Usechain- Identification brought into blockchain

in #blockchain6 years ago

Today I will talk on the project usechain.
Bitcoin today is the world's first experience in entering the Crypto-currency into circulation. With its inception, a new technological era began, in which the idea of decentralizing the crypto currency was actively supported, and it was possible to resolve various aspects related to the protection and broadcasting of assets.
Smart contracts developed by Etherium accelerated the potential for the use of crypto-currencies in practice.
But, despite such a powerful breakthrough in blockchain technology, many problems remain that prevent further technical development, widespread turnover and the withdrawal of financial assets abroad.

Among the serious problems are:
● Low bandwidth of current solutions and small scalability. So, the speed of options in the network - no more than 7 per second. Previously, there were generally 25, so there is progress on the background of the previous development, but it still does not meet the modern needs of users.
● All aspects related to confidentiality. Identify a specific person today is not so simple, so the blockchain is a breeding ground for illegal activities. Many fraudulents activities going on without the ability to identify such perpetrators.
● Certain technological difficulties: the eco-environment is difficult enough for non-specialists to understand.
All the above-mentioned nuances are significant barriers to the development of blockchain, which is why, despite the rise in the popularity of these technologies, they still do not have so many adherents.

According to experts, this current year will be a time of real breakthrough, and Usechain - a high-tech and comfortable project for consumers - will take a worthy place in this line.

Briefly about Usechain
This technology is an innovative detachment that is aimed at increasing the activity of the technology in everyday life and in work. This will be possible due to the presence of an effective, comfortable platform. Its functionality is based on identifying a person, by correlating the addresses of the wallet and the real person. Such an approach will ensure the application of the site in business projects, the provision of loans, insurance services, financial services, etc.
This is the first blockchain site, developed on the principle of mirror identity.

How the Project intends to operate
Composition and technical approaches are designed to meet the needs of a wide audience of users, and among these approaches are:

Multistage principle of identification
Its meaning is in determining the correspondence of the wallet address and the real identity of the person who owns it, and this correspondence is reflected on the site, and all personal information is kept safe.

Innovation agreement - RPOW
Randomized Proof of Work is built on the basis of current consensus schemes and accompanies most of the options every second while reducing power consumption and lowering the device's power standards (so, it will work out on the mobile phone as well). This guarantees security, high efficiency, low energy consumption.

This is a new stage in the development of blockchain-technologies. With it, you can confirm the options within the fragment to which the address is attached, and this speeds up the work of the entire system and keeps it invulnerable.

Virtual identification mechanism
This standard of smart contracts provides an opportunity to contact external applications and significantly expand the number of application schemes within the site.

Tolerance to network failures
When an ambiguous situation arises in a node, it is blockchain, after which the situation is analyzed, developing a specific solution.
Detailed information about the principles and advantages of the site can be found on the official website:

Scope of use
It has already been noted that Usechain is designed to identify the individual in a variety of areas, especially financial. That is why the most effective decisions of the ecology are suitable for:
● Payment systems and non-centralized applications;
● Programs based on the economic approach to collective consumption;
● Protected IoT strategies;
● Insurance services;
● Lending;
● Not centralized crypto-exchange exchanges, etc.

Development Staff
Henry CAO - Founder, CEO
Baohong SUN - Co-Founder, CSO
Shengli ZHANG - Research
Feng ZHANG - Financial Management Specialist;
Erik XU - COO
Amanda SHEN - CMO

There is reason to believe that in the current and next years these approaches will be fired that will prove to be in demand in practice. The ability to conduct up to a thousand transactions every second simply will not be in demand unless there is a specific practical direction. Usechain has everything to become an example of a product used in everyday life, despite strong competition with other programs.

Official website:
White paper:
Telegram group: -
Facebook: https: //www.facebook. com / UsechainFoundation


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