Potential of opportunities of this project is really big.

Developers are going to attract audience as well through creation of uniform social network. And with application of a geymization that much more will simplify relationship between the client and the buyer. So the ordinary guy from the provincial town can become the owner of a virtual ground in New York.

The currency

It is released tokens (SPH) of the Spheroid Universe project of only 10 billion. Cost fluctuates so far, but, on average, it will not be less, than 10SPH=1USD. Preseyl already passed. The following sale is necessary from September 29 to October 29, 2018. Respectively, the owner of internal currency becomes a part of community Spheroid Universe and can do with "earth" almost anything: "to draw" the Pokemon, to congratulate the friend, to lease, start advertizing on sports to stadium … Besides, it is always pleasant to become the owner of a ground. Let virtual, and nevertheless having the price and value. Great opportunities!

In a word, our world will stunningly change thanks to figure and augmented reality (augmented reality).

To learn about the Spheroid Universe project in more detail – here:

Website: www.spheroiduniverse.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/spheroid_io
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spheroiduniverse/
Telegram: https://t.me/spheroiduniverseio

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