
Yeah, me too @kenmelendez.

Things have been a bit hectic here and like you, I am trying to find ways to contribute to the Steem blockchain besides just writing posts.

I have been doing a lot of reflecting and have been contemplating deeply on my goal of preventing, reducing and eliminating suffering. I will write a post about it once I have organized and clarified it into an article.

Here is a diagram that I believe offers some insight into some of my goals & ideas:


I believe it is suffering that drives us to reach higher levels of existence but I think the suffering we experience is often masked in the lower levels of the heirarchy before it shows itself more clearly towards the top of the hierarchy.

Discovering reality as it is a.k.a. Trascendence, comes with the realization that Pleasure & Pain, otherwise known as suffering, doesn't exist outside of our own minds, thoughts and ideas.. or to word it another way, suffering doesn't exist outside of our "selves".

And discovering reality as it is with no suffering at all is something I want to share with you and @freedompoint. I practiced a great amount of faith for 16 years before experiencing Self-Realization and it was shortly after that, that I realized the extent of suffering we all experience and how much of it is unnecessary.

This is what I will be sharing and discussing in the future:

  1. Transcendence
  2. Enlightenment
  3. Self-Realization
  4. Faith
  5. Ignorance (the cause of all suffering)

Someday it would be good to have a deep discussion about this with you but I know it would have to be much later.. You've got some dancing to do first!! 😁👏🎉

Keep in mind, Chris... we attract what we focus on. Instead of focusing on reducing suffering, perhaps switch the focus to increasing joy and happiness. The law of attraction will always give us more of what we put our attention towards.

An easy example is getting in shape... a person could be overweight and keep thinking “Man, I just want to be less overweight. I’m not happy with how I look and feel and I want to stop being so overweight”.

Now, a different person is also overweight but says this... “I want to be healthy and fit, filling my body with nutritious food and having unstoppable energy every day.”

The outcome is the same, but the focus is different. One is disempowering, while the other is empowering. One is going to keep on attracting being overweight, while the other is going to attract health and fitness.

Posted using Partiko iOS


I think you accidentally wrote the phrase "the outcome is the same" when you meant to imply that our outcome in life depends on our attitudes and what we focus on.

But I tend to agree with your typo in that everyone's outcome in life tends to be the same.. we all have high moments in life and we all have low moments in life.. Low Moments are often proceeded by "High Moments" and High Moments are often followed by Low Moments.

I didn't discover this by having a poor attitude. I actually discovered this by mastering faith and the law of attraction to such an extent that I experienced peak experiences time and time again for over 16 years, but overall, everything got balanced out and all of the pleasurable experiences I had (related to philanthropy, marriage, family and success) were matched with an equal amount of hardship.

The ultimate gain was NOT in the experiences themselves or the accomplishments but the wisdom and knowledge I gained about life:

  1. Life is balanced and there is no way around it. We cannot attract more good experiences without attracting an equal amount of bad experiences and that is the nature of the mind AND the Law of Attraction.

BUT if you step outside of your mind and transcend thoughts, you'll discover that our ideas of good and bad only exist in the mind and that reality is perfect as it is. It's somewhat difficult to explain since it is not an experience in itself, it is not a thought or idea and probably shouldn't be described as good or bad but it is 100% suffering free, and is what Abraham Maslow came close to describing when he termed the phrase Self-Transcendance.

P.S. I don't think @freedompoint has discovered all of this in depth but he has looked into some of this. If @dtube makes their live video better, I would love to do a Live video with one of you and discuss the differences between the Law of Attraction (Faith) and Self-Transcendance.

P.P.S Thank you for taking time out of your active lifestyle to follow-up with me and for replying to my comment.

Your friend,
~ @chrisrice

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