Behind this company and her ICO should observe.

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Quite to pray – time to work!

All of us have passed through it. As soon as there is some misfortune, news lines of social networks begin to dazzle with gruesome stories and photos, and we, unfortunately, can do nothing with it. Trying to calm conscience, we "send positive energy, thoughts and prayers" to the victims of these misfortunes, temporarily we change a photo of a profile and then we continue to go about the own business.


All these horrors which fall on us from media and social networks do us is more stale. We have so got used to sufferings, inequality and tragedies that already even we aren't realized as if it concerns us. And, unfortunately, because of such surplus of information we don't notice less global problems happening on our street and demanding our intervention – problems which, as individuals, we can easily solve. But instead of helping, we think that someone will be engaged in it another. For example, the government will help. Or non-governmental organization. Or charity foundation. But actually, we have no such number of the organizations to help all who need it.

Get acquainted, it is Lena Dzyuba. She is 6 years old, she is a disabled person and lives with the lonely mother in the multi-storey building in Belarus. Since recent time the elevator which Lena uses every day to rise to the apartment on the sixth floor, has broken, having made her already not easy life it is even heavier. The Belarusian laws allow citizens of the country to address the government with petitions, for the solution of these or those problems and questions. But in order that the petition has gained the necessary number of signatures, it is necessary to inform on a problem as the bigger number of people is possible and to get their support, and it is a difficult task and not from cheap. Mother of Lena is in a forceful mood, but she has not enough means to realize the petition. And without her the elevator won't begin to work.

Similar stories in the world a set. Unfortunately, any government is incapable to give to each citizen that help which he needs. Therefore such people as mother of Lena, hope for favor of several government officials who also suffer from a surplus of information and harden as well as we are svam. But now each of us, even you can help.

DAOACT is the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) created in order that such ordinary people, you, could help such needing people as Lena. Ethereum constructed on the blockchain, ACT gives the chance to mother of Lena to submit the checked offer for consideration to unlimited number of not indifferent people from around the world and to ask them about the help. Users of ACT thanks to vote can give the votes in favor of the most important problems. Their voices are supported with the financial means necessary for the solution of the voted questions. In the Case with Lena are money for drawing attention to her problem and creations of the petition to the government with a request to repair the elevator in her house.

Thanks to smart contracts of network Ethereum your means are in the safe place until the purpose of the made and voted offer isn't executed. Then these funds are transferred to Lena and her mother that those could influence repair of the idle elevator. ACT is not just crowdfunding platform, but the service allowing you to become the conscious citizen and to help persons in need as any government in the world isn't capable.

ACT allows you to do something bigger, than just to send positive energy, prayers and to temporarily change a photo in a profile. Thanks to ACT you will be able to draw public attention to uncountable problems which are simply ignored day by day and to carry out real positive changes in life of real people. Now to such people as Lena, it isn't necessary to depend on whims of the faceless government. Now Lena has you.

To be aware of life of the company, her ICO and to join service right after start, subscribe to a mailing group on to sayte.otremontirovat the elevator in her house.

Follow, Resteem and VOTE UP @keks blogger of and always I hope for your help.


Just saw the video on youtube -

When is the ICO date ?

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