Noiz chain- The Future of Advertising

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Noiz Chain Networks


NOIZ chain is a recently established advertisement network which has the capabilities of engaging users in a specialized targeted way generating a transparent platform to all users ensuring optimized user experience. The NOIZ chain’s aims and visions for the future are to eliminate ad network fraud and let the community have the advertising control by including social impact organizations in the process.

Why NOIZ Chain Networks

The NOIZ chain network team developed a platform that offers a transparent advertisement space that lets the consumers decide what of their private data to give to the ad network and is free from the influence of advertisers, publishers, and centralized ad exchange network that have in the past used consumer information in a malignant way.

The consumers are subjected to unpleasant experiences makes it necessary to have an ad network that addresses their worries and concerns. The consumers need to be empowered because they undergo the following:

 Risk of operating on an insecure ad network platform that leaves your sensitive information to be shared across the network. These ad exchange platforms go further to use the information to target the same consumers on different publisher sites without the permission of the original publisher nor the consumers. This is what is commonly known as ‘data leakage’ which has been a headache to the consumers.

 The consumers are subjected to irrelevant interactive ads that do not fit their requirement. An estimated 46% of consumers agree that the ads they view are repeatedly inappropriate.

 The current ad network exchange programs do not permit the consumers to provide feedback and vote against/for the advertisers and publishers they like or dislike.

Similarly, genuine advertisers need to be empowered as well. Currently, advertisers are:

 Skeptical about the data that is made available to them by publishers, that is if the data is provided because the internet technology is inflating those clicks and views on the publisher websites.

 Hypothetically banned from advertising on specific platforms since the centralized exchange programs have no resources to moderate ads based on specific industries.

 Not in control of the content that is published where bad editors/ publishers may destroy the reputation and the name of the advertisers

Just like advertisers and consumers, the publishers too need to be empowered. At the moment the publishers are:

 Being voted against by centralized ad exchange platforms if their audience members don’t meet the criteria of the ad exchange procedure of steps to be followed. This happens despite publishers with copied media and bogus content and false followers continue to prosper.

 Losing the interest and motivation of advertisers because most publishers are unable to deliver transparent, correct user data.

 Unwilling to share information with advertisers and ad exchanges because they are afraid that their information may be leaked.


Problems consumers face in the advertising industry

Many advertising network exchange platforms have been in the recent past noted to be exploiting consumer data for advertising purposes. Despite having options to quit on new platforms, consumers are compelled to take deliberate actions in their accounts in order to make corrections. A good number of consumers struggle to protect their privacy either because they not aware of it or because they may find it cumbersome moving through the process.
As a matter of fact, consumers are provided with limited or no access at all when it comes to providing feedback to the producers and the publishers. They cannot speak up against or vote for the advertisers or publishers they like or dislike. These leads to consumers constantly being unprotected from advertisers with poor business practices or advertisers who have malicious intentions.
At this era, advancements in technology constantly portray the hard tangible evidence tied around environmental damage and ethical business practices, governments, consumers and contributors are looking for co-operations and private business to create a stable and firm network that is transparent for all parties.
With ease-of-access to information by the establishment of the internet, and the subsequent rolling out of social media, social responsibility concerns are brought to light quickly and severely. In order for brands to accomplish much in this light, they are required to make sure that the public is thoroughly informed at all times and the best way to achieve these is through data
The NOIZ chain network’s team are certain that a win-win solution between consumers and brands is the best way to generate a robust advertising model for true engagement at this moment and in the future

Possible solutions through NOIZ chain

To begin with, the NOIZ chain network platform allows consumers to create consensus for or against advertisers that they like or dislike. These prevent low ranking advertisers from participating in the NOIZ network anymore.

Secondly, the NOIZ chain network provides a motivation technique to increase the customer engagement. It enables a dynamic conversation dialogue for the consumers to directly communicate with advertisers. These motivates customers in order to drive direct conversions or sales.

Additionally, the NOIZ chain network empowers advertisers to engage with CSR activities that creates accountability that was not present before to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities.

It also allows advertisers to honestly collect and share consumer data through a permission-based blockchain which enables consumers to determine which personal information to share with publishers.

Lastly, the NOIZ chain network facilitates a peer to peer ad network that enables advertisers know who they are working with. All necessary information is recorded over the block chain including publishing performance and level of fraud present throughout transactions.

Why I believe Noiz Chain Project will be successful

There are real hard tangible evidence that the consumers, advertisers, and publishers are faced with new challenges every day. The NOIZ chain network team is optimistic to provide solutions to these problems by combining Artificial Intelligence (AI) system with blockchain technology to create a Proof of Engagement concept to fight ad fraud. At the same time, they are creating an agreement based system that compels advertisers and publishers to be accountable for their actions and business practices. These will result in a whole new digital and exchange that will redefine the whole advertising network.

The NOIZ network platform plans to advance the ecosystem further by including social impact organizations in the token flow between advertisers, publishers and consumers in a move eyed at increasing commitment. With social impact becoming the main concern of many organizations around the world, The NOIZ chain network platform will aid drive the achievement of social responsibility campaigns.

The NOIZ chain network team of many advertising experts has the know-how of how to address these digital ad issues and has come up with new top ad agencies with many years of experience in the advertising industry.

Important Links:

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Blog by: Isaac Kimutai


Telegram: @Isaac_kimutai





Thank you buddy !

With blockchain being used for just about anything, it's nice to see something as large as advertising fraud is now being tackled.

Can not agree more Salman. Very true

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